Badges about your vote mattering.
Does it really?

Minority Rule In America

It is not difficult to examine the data about voter turnout in America. “The elections of 2018, 2020 and 2022 were three of the highest-turnout U.S. elections of their respective types in decades. About two-thirds (66%) of the voting-eligible population turned out for the 2020 presidential election – the highest rate for any national election since 1900. The 2018 election (49% turnout) had the highest rate for a midterm since 1914. Even the 2022 election’s turnout, with a slightly lower rate of 46%, exceeded that of all midterm elections since 1970.” (Note: the 2016 election is missing. Search engine returns often leave that year out.) That’s from the Pew Research Center. It’s right there on the internet for anyone to see. Such reports are not necessary for anyone who takes the time to ask enough of the right people if they vote or if they have ever voted.

In a nation that is supposed to have a “majority rule” government of the people the majority usually does not even bother to vote and never have. This is not something that can be attributed to some deficit or sloth of the voters. It is purely and simply the fact that the people do not believe anything can change the circumstances of their lives. They are a little right. It doesn’t matter which candidates are elected. Time has proven it since America was conceived. There are those who feed on the labors of the people and then there is the rest of the people, the ones who do the work and provide everything. We know this. We also know that the governments are the controls of the people who supply all anyone has.

When the people realized that someone who was not a politician was going to have a chance to win the presidency, more of them voted. Of course, that was what got Donald Trump elected. But nothing really changed. It’s all window dressing. Trump was so badly manipulated by his people and so badly treated by his opposition in politics he was not able to do much. Even if he had been given complete power, he would not have even threatened the hierarchy that dominates mankind the world over. The “haves and the have-nots” have been a fact of life as far back in time as can be determined at this time.

When the revolutionaries fought to create the USA, they wanted the people to run the new government, but they did not do anything to upset the hierarchy that relegates the majority to the bottom and minority to the top of the pyramid of access to the products of society, including power. Equality was sought only in relation to the power of the people to participate in the government. They had some inkling of mankind’s plight as evidenced by the references to the pursuit of happiness.

The vast majority of mankind lives in incessant stress and deprivation. The abundance brought about by the “revolutions” in industry, science, knowledge, and so on provided no method that could possibly cause an egalitarian access to the abundance those revolutions provided. Take a simple example. What would happen to civilization, even just in the USA, if everyone became billionaires, or even millionaires? The answer was made obvious in the things that led up to the Great Depression. Unemployment cannot be permitted to rise too highly. Someone has to do the labor or civilization will fail catastrophically. High unemployment cannot be permitted. The embedded powerful think the only way to get people to do the labor is by depriving enough people enough to force them to do the labor. My mother’s family remembered the Depression. I remember the storied they told. We know that the vote is only a waste of time as it regards improving the quality of life for the real contributors to the world’s abundance while ensuring a very high quality of life for a small percentage of mankind without requiring anything of them. We know that it doesn’t matter enough who wins the elections. Not nearly enough.

Sure! The power of the people could be deployed to bring about real changes. But even when we elected Donald Trump, we had to face the fact that the entrenched powerful would not permit any threats to the lifestyles they enjoy. We live in a world ruled by people who have no way to comprehend what it is like for the vast majority of the people. Many have never had a job and never been low on funds and wealth. Others have abandoned honor in favor of gaining access to the products of society. Still others have joined the governments hoping to do some good. It pays good, but it corrupts, too. Those who don’t corrupt face threats and death at the hands of the powerful and abandon the altruistic hopes. None upset the powers proportioned to the hierarchy that puts a very small minority at the top where they can even have power to rule the lives of the people anyway they want and live in what Jefferson called “splendor and idleness.” See:

There are many things that cause the majority of Americans to stay away from the voting polls. The things the candidates say and then do is one. It’s all lip service. Even the altruistic are only addressing the nuances of government rule. Evidently, they are not even thinking about how to ease the burdens of the majority. I am thankful for the people who are courageous enough to announce the “emperor has no clothes” and fight the corrupt in government, but I have not heard one word about lifting everyone to the highest level of lifestyle that is possible. Frankly, I think they don’t know how wonderful it could and should be. They are so conditioned they can’t rise above it. They accept things that have been drilled into them since birth. Just ask anyone if it is possible for everyone to have all they want all their lives. You will see what I mean. It is possible, though, and without far less effort than is being exerted now. But they can’t conceive it because their consciousness has been assaulted, mostly by people who don’t even know they are doing it, but also by some few who know it fully. Those few know how to get help from the rest. It must be understood that mankind is duped from birth. Many innocently call it “raising” their children and doing their best for them. But they don’t know what the “best” can be. “They know not what they do.” But they do the best they can. That does not equate to the best possible in this universe and any other dimension. “The best they can.” I love them. My heart breaks for them. It breaks for all that live.

I present here, in my first X article, that the entire history of Life has brought us to this moment and the next will be built upon it. It is a long history of great horror. But it is behind us. At this moment we have the opportunity to have world peace that is built on peace between individuals and an abundance with long lives of free time to do whatever we want. There is no means whereby the richest in the world can have that even for an instant right now. But they can join the rest of mankind to bring real changes built upon a foundation formed by love for one another. We have a chance now. The solar system has far more resources than we could possibly use. Energy is abundant and free. We need only tap gravity for it. The march of time has availed us of the ability to produce the material needs of far more people than now exist along with all their material dreams. Such provision will affect the other needs. There is more to life than material things. Controversies contesting that statement will vanish. There is something within all people that knows this on some level or dimension. What will the vote do to make any of it happen?

At best, if the people engage from a well-informed base operating wisely, the vote could do great things for Life. But the people who love the way things are contest it. They have vested interests and still don’t see the “road paved with gold” that leads to the “promise land.” They will. I think they will be some of the first to see it. Maybe some have already seen it. I don’t know. But if I can think of it, others have.

For now, it is imperative to see the elections for what they are. Minority rule. That’s it. If three people vote in the federal election this year, will the candidate that gets two of the votes be made president? Well, it’s almost that bad right now. Something like that passed for majority rule today. A minority votes. Of that minority the candidate who get the most votes get to deploy the military and control the nuclear arsenal in a nation supposedly of “majority rule.” There are simple solutions to these terrible problems. There are those who do not want the solution to come to pass. There are far more who cannot conceive the solution no matter how articulately presented or vividly shown. Free thinking is very difficult to rise to. But it is possible. It would be a “rebirth.”

I have so much to say I have to just stop at some point. Here it is. Thank you for your time.