The “ism”s have it. The philosophies of economics are being framed in choices as if there are no others. Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism, of course, being the three that occupy the conversation, debate, and, ultimately, the mind. Any way you ism it, “ism isn’t it.” (John Lennon) However, if you cannot escape the mindset, try some new isms: loveism, shareism, cooperationism, helpism, familyism. I am quite sick of all the nonsense mankind indulges.
We have allowed ourselves to be charmed like cobras to a pipes. We are given the parameters of thought and seldom go beyond them while never exhausting even that limited area of thinking. Let me give you something to think about so that we can break the hold that has us in hypnotic grips. “The answer is easy if you take it logically.” (Paul Simon)
John Locke wrote in the late 1600s about caring for the poor. He seems to have been under the hypnotic spell too. Evidently, and who can say with certainty, it did not occur to him that something was terribly wrong with his reasoning, for I found no mention of the inequality that creates poor. To him and many of our time, the poor are simply the result of laziness, debility, drugs/alcohol, age, or some characteristic of the poor persons. What never occurred to such a brilliant man seems all too obvious to me. The system creates the poor.
Mind you, the systems of Locke’s time and most before evolved from many centuries of violent conquest. I find the history of man so deplorable it amazes me that we are still here. Maybe the systems that evolved were necessary for the times and circumstances. They are not necessary now. I don’t think they were ever necessary, but the result of characteristics far worse than those despised by men who put the cause of poverty in the lap of the impoverished. Time prevent my list of outrages regarding those characteristics, but you can find them in some other of my writings. Suffice it to say the systems of social interaction impoverished people. Idiots saw it as something the system only needed to remedy instead of cause to abandon the systems, and they are many.
We are all together in the planet. We share almost identical needs and characteristics. All we have to do is take the measure of those needs, calculate the means to supply them, and divide the work equally among the people. Now here is the mind-blowing part, prepare yourself, we share equally in all the work produces. I’m laughing my ass off right now. Something as obvious and logical as that is alien to mankind. I already know the limited number of responses humans have to that. Don’t bore me with their repetition, and don’t assume you have something I have not thought of already. I will dare to say I have spent more of myself studying the issue than you have. You’ll never catch up. Which is not to say someone might have something new to offer. I’m just tired of people giving me the same old crap. It is revolting, and I have gotten to the root of it, a root you would not enjoy seeing. It must be a cause to do things better, and none of the isms or the enculturated parroting has done that.
It really is simple in the planning of a better way. The challenge is getting it put in place of systems that are thousands of years old. Those characteristics I mentioned that are worse than those ascribed to the poor as causing their poverty are not going to be easily extirpated. They will have to be pulled out by their roots. That will not be easy at first, but as it progresses it eases. I have been doing what I can about for fifty years. I am now embarked on my fifty-first year of dedication to the issue. It is so simple.
Each brings to life the characteristic manifest in each. Time “programs” each with experience of living in all its complex and unfathomable variations. A list of needs met with available resources and abilities fairly distributed with the results fairly distributed will give mankind experiences that will make people the kind that can take us into the rest of the physical universe and give us the ability to move between it and the others.
The first thing to do is understand the mission, the goal. We can do it. We need the mission to spread among the people like smoke until it creates a movement. A simple goal to work together and share the results. Is it that hard to fathom?