Blog Articles

Climate Change Thoughts

The people who run the world via the monetary systems and the various religious systems are putting great effort into maintaining a fear tactic that ...

Badges about your vote mattering.

Voter Integrity

The work to ensure another illegal election is out in the open. They are not trying to hide it very much because they know they have the attention of ...


The Problem That Is God

Today is Sunday. Even after seventy years, I still feel like communing with God on this day a bit more than on other days. God is real. What are God' ...


Capitalists Join Communits

"The world may politically, as well as geographically, be divided into four parts, each having a distinct set of interests. Unhappily for the other t ...


Attaining Glory Upon Ruins

It took seventy years, but I am finally reading The Federalist. I finished Public Opinion by Lippmann, and it provided some valuable insights that ar ...


Shaped Like Clay

Yes, way too many. I wish the false reality was only that created by the media. The entire human race is living in la la land. The subconscious rules ...

Texans and the Deadly Cure

Texans and the Deadly Cure

Just one more day. Just one more day of the cure that is more deadly than the disease. Texans have been granted permission to stop being idiots. Do y ...

_Love (1)

The Right Love

Psychology! Everyone has one. Each is unique. It's like having a limp. If you ignore it, you might fall over. "Know thy self first." Sounds pretty go ...