The people who run the world via the mo ...
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Investors Are Slavers
So many times I have listened or read of the magnanimous investors being portrayed as the backbone of American industry and progress. What a laugh inducing bunch of crap. The slave owner who had many slaves and lots of land must have deserved the ...
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The Coming of the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth
Truths abound in the Bible. I have been reading the Christian Bible all my life. I don’t know how many times I have read it. Also, I have read a library of books about the Bible. It is strange that I can see something many times before it actually ...
Pandemic, Nuclear War, and Deadly mRNA
There are many who do nor know that people around the world are dropping dead because of the mRNA shots. It was shocked to discover that some of my friends and associates are among those who have not been informed. When the rate at which death takes ...