Genetic Loss - Copy

Genetic Loss

We all know about the tech giants and the wealth they have gained. We know that people who specialize in computer technology and related fields make a lot of money. The business that pay them so well are gathering even more wealth. The wealth is also power. Power has migrated into the hands of high-tech people.

In poor taste, they get called such names as Geek and Nerd. It is cruel and a form of bullying. Even if these people are not able to articulate the details of the situation, they feel it. They know in visceral way at least that they are denigrated by the so-called “alpha” types. Well, they now have the power to deal with the idiots who abuse them.

We see their efforts everywhere all the time. The tables are being turned. Heterosexual white males are being targeted. Heterosexuality itself is being targeted. Gender is under attack. In the name of anti-racism, racism is being amplified. These and many other such thing have already become the norm.

Now, consider the war history of mankind. Who gets killed the most in them? The men in the military, of course. Since the days of Vietnam and Stalin, that has been changed quite a bit. Stalin had the intelligentsia of Russian killed. The wars during the Vietnam period got million of poor wiped out along with their homes and villages. But! Wars have a central them that never goes away despite shifts in casualty statistics and it is the loss of the best of the strong and courageous men.

Geneticists have said that the genome of the Russian people may never recover from the loss of genetic material during the wars and the Stalin purge. The same is being said of the French who suffered immeasurably from the Napoleonic and world wars. The human species is suffering from the loss of genetic material.

As the genetic material was lost the quality of offspring have suffered. Across the globe the strong and brave have been the ones removed from the gene pool. The virtuous and intelligent have also been depleted from the pool. We are seeing with our own eyes how such depletions affect the quality of human generations. So, lets put the high-tech people efforts to counter the bullying they have received with the loss of genetic material.

The push for population reduction, which goes back to the times of Thomas Malthus, and the loss of genetic material from the human genome is breaking the laws of natural selection. The survival of the strong and well adapted has been shunted off to the side by social organization. In a world that provides fabulous lifestyles to one percent of the people by taking it from the hard working and good people the greatest threat they face is quality men and women.

People of strength, intelligence, and courage who have virtuous character are the enemy of the one tenth of one percent who are living opulent lives of ease at the expense of the hard working masses. That explains more of our history than anything. It also predicts the future.

If we can recognize the real problems of life these days and join in an effort to bring prosperity to all rather than to the few, we can attain our dreams. We can bring lifestyles to the privileged few that they are not able to dream about yet. It can be for all people. For we have born the burdens of history and are that much closer to the days when our effort will finally payoff for all. It will require understanding the psychology of the people that perpetuates the status quo. It will require, also, the restoration of the genome of the human species.

Who is not aware of the breeding programs in animal husbandry? Breeding in the plant and animal kingdom has been a subject of science for a long time. It is clear that breeding determines the quality of offspring. It is a matter of genetics. Before social organization became strong enough to remove the laws of natural selection from human reproduction, people were shaped to survive the conditions of life. Now that we have changed the conditions of life by creating vast and complex societies that have little relation to the natural world and applied directed effort to the reproduction of our species, the laws of natural selection can be seen to have been broken. It is playing out in the behavior of the high-tech people and in the loss of genetic material from wars, purges, and genocides. It is disaster waiting to happen.

Humans have transformed the planet. If anything interrupts the maintenance of that transformation, the consequences will be unthinkable. This is what happens when the laws are broken. It is crime. Crime against humanity. Crimes against Life.

These things must be considered. Leaving out vital factors in our understanding and decisions must not be allowed. I am simply trying to bring some things to your attention. If you have not been considering them, please do so now. We have everything to gain and everything to lose.

Controversy Defined - Copy

Controversy Defined

I recently started reading a huge two volume book set by Paramahansa Yogananda. If you don’t know who he is, please do yourself a favor and discover him. The two books are titled, The Second Coming Of Christ. Here is a link to information about it on Wikipedia:

Here is one to Yogananda:

He wrote another book called, Autobiography of a Yogi. I read in in the seventies. He writes about the deathless guru in that book and others. I know most people believe everyone dies. Here is something that controverts that belief. I have read about that man in many other places. His name is Mahāvatār Bābājī. Some say he is thousands of years old and that his body is that of a seventeen year old. He neither eats nor drinks. Here is a link:

People I was born with and grew up with have a very difficult time with the Indian history, philosophy, and religion. That is simply a matter of inculcation by society. Rise above it. Expand your horizons lest you fall off of the little world you surround yourself with. Controversy cries out to us all.

Controversy is the experience of the things we don’t know screaming at us to look. It is the racket created by false beliefs and untruths.

Investors Are Slavers - Copy

Investors Are Slavers

So many times I have listened or read of the magnanimous investors being portrayed as the backbone of American industry and progress. What a laugh inducing bunch of crap.

The slave owner who had many slaves and lots of land must have deserved the same accolades. They were producing lots of good products and services.

Fact: money is the chain around your ankle and the whip being lashed across your back to keep you laboring for the benefit of those who have the money.

Opinion Installing

Opinion Installing

My study of Edward Bernays and Walter Lippmann continues. These guys were publishing during the early 1900s. I want to copy and share some of their words so that people might find a way to combat the forces they taught the powerful of the world to marshal. There are so many people who have been influenced by those forces it has become imperative that this relatively new power becomes common knowledge.

Opinion is a fascinating subject. There is so much to learn about the subject people can spend lifetimes devoted to it. What is of utmost importance in my mind is that the people come to know that their minds are the target of forces that have been developed and refined into a fine art. It is the art of installing opinions. Yes, “installing” them.

At the turn of the twentieth century, techniques were being developed to install opinions in the minds of the people. It was not an “all-bad” thing. I think the men who developed it saw it as a useful tool for good, but they admitted it could easily be used to do evil. The methods they developed have been enhanced by the electronic revolution. In other words, the tools available to deliver the techniques increased in number and power. Television, radio, computers, telephones, and movies added to the already pervasive printed media to give the installers of opinion even more power. Today, the power to manipulate the public has become monstrous. The divided public in the USA is a product of manipulation intended to accomplish some goal. What goal? That is another topic.

See for yourself what the fathers of opinion making were saying in the 1920s. I commit myself here to the task of quoting them a little. I am not doing this to make money, bolster my ego, make you look bad, or to indulge in the same manipulation discussed here. I do it strictly to help the people.

From Propaganda by Edward Bernays. His quote of Walter Lippmann’s book Public Opinion (I have this book too.)

Walter Lippmann of the “New York World” in his volume Public Opinion declares that the ‘significant revolution of modern times is not industrial or economic or political, but the revolution which is taking place in the art of creating consent among the governed.” He goes on: “Within the life of the new generation now in control of affairs, persuasion has become a self-conscious art and a regular organ of popular government. None of us begins to understand the consequences, but it is no daring prophecy to say that the knowledge of how to create consent will alter every political premise. Under the impact of propaganda, not necessarily in the sinister meaning of the world [sic] alone, the only constants of our thinking have become variables. It is no longer possible, for example, to believe in the cardinal dogma of democracy, that the knowledge needed for the management of human affairs comes up spontaneously from the human heart. Where we act on that theory we expose ourselves to self-deception and to forms of persuasion that we cannot verify. It has been demonstrated that we cannot rely upon intuition, conscience, or the accidents of casual opinion if we are to deal with the world beyond our reach.”

This article took some effort to translate. His use of the word “consent” is misleading to people in this time. Back then, and to this man, consent was something that had several meanings. It was used as a synonym for permission, much as we use it today. More importantly, it meant giving in to persuasion. That was the purpose of the “art of creating consent among the governed.” That guy was saying that they have discovered the way to get people to have the opinions they want them to have.

I ask you, is your opinion really your opinion? Or, is it something that skilled “artists” have implanted in your mind? The world is very complicated and only becoming more so. Humans have created organizations that are composed of other humans acting together to do things no single individual could possibly do alone. The organizations are powerful beyond description, and there are so many of them no single individual can be aware of all of them. They are operating around the globe and what they do has an enormous impact on you. They are shaping the world. They are not being watched. There is no oversight to keep them in the bounds of rectitude. They have become virtually self-serving much like a robot that has its own intelligence, defense systems, and objectives. Does this make you suspect that the people need to be made aware of it?


The Modern Schism

I am deeply perplexed. The division of people is not easy to comprehend. A deep schism has cleaved the people into two camps. I am fairly certain that both sides have good intent. Both think they are on the right track and are using true data to take sides. Still, it just doesn’t make sense.

We are all far more alike than different. The only thing that explains the schism for me is conditioning.

As I learn more about the ability that has been brought to modern times by such men as Edward Bernays, the more I see why things are the way they are.

We are living in unprecedented reality. The centuries, even millennia, of human history bear little resemblance to the reality of our times. Electronics, industry, travel, education, security, ease of survival and more are matter-of-fact, taken-for-granted things now. I think such things are wonderful and offer mankind opportunity never before available. We can move ahead into uncharted realities that seem to defy comprehension and superlatives.

Swords cut both ways. We know this. Opportunities for good can be opportunities for bad. The billions of people are being subjected to the double edged sword. Old attitudes and paradigms are being threatened by the developments of modern times.

Threats, both perceived and imagined, stimulate response. Obviously. The threatened are not limited to altruist types. Even a demon can realize a threat. There is another “thing” that can realize a threat: self-assessment.

A pharaoh in ancient Egypt believing himself a divine appointee protected himself from threats to his opinion of himself, and that is aside from his social standing. I don’t expect many to object to a claim that there are people today who share the Pharaoh type of attitude toward one’s self. Those people have perceived a real threat to their own opinion of themselves. They recognize the burgeoning, or re-birth, of “Equality.”

I think Equality constitutes a real threat to the most cherished “possession” of some very powerful people. They have all the physical things available on Earth today already, but they value their superiority above all else and they are willing to protect it. That is why the people are so divided today.

People who have possession of and/or access to the modern inventions and knowledge are able to cultivate public opinion. There can be no doubt that such cultivation is going on, but part of the cultivation is the instilling of an automatic rejection of anything that threatens the cultivated opinions. This is better understood as a form of conditioning. The scientific literature about this subject is abundant. The historically verified use of such conditioning is a widely accepted fact. The Nazis did it and the term “propaganda” was made a common term by them. It didn’t stop with their demise.

It will not stop until the people become fully aware of it and of how it is being done. That is the worst part of the problem.

We live in a world that has made “progress” totally attributable to sociological “compartmentalization.”  Organizing the people in limited spheres of work and knowledge has made it possible to achieve things unachievable by an individual. Coupled with  innovation and the increase in individual  productivity, specialization has become a widespread form of compartmentalization. It has become possible for a human to spend an entire life working on a very narrow subject and/or in a very narrow area of human endeavor.

Specialists are supported by the society. They need not protect themselves from wild animals. They don’t have to be able to plow and sow. They don’t need to know how to build shelter. They are only possible because society is structured to give them time to devote to their areas of specialization. You would not have a cellular telephone, a television, a computer, an internet, or practically everything around you without the social organization that made specialization possible. The specialists are not operating as islands.

Social organization has created the possibility of social rulers. People who receive the benefits of the specialists determine how to use what the specialists produce. When the physicists worked in their specific area of nuclear physics, few knew that they were part of a plan to produce a nuclear bomb. The discovery of the Genome was not done by people who wanted to create biological weapons. The work of the specialists is compartmentalized so absolutely they don’t even know what they are working on. The only ones who are able to make use of the efforts of the specialists are the ones at the top of the chain of compartmentalized organization.

This is an obvious observation, but it is one that begs for elucidation in this time of divided humanity. No one knows all about everything. The “highest” elite are unable to know all about everything they control for they are compartmentalized themselves. They depend on the chain of compartments even more than those operating in the compartments they control. We can understand the “chain of command” rather easily, but the chain of compartments needs understanding too.

As in the commonly repeated axiom that demonstrates how the passing of information from on person to another results in a breakdown of accuracy, the passing of information between compartments gets distorted, even lost. It can also get subverted. This is how the people working in altruistic fervor have their work used in ways they would never contribute to knowingly. Those at the top of the chain of compartments are not exempt to this. They too are working among the many chains of compartmentalized areas of human effort. There is no single person who is reliably in command or control. Even if such a person can be, it would be only a human.

People are subject to the experiences they have in life. Living affect them, us. We are all being conditioned by the very act of living. Psychology is only recently beginning to gain a reliable grasp of the ways of the human mind. Propaganda has only recently become a reliable and effective tool to use on the human mind. Living itself is no longer the only influence on the mind of man. Intentional conditioning is being used. It is being used more effectively every day. Someone is using it.  Some many are using it.

To protect their self-assessment, some are using the powers that have evolved from the long ascendancy of social development and organization to insure nothing ever causes them to doubt their superiority. To protect their social positions, their feelings of superiority must be protected. Otherwise, the people will stand next to them instead of beneath them. To put it crudely, the Kind doesn’t want to see anyone on the throne with him.

Humans are coming into new territory. What can be now could not have been before. Ahead lies what will be. We can go forward or backward, though. If we are to go forward, equality is a must. If we are to keep a stratified social standing, we cannot have equality. Herein lies the cause of the schism that we are seeing today.

Unity is probable. I say it is inevitable, but that is my opinion. You may have a different opinion. Maybe we can agree that what will be will be. We shall see. That is, if we retain the ability to see. The sight is under attack. That is my opinion, too. Is it true? If you have true sight, see. If you have true desires for the well being of others, you will desire moving forward instead of backward. We can still move into days, even centuries of blindness. We stand at the precipice of the schism that divides us. It is a wrent that has the potential for total destruction. Life is teetering on the edge. This planet is badly damaged already and the chance to fix it is rapidly fleeting. That is why I have spent this morning putting my fingers to the keys and my heart to the point.

I have been trying to compose this message for along time. It has rattled around in my mind incessantly now for decades. I can only hope I have satisfied its nagging compulsion to  express. God help us.

Playing the Game

Playing the Game

I wrote the following as a reply to someone on a social media application. I want to share it here. I hope for the best for everyone.

The things you mention here are not news to me, nor are they things that I have not examined and studied for a very long time. In fact, they are so old and common among the people that it seems apparent that the views of the people are running along the prescribed lines desired by those who are deriving incredible power and benefit by the very opinions you are representing.

Facilitating trade, not good or bad, private vs. public purposes, and a huge stock pile of other facets of the monetary system’s subtle and overt complexity are the things that are being cultivated as the informed workings and understanding of the educated and smart, the ones who are “in the know.” It is all sophistry. It is the powder in the bullets that are being used to kill any tendency toward attaining prosperity, leisure, fulfillment, peace, brotherhood, and every other desirable thing for the people.

We are living in the controlled environment created by those who have sickening disdain for the people. They are of the faction that believe that kings are born deserving of rule and wealth far above the people of such low character and worth as to be dispensable, even deserving of pain, suffering, misery, and death.

Look back in history and find a time when there were not those at the top of the social constructs living off of the backs of the people. There is none. Those types have been around forever and they have passed down the kingdoms refining the methods of preventing usurpation and a rising up of the source of their lifestyles, the people. They stand in psychological ignorance of the nature of their desires and feeling. They also stand in preventative opposition to anything that would or could threaten their opinions of themselves and their opinions of the people. They are not beings of love and kindness. They are heartless monsters that have woven a web of sophistry over the people so effective that people cannot see things as obvious as a naked king believing he is fully clothed.

I will say again what my writings on one of my websites has been saying for a long time. If we the people will stand together in loving cooperation with one another to protect, nurture, satisfy, and develop one another, there will be no monetary system. Money is the tool of the demonic controllers. It exists to keep the people from access to the products of the society in which they work their lives away to keep functioning. It is the means whereby the most ruthless and demonic crime against humanity is on going and seemingly perpetual, and that is the crime that rewards the members of society differently. The work of one is not worth more or less to society than that of any other. The only way they have found to prevent threats to the positions they occupy is to cultivate a false wisdom among the people that makes them accept the reality that prevails around the world that the disparity of pay is good and inevitable.

Think of it this way, if you will. Lets say you create a game. You set up the game entirely. You created the board, let’s say. You create the pieces that will be used and set up what each piece can and cannot do. Then you determine the process that will be used to play the game including how the winner is determined. The game get spread out among the people who want to play and time passes. The players get more and more adroit at playing the game. Complex strategies evolve. An acumen evolves and some are way ahead of others in their grasp and efficacy of the multitude of the complex angles that the game makes possible. Eventually, there is a school developed that helps some develop skills to play the game. Elite players of incredible skill and character arise. They are revered by the less able players. These elite players begin to hold positions that are envied. On and on it goes until it is the main preoccupation of the people. That is what the monetary system is. It is a game that is not just played, it has become life as we know it.

It is all a game. We play it and we protect it. We condone it with pseudo intellectualism while suffering and death reign around the world in unfathomable and countless ways over decade after decade. No matter where the game is played, no matter who plays, no matter who is at the top of the game, the game remains, and it remains the same. In every nation of Earth, the game is the central core of life. In every nation there are those who live at the top of society enjoying lives of incomparable luxury and splendor while the masses that provide it all for them wallow in abject misery, ignorance, hopelessness with a few begrudged people being allowed to enjoy a bit better lives. The effort is eliminate the “middle class” is well underway. Those at the top detest them for the better lives they have even though those lives are a far cry from anything resembling the lives of those at the top.

I have hoped that it would be possible to get people to envision how wonderful they could have it. I thought that if they could see what is possible they might start to think of ways to get there, an incentive. Sadly, getting people to envision it is very difficult. They are conditioned to resist. They offer what they consider their insights into how to play the game instead to looking outside the game. And noting changes. The people are using the game and its structure against themselves.

The Hostile Universe

The Hostile Universe

We live on the surface of a gigantic speck of complex compound elements hurtling through an incomprehensibly vast universe that is utterly hostile to the all we know as life. Struggling to survive between the centrifugal force that would rocket us from the surface into the vastness of life extinguishing space and the overwhelming gravitational force that would pull us down and reclaim every element that composes or bodies, we ride in compound motions that rival any carnival ride ever devised. Alternating between the deadly heat and radiation of a star and the freezing stillness of outer space, we have worked for many centuries to establish for ourselves a home where we can manage to replenish our corporal form in sleep sufficient to awaken and tend the biological imperatives all living things must manage. We are all here together in a small area endeavoring to live in the midst of relentless deadly forces and circumstances.

We are not very different. From the smallest microbe to the largest Giant Sequoia, we all cope with the same hostility to existence. We are many combinations of the same complex elements that make up everything we have been able to detect. Billions of galaxies careen through the unfathomable void of space interacting responsively to the same forces that compel our gigantic speck around its star. That star orbits around the center of one of the billions of Galaxies composed of billions of other stars, planets, and other things. All that, and as far as we can tell everything, including all living things, is made up of atoms that resemble galaxies and solar systems. If we could see it all at once, from the immenseness of the macro-universe to the infinitesimal micro-universe, it would look like one heck of a lot of the same stuff swirling in so many directions all that the same time it defies consciousness.

Everything is in motion. Noting is solid. Nothing is permanent. (We postulate and theorize that energy and matter are permanent, and then argue and fight over their origins, but that is a subject for another time.) Form is utterly and completely in flux at all times. What we consider our existence is nothing but the stuff of the universe put together in a “form.” Maybe that is why we are called a “form of life.” Seems like a good way to put it, doesn’t it? Life forms abound. The diversity is extensive and the multitudinous diversity of life forms that have gone before us is hard to conceive. Amongst all the forces that work to change the form of any and every material thing including life forms, life continues through what we call “time,” to exist despite all the forces that work against its existence.

At this point in that time, we can see into the distance further than ever. The instruments we have invented have revealed the macro and the micro infinity better than we could relatively recently, and still we have not found life anywhere. We might someday, but so far, we have not. Life seems to be very rare indeed.

The hostility of the universe to life is something we all share. None are exempt and life is only burgeoning. It is in its nascence. From our relative perspective, life appears to have been around a long time, but that relativity is a simple human consciousness phenomenon. Compared to the universe, we are so new we have only just begun to exist.

The struggle to continue to exist has become something much different today. We are not coping with only the hostility of the universe itself. We are being forced to cope with the hostility of forces and circumstances we have created ourselves. Our power and our accumulated legacy has become a threat to life itself. We can extinguish it all with our nuclear power and our nuclear waste products. As if the volatility of the earth and the solar system is not enough to cope with, we have heaped upon our backs survival problems that are actually likely to cause the burgeoning of life in a dead solar system to end up being just a brief spark that made a flash and died before it could manage to find a way to sustain itself.

It is not too late. In fact, the time has only just come when we can  establish life in the hostile dead universe in something like permanence. We will have to hurry. The momentum is powerful, but we are strong enough to divert it. We can direct the flow of forces and elements within ourselves and in our little area of the universe. It will not be easy. We will have to join together world-wide. We will have to recognize the imperatives and leave the optional for another time. We must stop the killing and the fighting. We must establish peace on earth. Regardless of our differences, which can be discerned only by those accustomed to and well acquainted with this thing we call life, we must join together to resist the forces that constantly work to bring about our dissolution.

The human species has progressed very far. The other species have too, but we are the only ones who have grabbed the forces and the elements and created things that threaten all life. But the very things that are now a threat to life are the things we can use to establish life as something more than a “flash in the pan.”

[This came to me last night at about three o’clock in the morning. I have a lot more to add, but no time to add it right now. Please, stay tuned.]


Be Happy

Be Happy

It is a beautiful day, again. The cold rain is falling. The plants are hydrating, the soil is growing, and life is renewing. Rain seems to be a problem for some lifeforms. I saw a grackle high on a wire near a telephone pole shaking his feathers. Then few more flew over a lot higher. They have no goggles! I try to imagine what it is like for them flying in the rain. The huge wasp nest outside my window has a lone wasp left. At one time not long ago it was densely covered with family members. I don’t know what happened to the others. The one that is still there doesn’t move at all. I opened the window so the warm air from the heater would get to it. Strange is the world. The very thing that sustains us takes us out.

I enjoyed the privilege of taking Bryleigh (my goddaughter) to school this morning. She spent the night here. I got up early and prepared some food for her to eat and some to take to school for lunch. That girl has become the light of my life. What a joy! I feel paternal. I am enjoying the feelings fathers must get from having a child. For some reason unknown, I have not had children, and I enjoy them immensely. Getting Bryleigh to school in the cold rain was a pleasure of incomparable proportions. My mind races with joyful contemplation about just what this is. I am convinced of reincarnation and ascension as the only way to break from the cycle. Who was she before? How is she fitting into my life? I can imagine a lot of the infinite possibilities. I can also know how lucky I am.

Wow! I feel so wonderful! My sixty-six year old body is feeling some of the effects of my hard and abusive lifestyle, but my spirit is just soaring. I am so incredibly happy. I have said to others for 46 years now that I am in bliss. The word does not satisfy. Bliss is so many different things to people. How can anyone know what I am trying to say? What I can tell you unequivocally is that Love is the reason I feel so good. When I made the effort to love everyone, bliss overcame me. It conquered me! It imbued me with so much I cannot relate it to you, but I can try to tell you it gave me bliss so intense I had to take time to keep from dying in the rush of it. It has never waned. Over all the years I have gotten used to it, but that doesn’t detract from it. I had to learn to function while riding a wave of sheer joy so intense it addled my senses. By now, I have gotten a handle on it, so to speak.

I am empowered by Love. It keeps me in the world. It gives me purpose and joy. It has opened the secrets of the universe to me. There was a time when understanding flooded into my consciousness so profusely and so profoundly I was existing in a movie-like state of wondrous astonishment. About six months after Love took me up, I found a book in which Jesus was telling the people that God would teach them the secrets of the Universe once they had been prepared by the Mother. He said the knowledge would just enter them, even as they slept. I know what he meant. Transformed by Love, my mind, my very psychology morphed into something altogether new and ineffable. I have found an amusing way to put it: The glass is both, half full and half empty. I think the story in the Bible is reverent here. It mentions the Tree of Life, a forbidden tree, like the Tree of Knowledge. No matter what you think of the Bible, those trees are interesting. I feel as though I have been allowed to eat of both. That diet led me to God and Goddess.

The Mother and the Father blessed me with an appearance. I am not going to be able to pass on to others the impact of that visit. I don’t really want to try. Some things are best left to be experienced for oneself. My earnest and powerful desire this morning is to try to tell you that everything is going to be alright. Our heavenly parents love us. None are not loved by them. I know there are those whom we would think evil and horrible, justifiably in my opinion, but I understand that there is a lot going on that I do not understand. Unconditional love is unconditional. I think some people need more experience to become the beautiful creatures they can be, and I have no doubt that will happen. Please know that our heavenly parents love this planet, too. It will not be allowed to die. There IS a God! There IS a Goddess!

The Philosophy of Keeping the People Poor and Ignorant

The Philosophy of Keeping the People Poor and Ignorant

The Philosophy of Keeping the People Poor and Ignorant

Let it be known around the world that the conditions of your life are not the natural results of living in a society on Earth. You work all your life and have but a small fraction of the available things, services, and pleasures. The people toil endlessly for very little. In too many places on Earth today there is starvation and depravity beyond horror. In the US the stress endured in the quest to acquire the money to pay the bills, buy the things needed to live some level of comfort is so intense that many are driven over the limits of their ability to cope. Crime comes from such stress; family troubles come from such stress; deep psychological problems come from such stress. It could easily be reasoned that most of the problems people face are the results of the stress to survive in a world so obviously overflowing with abundance and so easily acquired by so few.

The many examples of people living opulent lives of leisure provokes feelings in some of the people that cannot be identified nor understood. They work at a subconscious level to undermine the peace and happiness that is every person’s due. Envy and resentment abound. Some are joyful for the fortunate. For many, though, other feelings that are undefined and/or misunderstood occur that are denied or unnoticed. They swim around in their beings like deep water fish that churn the sediment at the bottom clouding the water but can’t be seen from the surface.

When you are hungry and when your children are hungry, it is not easy to witness the vast amounts of food that sit on display all around that you cannot have because you don’t have the money to buy them. This basic need is but one of the things that society has made available which cannot be obtained by almost all the people. There are countless others. Above all is peace and happiness.

Some people do not want a world of happy and satisfied people. They work to make certain that the people are never fully satiated and that they never have much free time. They know that the people are aware of the abundance they enjoy. It is important to them that the opulence they enjoy is visible. It makes them feel superior. It helps them enjoy their abundance.

The things I have written above are obvious to me. In retrospect, I am not sure how I came to this understanding. I am certain that Love made me what I have been for the past 45 years and that it somehow enhanced my abilities. Things became obvious to me. When I tried to discuss them with my friends, it became clear that what was obvious to me could not be discerned nor comprehended by many others.   I had to come to the fact that there was no way even to reveal them to some. It is a very sad situation, but sadness is good when it is in its right place. Now I have discovered that someone else, maybe many, discovered or was taught some of the things that appear obvious to me while being indiscernible to others. His name is Thomas Jefferson. He wrote the Deceleration of Independence for the colonies that became the United States of America and was a vital contributor to the Constitution that established the experimental form of government that surprised the world.

I have been reading about Thomas Jefferson. I have a beautiful book that was published in 2002 but is a new printing of an older assemblage of Jefferson’s writings. The original book was put together and published in 1939. My heart is soaring with glee as I read his words. Jefferson wrote many letters to many people. They have been preserved and it is possible to read the man’s words today. To say he was remarkable is to understate the facts. Again and again I read passages that are very beautifully worded and which elegantly demonstrate many of the concepts that I have discovered in my quest.

Mixed feeling swirl from some of the things he wrote so long ago. I want to quote far more of his words than is practical. However, there is one paragraph I am compelled to quote in this post because it says what I have endeavored to say many times but never with the eloquence Jefferson achieved. It was written to Supreme Court Judge William Johnson in 1823, many years after the establishment of the constitutional government of the United States. He died three years later. During his presidency, he appointed Judge Johnson to the Supreme Court and by the time of the writing of the letter quoted here, he had reflected on his life and his work for many years. The quote below may represent something he learned later in life, but I doubt it. It seems it was something he knew as a young man and was set against during the convention of men who debated and finally assembled the Constitution. You can see the entire letter at this website:

Now the quote:

the fact is that, at the formation of our government, many had formed their political opinions on European writings and practices, believing the experience of old countries, and especially of England, abusive as it was, to be a safer guide than mere theory. the doctrines of Europe were that men in numerous associations cannot be restrained within the limits of order and justice but by forces physical and moral wielded over them by authorities independant of their will. hence their organisation of kings, hereditary nobles, and priests. still further to constrain the brute force of the people, they deem it necessary to keep them down by hard labor, poverty and ignorance, and to take from them, as from bees, so much of their earnings as that unremitting labour shall be necessary to obtain a sufficient surplus barely to sustain a scanty and miserable life. and these earnings they apply to maintain their priviledged orders in splendor and idleness, to fascinate the eyes of the people, and excite in them an humble adoration and submission as to an order of superior beings.

Punctuation has changed since Jefferson’s time, but the things said in this quote have remained far too true. Even as I wrote and said as well as I can that we need not live as we do and made the case so many times that we are being held down by those who have the power to do so, these words of Thomas Jefferson awaited my discovery of them. I rest my case. Thank you.


Taking Back The Country

Taking Back The Country

I have been for a long time content to limit the posts on this site to matters that are worldly. I have refrained from making more specific comments about the United States or any other nation. The lack of interest has made me rethink. The people have the power, but they are not using it. It is very sad. So, I am now putting something out there that is a bit more specific. I feel that the people of the USA are ready to make some changes. When I see ideas proposed, I am stunned by the lack of substance. I will, therefore, make a more substantive contribution, if I do say so myself.

What would you do to make things better in our government?
Here are some of my ideas. These are just rough ideas. A refined version would be needed and more added.

1. End the government’s methods of funding itself by means other than direct tax.

2. Prohibit lobbying. Have causes delivered directly the the entire house.

3. Audit all members of government annually. No money, job, or other form of reward will be obtained for any favor, not even for an audience.

4. Prohibit candidates from financing a campaign by any means other than from a general fund set aside from taxes collected for that purpose. All qualified candidates will receive equal funding and will be allowed ONLY equal time in any form of media.

5. Require all members of Congress to pass a test on the various aspects of any and every bill or action they have before them, and when they all pass, a vote can be taken.

6. All members of government will have their pay and benefits approved by the people by ballot.

7. All fines collected by any agency of any government will be collected into a fund that will be distributed equally to the people when it reaches an amount predetermined by the people.

8. All branches of all and every government will not be allowed to participate in any business of any kind.

9. No government branch or agency of any branch will be allowed to sell any government asset unless the people approve the sale by popular vote and any funds derived shall be distributed to the people.

10. All import duties will be distributed to the people.

11. Military forces will not be sent into action without the consent of the people by 3/4 majority vote.

12. All laws passed by the federal government will be removed and the original laws in the Constitution will be the limit of its laws unless the people by a majority of 3/4 approve new ones.

13. Governments will not be allowed to conduct any operations in secret except in time of war and all details will be fully revealed at the end of the war. There will then be a full accounting for all actions and responsible parties and individuals will be held accountable as heroes, criminals, or otherwise.

14. The federal government will print and issue all forms of money and no bank will be allowed to have access to it by any means other than deposits by the people. Money will be issued according the the gross domestic product and will be distributed to the citizens in a portion equatable to production so that it can be put into circulation. Available currency will be limited to the amount needed for the convenience it offers and in the conduction of business with other nations, all such business will be approved by the people before it can transpire.

15. All corporations will have a limit imposed upon them regarding profits. None will be allowed to charge enough for their products and/or services the accumulate funds beyond a limit determined by the people in a 3/4 majority vote.

16. Companies that produce in other nations will be charged an import tax that levels the pricing with that of similar products produced in this country. Other countries employing their own people and exporting to the US will be charged a reasonable import fee, if any.

I can go on like this all night. If you want to fix this country, start thinking of something different. These are just food for thought and could be refined.