For many centuries humans have been working in social organizations on this planet creating things that have been passed on to the succeeding generations. Cities abound. The rivers have been tamed. Roads lead everywhere. Need I continue? A lot of work has already been done. Humans have been very busy for a long time. We have many old societies and their work has been added to the inventory of mankind. Much has changed since the days of tribes.
The changes in the lives of humans over the past few hundred years or less brought about by such things as the industrial revolution and invention have caused society to strain at its confines. People are living longer and the planet is hosting near seven billion of us by now. The systems that got us where we find ourselves today cannot maintain the population; not because the planet cannot support us but because the systems that have us cannot. They are too inefficient.
Most of us have to work to live in society but the mechanizations of production have reduced the need for our labor while increasing the amount of production. There is more available now than at any known previous time. Abundance has come creeping into the pyramid, monetary, and class systems causing systems to falter.
In case you don’t know already, let me tell you. Abundance is bad for business. The value of something in the monetary system is determined by the demand compared to the supply. When many want something that is rare, it commands a higher price than those things that few want and are abundant. Diamonds are expensive because they are rare and many want them. It is not nearly as simple as I am putting it here, but the fact that abundance is bad for business is what needs to be shown—not the subtle aspects of commercialism in supply and demand. The profit to be earned with diamonds would fall precipitously if there were more of them. Scarcity is good for business.
The systems that control our lives depend on shortage of the things we want and need to get us to do what they want us to do. Starving masses will go to war. To feed your family, you will go to work at a job you hate for most of your lives. If food was plentiful and easily acquired, things would be different. Have you ever wondered why plants that produce food are not growing everywhere? If we wanted, we could have fruit trees and edible plants growing wild across the planet. But then, how could food be used to make money and to get people to do things? Such abundance is undesirable in the monetary system. So, we just accept the things we think we cannot change. Getting you to think you cannot change something is a good way to keep you in line.
To fight the advent of abundance, terrible things are in play. War does a lot to dispose of abundance, including an abundance of males. Waste works well, too. Inefficiency is wonderful. There are many such things. You can discover them for yourself, if you want. It is becoming harder and harder, though, to keep the lid on abundance. Robotics and mass production keep increasing it. Invention adds to the ease with which we create things. The ability of the systems to create jobs for the growing population is being diminished by the very things that are making abundance grow.
In a monetary system, jobs are essential. Too few jobs causes disaster. You know it as “unemployment.” Creating jobs is a highly publicized mission of government these days. We live in a world that requires that everyone works all their lives; for the most part. The only way to get the things we need is to buy them with money and the only way to get money is to work. The work can be operating a business or being employed by one. When too many people have no money, things start to get crazy. Those at the top know this and have been very ingenious in their ability to maintain a delicate balance.
Unfortunately there is another method of acquiring money, and it pays very well. Speculation. Money is used to earn more money. Now, I have to fight the urge to go into too much detail about this avenue to money. It is complicated and its effects on the lives of the people and the world are dramatic. There seems to be a glaring ignorance about the world of speculation and financial wizardry. One thing, though, is easily seen when your view is pointed toward it. That is the fact that those who make money by manipulating money are not contributing to society. They are taking without giving. In 2012 approximately 45 percent of the GDP was this sort of earnings.
I am aware of the convoluted reasons that some of you will give to support the sophistry that the money speculators are bringing something to society. To you, I say this: let’s all do it. Let’s all make our money by manipulating money. Let’s buy and sell debt to make money, for example. We will just teach everyone how to do it and pretty soon no one will have to work. Everyone will be happy. Right! Making money by manipulating money is pure theft made legal and acceptable. Wake up! When people get lots of money prices go up and when they are getting the money without producing anything, scarcity is maintained in a world where abundance is trying to occur naturally.
Furthermore, the outcry that comes from the statement above are further proof that the ability to reason has been murdered. People will say that the application of ones earnings to speculative ventures is the way things get done. Okay! I know how it works, so what else can you determine? Can’t you see that it will only work in the systems that have you trapped throughout your lives, that provide well for a few and terribly for the many, and that are propelling us to our own destruction? Can’t you see that such systems require poverty, wars, destruction, waste, crime, and discrimination? Religious conflicts serve such systems. Racism is good for those systems. Crime is great for the systems. I can go on and on.
You can make your money by managing money if you can and if you want to. I will not begrudge you for it. I will applaud you. I am happy for you. Just don’t try to tell me that it is going to create a world of peace and happiness for everyone. It will not be that way in the systems that make it possible for you to make money by managing money. Only a small percentage of us can acquire our money that way without bringing on the apocalypse and we are already dangerously close to that limit.
Our systems must not be allowed to collapse for there is too much destruction that will come from it. I am referring to manmade global disasters that will end Life on Earth. We must carefully change the systems without letting the complex systems that control thing go down in flames. The work has been going on so long, we have set the sword of Damocles over the head of Life itself.
Endless Labor
People work and work and work. They often hate what they have to do and it has been going on for hundreds of years in greater and greater proportions. Many have just resigned themselves to their tasks and work five days a week for forty years or more at tasks such as folding the laundry at a hospital or selling mattress at a retail store. The work has to continue. It is grinding away the surface of the planet and the spirit of the people. There is no end in sight as things are today, but for doom. We have got to change things! The work must be reduced while increasing our comfort, security, abundance, and quality of environment. Would that not be nice?
As it is now, there is no work security. Your job is not going to be safe, not ever. Even tenured professors will be out of work during a depression or a war. What is tenure then? A social status that is dependent upon horrible systems that must die.
Many have lost their jobs after decades of loyal service. Military people are walking the streets homeless and destitute. The systems that govern our lives are heartless. They care nothing for us. How wonderfully this must match up with some of the characteristics of some people! Do you think that there may be heartless criminal types at the top of the pyramids?
In the USA, where jobs are essential, the jobs are moving to other countries and the international corporations are lining themselves and things up for a global pyramid. Meanwhile, we in this country are finding it harder and harder to get work, especially good work for good pay, but the systems don’t care. It is likely seen as a good thing by beneficiaries of the pyramids and their plan for global government with international corporations in control.
Business is considered an excuse for inhuman behavior. “It’s just business. Nothing personal.” Such nonsense has become a commonly accepted axiom. Crime and heartlessness are but two of the innumerable problems inherent in the monetary system and the class systems where the lack of ethical, moral, and loving restraints secure the top positions and facilitate the paltry rises in both. Time has turned them into old dying monsters. There is not enough room here to go into many of the inherent problems with these systems. I would like to write it all out, but a better mission is the one that this work is dedicated to; and that is a plan to change the world quickly. Maybe even save it.
Expansion of the Top
By now we witness the accumulation of power of such astonishing proportions that more people have been allowed to have great wealth. It has gotten so big help is needed in high places. People are being allowed to come up from the bottom. We all know some of the stories. Someone starts a business and gets rich or someone finds a treasure or someone hits a big lottery winnings. It will not happen enough to break the system that they rise up in, but it will happen some. When it does, the people are again baited to think they can do the same. People at the top die, too, making room for others. Despite all we see, the number of people at the top remains within the one percent range. It’s just that one percent of six billion is more than one percent of two billion. Those who come up are the ones those at the top a willing to allow to rise. Sometimes they make mistakes and someone who rises up begins to make trouble for the systems. We are aware of the sudden deaths by “lead poisoning” or some other means of great men who appeared to be able to make good changes in the systems.
Do you ever wonder why hardly any of those we are aware of who have come into vast amounts of money never seem to do anything that causes the established systems and their controllers any trouble? How about the fact that some people get so wealthy they could fund the elimination of poverty but never even seem willing to relieve the poverty of the people they know?
I am stunned by the fact that musicians and actors who become famous and wealthy never seem to write about the pleasure they get by rising from pennilessness to pennifullness; an experience probably overflowing with feelings worthy of songs and prose. It is just skipped over in their autobiographies. You will find in their books no shortage of words about their struggle and poverty. They will have you feeling it right there with them, but when they finally make it and you expect to rejoice with them as they relate the joy of finally getting that first big payday, of being able to get a nice place to live , plenty to eat, and buy whatever they want, they just skip it altogether. Of late, rap and hip-hop writers have written some about it, but nowhere near the heart of the matter. If these things have not entered your mind, think of it now. Where are the best parts of the stories?
It could be that those who get lucky enough to rise toward the top are brought under control by those with greater power. Would you just enjoy your good fortune and make no waves if making waves would get everyone you love killed? For those who have no behavioral restraints, killing the loved ones of those who make trouble for them or don’t cooperate with them is nothing—the same absence of behavioral restraints that make the rise to power in the pyramid easier. Rising up in the systems might be a very disillusioning and frightful revelation. Especially when it then becomes so obvious that there can be only one at the top, or perhaps a few due to the size of the planet and its population. “A few at the top!” Sounds like the seeds of battle to me.
Money Manipulation
When society’s budget is coopted to money, it becomes possible to artificially manipulate the prosperity of society—among other things despicable. The depressions and booms of the past were just such things. The depressions of the early twentieth century were contrived, ruthless, power plays as much or more than the consequences of stupid systems. The work force was still present and ready to work. The infrastructure was still in place and the resources had not vanished. So, why was there a depression? [Spare me the old answers that have been hammered into us. I have already been there. It’s all junk designed to satisfy those who are curious.] It was intentionally created. That is what must become known by the people. If your ancestors died due to the depression, you certainly should know this. The suffering and death it brought about were simply casualties of the financial manipulation against society that was intended to gather more power by those who perpetrated it and, even more so, to preserve a monetary system that provides the desirable lifestyles enjoyed by those at the top; but, we must not overlook the lifestyles of those near the top; the slaves who get to live better than the other slaves but not as well as those at the top.
The depressions did not ruin all the moneyed people. In fact, it simply reduced the prices of everything so that those who were not ruined could buy more; things like companies, stocks, politicians, governments, and so forth. It was a time of the best “sales” in history. Everything was available at new and unheard-of low prices. It was no accident.
The times of social prosperity are likewise artificial manipulations designed to maintain control of the lives of the people and to increase and consolidate power. The real work gets done in prosperous proportions and the people enjoy better lives. Once the prosperity becomes sufficient to placate and pacify the people, to distract them from the more vital aspects of society, and to accumulate more power, the financial screws get turned and the wealth gets sucked away from the people into the hands of the controllers. The up and down flux has nothing to do with the real budget of society.
The savings you accumulated over the past fifty years or so has been stolen. Your pay in the sixties was much lower than the pay for the same work today. Minimum wage was about $1.25 per hour and things cost much less than they do today. You paid into social security from the pay you got back then; whether you wanted to or not. You saved, perhaps, some of your earnings after paying your taxes. You could buy a nice new car for around $2500.00. I know because I was there. Over time you continued to work and to save what you could. Meanwhile inflation is happening. By now a nice new car costs about $20,000 or more and everything else is much more expensive. The money you put away in the form of savings and social security, however, did not experience inflation. Your savings have lost value. The value didn’t vanish into thin air, it went into the hands of someone else. This is theft. You have been robbed by the monetary system.
It is a convoluted and complicated bunch of schemes that rob the people in broad daylight so effectively that the victims of the robbery never even realize they have been robbed. You can learn all about it if you try. I will just say that it has a lot to do with the printing, coining, and distribution of currency; what we know as money. Banking and government are integral parts of the process. I would like to spell it all out so that I could be sure you understand, but, alas, only so much at a time. I hope you will not just take my word for it and do your own research and study. If you do, you will join me. Mark my word on this.
Proof of Abundance
Do you think there is not enough for everyone to have everything they want? If so, have you measured the output and the demand? I mean, have you done it yourself? Maybe you have heard someone who knows someone who knows someone who read something somewhere that said there cannot be enough for everyone. There are, however, things you do know that will convince you that there is too much for everyone and that great effort is being put into making abundance seem impossible.
How much has the human species squandered in wars? I thought so! You know that the waste due to war is beyond measure. But we can’t prevent war, you say! That is just wrong. Not only can we prevent war, war has been perpetrated upon us by others. Wars have been desired by those who have the power to create them and the means to benefit from them. They have their own reasons to want war.
Do some research and learn about the money that went into the hands of the villains who are portrayed to have been the ones who started the world wars. You can easily learn of money going to Hitler. See where the money came from that Stalin used to gain control of Russia. Check the Chinese rise of Mao. The true controller of the world like war. They fund all sides.
War prevents abundance. It creates jobs. It is commonly believed that WWII ended the depression. War keeps the population down, especially the male population. Do you think none so evil could have risen to power in this world, so evil as to make a world war happen? Follow the money, and you will change your mind if that’s what you think. War prevents the people from becoming aware of who is really in control. They depend on war.
What about religious wars? If you trace the money, you will learn some details about the rise of religious organizations that will disillusion you. Conflicting religions are a great tool of the controllers of the world. Religious conflict prevents the people from becoming united. Those at the top of the pyramid, the world controllers, know that when the people unite in common cause the control of the world will be wrested from them. They don’t want that to happen. A lot of money goes into the sides that would fight.
I will resist the temptation to spell out some of the places where money is being applied to the causes of wars and the prevention of the people uniting in a common cause. There are so many! See for yourself. It is not that hard. Again, follow the money. I will say this; it is being applied to religions, politics, ideals, racism, and much more.
The people hate conquerors. Just let some country try to conquer some other country, like Germany did, and the people will go to war. It takes something that horrible to get people to war, but even then it is not easy. There are ways well known by those who need the knowledge for their purposes to get the people to fight wars. We can take the power from them and have peace. The way to take it from them is to stop using money to conduct our work.
Do you think that the prevention of war alone will not make such abundance as to make plenty for everyone? I disagree, but that is not all we can do to make abundance. There are many things that can create abundance by getting rid of money. How about all the effort that goes into the creating, distribution, containing, and management of money?
Money Management
According to the 2012 figures released by the government, about forty percent of the GDP was financial. Do you understand that? It means that almost half of the money was gotten by those who deal with money. Banking pays very well. Stock broking pays pretty well too. There are financial instruments that most people are totally oblivious to; things like derivatives, and much more. You can study to learn about them if you want. You already know that a lot of money goes into the hands of those whose only jobs are directly related to money and that by eliminating money those jobs will be eliminated making the burden of providing for our abundance easier for us all by increasing the help available.
I still want to tell you of other things that will make abundance obvious. Advertising is only needed in a monetary system. We put a lot of money into it. We will need no such systems in a world where money is not used. We will simply make the stuff the people want and operate distribution systems to get them out. The commercialism of retail business will change to functionalism and vast savings will be gained.
[I do realize there will be some need for publicizing, and the advertising industry will be very helpful in that. New inventions will need to be promoted. Public issues will need to be described to the public. There will be a type of advertising useful in a money-free system.]
Will you please add to the list the end of producing things below our best level of production and the end of producing things so that they wear out, break, or fail before they should? Planned obsolescence is an accepted part of production in our word. We make things of inferior quality because businesses need sales, factories need orders, and so on. Production cannot stop in a monetary system. Unemployment would rise. Too many people hungry and desperate causes revolt.
I have already, in this work, written about the savings that the people can enjoy by the ending of crime and all its associated systems. So, I will simply mention it again here in support of the fact that we can produce far more than everyone would get if they were allowed to get everything they want.
The universe, why, even our solar system, are rich with resources. We are not going after them because we live in a monetary system. We can’t acquire those resources and maintain the many systems we are dependent upon in the current system for jobs and protection of vested interests. Our abundance will shoot off the charts when we are freed of those old impediments and allowed to reach out to our immediate surroundings.
Why is our factory production not done in outer space? We can’t afford it. In a money free system, we will move into space around our planet, moon, and star. We will find energy to be an abundant and easily acquired resource from out there. We can have our planet be a place of distribution, reclamation, residence, art, parks, and socialization while we do most of our work in the empty space where there is no competition for room or with other forms of life.
That is not all I can mention. There are so many ways that a moneyless society would save time and resources that it cannot be logical to list them all. Do some thinking and seeking for yourself. I know you don’t have time, but that is really not a good excuse because you have almost no time at all as things are now and even less by the time you learn how things are going to go if we don’t do something about it. Maybe you can whittle out a little time by forgoing some of the things you do for fun. I think you had better. With your nose to the grindstone and the needs of your family grinding your lives away, you are not seeing the end of your lives looming. You may live your life without seeing catastrophe, but what about your children and grandchildren? Worse yet, you are not seeing how wonderful you could actually have it.
In the USA and many other parts of the world, people are working feverishly. It has been going on for so long we have changed the face of the Earth. People work all their lives, most of us anyway. The work must never stop. If you don’t work, you don’t get money. You know what that means. No food, no nothing. It’s work or perish. The amount of work needed in our current systems is beyond the ability of those systems to create. The controllers are scrambling for ways to deal with the problem. Remember war? War is very effective in dealing with the system’s inability to create jobs; as I have said above.
Has it ever occurred to you that savings is only possible through abundance? People have been so productive that they cannot consume everything they produce. Luckily, money has been able to be a means to store the extra production; rather unluckily in my opinion.
The rich and wealthy are only so because they are able to inherit or accumulate what is not consumed; again, in the form of money. If we had to store our actual products, there would be far less wealth. The unfortunate aspect of the accumulation of unconsumed products is the fact that much does not get consumed because it is being removed from the supply and stored as savings.
As I have said before, you can’t get it if you can’t pay for it. Money is really a way to prevent us from getting stuff. If the products of society were equally everyone’s right, there would be no need for money because there would be no limit to impose. Now, can you see some abundance showing up?
The world’s top ten wealthiest people, hold about 552.4 billion dollars. There are thought to be 1,645 billionaires in the world; that is, they have at least one billion. Most of them are so-called “self-made.” The royalty and dictators of the world are not counted in the numbers. There is a lot of excess production in the world; especially in the USA.
There has been a lot more produced than is obvious and abundance for a long time, but it has been horded preventing the masses from enjoying it. It must be understood that in our systems there is only so much to go around and if someone or someone gets a lot of it for themselves there is less for the rest. Is that said well enough for you to understand? I’ll tell you, I have had a rough time getting it through people’s heads. Such inherent problems will not exist in the money-free systems.
In this money-world, it made sense to get rich and then get even richer all the while doing one’s best to hold on to the riches. To provide for the self and family, it is a little easier to ignore the deprivation of the masses. When one’s circumstances are in constant jeopardy, the money-world demands accumulation and protection. A lot of people have done this and it has been done for a very long time. We can remove the incentive for this behavior. Money.
We are going to start a new system that preserves the access to the products of society for all and in greater quantities than the wealthy can obtain with all their wealth.
Realize that systems become obsolete and discarding them can be treacherous and trying. I am aware that the new systems are not exempt. This is not a panacea. It is only a step in the right direction.
People have become more and more convinced that there must be some calamity. They will tell you, if you ask, that something horrible will happen before things can get any better. They seldom will say that something wonderful must happen. (I have written about it already.) Pessimism is everywhere. But the fact remains that something wonderful can happen to make things better. That something can be the elimination of money from society.