It can be frustrating sometimes to discover that the things one has gleaned for oneself were already gleaned by others long ago, but the frustration is only temporarily, for conformation and verification such a discovery brings is highly satisfying. Sir Thomas More and I are of like mind, as seen in the quote below.
The economy of the Utopians is of particular interest. Their markets are nothing more than supply houses where everyone is free to go and take what he needs without payment. They are able to produce an abundance of food, so that they can export their surplus to foreign countries, which they exchange for gold and silver for the state treasury. There is no private property among the Utopians and they have no money.
The objective of The Power of the People is uniting the people of Earth who want to make the world more like the one Sir Thomas Moore wrote about in the above article. The important thing for now is hope. We all need hope. It is getting harder and harder to believe there is reason to think things can get better without first getting much worse. It does not have to be that way. We have the power to engineer society to serve us better. As it is today, society is just something that came about virtually by accident. There are, however, those who would engineer society so that they have great advantage over everyone else and even so that only horrors come to pass. They are few, and we are many. If we do not command our energies, someone else will.