
Capitalists Join Communits

“The world may politically, as well as geographically, be divided into four parts, each having a distinct set of interests. Unhappily for the other three, Europe, by her arms and by her negotiations, by force and by fraud, has, in different degrees, extended her dominion over them all. Africa, Asia, and America, have successively felt her dominion. The superiority she has long maintained has tempted her to plume herself as the Mistress of the World, and to consider the rest of mankind as created for her benefit. Men admired as profound philosophers have,m in direct terms, attributed to her inhabitants a physical superiority and have gravely asserted that all animals, and with them the human species, degenerate in America–that even dogs cease to bark after having breathed awhile in our atmosphere.” Federalist 11 by Hamilton. SUPERIORITY! It is not limited to race. To attempt to relegate it to race is only to distract attention from the type of superiority at that is keeping the human race at toil and misery while preventing them from living in fulfillment with plenty of leisure time.

In 1787, when Federalist 11 was published, fraud was so common among nations it was mentioned only in passing here. Force and fraud are powerful chains to prevent the slaves from breaking loose and obtaining their freedom. The population of the world is enslaved today by methods more cunning and less recognizable than chains for the purpose of enriching the few who are already far beyond all luxury and leisure.

Working people are not working to earn a living. That is the false color being painted over the endless labor to further enrich the few. The land is deeded and owned. There is no place to exist free. All must serve the systems that enchain them simple to be granted grudgingly a place to be and a share of the products of production to sufficient survive. Like overt slavery, some of the enslaved are granted more than others. This is then used to invigorate the labor of the rest. All the while, a false promise of becoming one of the few is held out like the proverbial “brass ring.” And virtually none of you even realize any of this. Most of you will object to it and praise capitalism as if that is a system instead of a fraud. Watch now as capitalism mates with communism and eliminates the “inferior” thinking AI and robotics will replace them.


Attaining Glory Upon Ruins

It took seventy years, but I am finally reading The Federalist. I finished Public Opinion by Lippmann, and it provided some valuable insights that are paying off in my comprehension of The Federalist. I think more people reading both would benefit mankind in general.

The US Constitution went into effect two hundred and thirty-three years ago, roughly. Since then, we have seen what happened. Of course, none of us saw it ourselves. We can only read about it or get information from others by some means. Today is very much a direct result of the ratification of the Constitution that was done before the electric light was invented, before the telegraph or telephone, and before travel was faster than an animal or ship. Neither of those nor any other development/invention has caused fundamental changes to the form of government those people, a small minority, setup so long ago. Well, none that were formally proposed and approved by the people the Constitution was supposed to serve and protect. The amendments do not constitute fundamental changes, in my opinion.

The federal government has definitely changed, though. The changes are the work of the very sort of people the opponents to the ratification listed as cause for rejecting it. Montesquieu ( foresaw the problems that took root after the ratification. Two of the delegates to the convention that created the constitution left in protest leaving Hamilton the only delegate from New York. He missed a lot of the convention, too. The two delegates, Yates and Lansing, were proponents of state’s rights. I think they realized, as did Montesquieu, that the federal government could not be kept secure from tyranny because it covered too much area and too many people.

We are living witnesses to the advanced results of what Montesquieu feared. He wrote, ” …an ambitious person soon becomes sensible that they may be happy, great, and glorious by oppressing his fellow-citizens, and that he might raise himself to grandeur, on the ruins of his country.” Even more than two hundred years ago people were aware of how to “gain influence by cajoling the unthinking mass, and ringing in their ears…” As we descend into abject tyranny, the mass clings to the cajoling noise that deceives their reason and intelligence.

People are waking up more every day to the tyranny we are under. They accepted the current level, though it was built on worse, in the name of protecting themselves and others from a virus. Though it cuts the carotid artery to the source of logic to yield to the nonsense derived from the virus, the intentions of the people were noble. It is time for the bleeding to be stanched and reason to return before it is too late. Tyranny for any reason will not feel good when the numbness wears off. Fear is such a numbing agent to reason!

I think we are seeing the beginning of the end of the advantages and the goals of the ambitious people who think they are rising to grandeur and power on the ruins of this nation. Anyone who cannot see yet that our nation is being ruined is too deeply immersed in the cajoling influence that dominates nearly all sources of information. Self-aggrandizing and extremely privileged people have become the true rulers of the world. They are only trying to come out into the open by their fear mongering over the virus. Other plans are being carried out as I write. Look for real pandemics and wars. Look for economic catastrophe on a global scale. The ruins of a nation are not enough to satisfy the type of person who can harm and kill a child, especially the type who can do so in quantity. Pedophilia and torture/murder of children is happening wholesale these days. That may be the only thing that can awaken the mass of humanity to reality, and that is sad beyond expression. But if that is the only way, at least it is a way.


Shaped Like Clay

Yes, way too many. I wish the false reality was only that created by the media. The entire human race is living in la la land. The subconscious rules without logic or reason. Born totally helpless, ignorant, and exposed people are like lumps of clay on a pottery wheel. They come into life with some characteristic just as clay is already clay. Even before birth life reaches into the womb and starts shaping the baby. The trauma of birth if followed by the profound and unavoidable forces of living. By the time a person is considered to be fully grown, the hands of living have shaped the person so much the person has already become most of what it will be.

The forming hands of living act upon the impressionable child profoundly. The child is not given the opportunity to influence the shaping and could make nothing of it even if it were given. The parents quickly begin to add their hands to the shaping. Eventually, and ever so slowly, the child begins to make choices, uninformed choices. Trial and error experiences act on the clay of the child. Then formal institutions begin to add to the shaping. By the time the person is able to make informed decisions about its shape, it is too late. The shaping has already been so extensive informed decisions are more subconscious than wise and the information applied is so damaged during the process of maturing it is more often than not incomplete and/or errors.

Millennia of generations have lived in small areas of a vast universe. Astronomical forces constantly shape the world, and people are only recently learning about them. Even the planet is too vast for the generations to be aware of it all and most global events impossible to know by first-hand experience. By now, human events created by seven billion people are profoundly affecting the lives of everyone and even with modern technology most people cannot be aware of them by first-hand experience. We are forced to rely on information reported. Since all that is reported comes from humans who have been subjected to the same influences that affect us all with slight variations, informed decisions and opinions have been impossible. Even so, Americans must make very informed choices, especially in elections. Without being able to base choices and decisions on the information necessary, people make them anyway. All this and more add to a compounding confusion that has become so mixed up it is really quite crazy. It is no surprise that history has been so bloody and horrible, or that there are so many horrors, deaths, destruction, and suffering today.

Mankind has not risen out of la la land yet, but some have gained enormous power. There are millions of rich people now. Some are so fabulously rich they have the power of life and death over the whole world. To my knowledge, they are all just people like everyone else. Experiences vary but not enough to make anyone different enough to be considered anything other than just people. Nor does it qualify them for the power they have. This does not prevent them from using it, though. Decision and choices they make have profound effects on everyone and everything. No form of life or inanimate object is immune to the effects of their choices and actions.

We are watching some very rich people virtually take control of the world by means of a spreading virus. There is not way to know where the virus came from of what its effects are. The reports available are controlled by the very rich people who are taking control of the world in the name of protecting us from a virus. They have been dictating what business and group is essential, which are going to be allowed to continue. They have acquired the power to tell us where to stand, to wear masks, to take injections they have created, and the virus has been used to profoundly affect the election in the USA. The entire human family of Earth is under their control. Politics and representative government have been bypassed in the implementation of the will of the very rich, but not left unaffected. Throughout all branches of all governments the power wielded by the very rich is becoming obvious.

Millions, maybe even billions of people have been made terrified of the virus, and similar numbers were made to have panic level fear of a president of the United States of America. Neither the virus nor the president are topics the vast population can make informed choices and decisions about. They get only the information that is approved for them. It only comes from people just like them in the sense that they too were shaped by forces they had little or no influence on. They just were born rich or became rich. That alone does not qualify them as trustees of the general welfare. In fact, it might just disqualify them since they are living in a world within the world.

The people I know are not able to comprehend the way the very rich live. They have enough trouble comprehending the world that comes within their reach. They see some of the things the very rich have, but their lives are simply too different to fully comprehend by people who have not experienced it. It is as if the rich live in a world within the world. Unfortunately, everything anyone does has at least some effect on everyone. The effects my be less than the effects of a shooting star, but effects are effects. When the rich do things with their wealth, which is power in the modern world, the whole world feels the effects. It is so profound it determines far more than most realize the quality of life for the billions of mankind. They are making it more obvious by the way the last president and the virus have been handled. Both were used to instill panic in the hearts of millions.

Someday, maybe, the world will see what is really going on. The power wielded by humans will be seen for the history it created. It seems to me that there is an inexorable force acting over mankind and the planet that is taking us to some wonderful denouement. I sense it all around us. I see it in the changes of the past century or so. I have become blissful, and it has lasted fifty years. I think that would not have been possible if the future were not bright.

The production ability of mankind has reached a level that makes it possible for everyone to have all they want for simply contributing to the production for a relatively short time. Limited as we are today to the resources and energy of earth, we are making our way into outer space anyway. Once the solar system is opened up to us, the potential will increase beyond imagination. There are none but the demonic who will not benefit. The demonic hate the idea of prosperity for all. I don’t know what happened, but I have unqualified ideas, to create people who want to destroy. They will not be happy to see mankind solve its problems and create prosperity and time to enjoy it for everyone. People who do not impose the restraints of ethics, morality, and goodness upon themselves have not had difficulty rising in power by means of money. Many have done so. Much of history and current affairs are being caused by them. But they cannot prevail. Their disappointment will likely be traumatic. My hope is that many will realize the improvements they too can enjoy. No rich person in the world today can enjoy what is possible. If they could see what is possible, they would join the effort to realize the potential. Guess what! One we reach a certain potential, an infinity of greater potential will come within our reach. If I wrote out just some of the potential that is already being realized in reality but not in the awareness of many people, you would not believe me. Such is the result of being born helpless in a world that has not realized enough of the potential yet. Love will come and with it wonders beyond belief at this time.


Democracy, Omnicompetence, and Money

Democracy means a lot to Americans. It is a cause worth killing and dying for to them. In the past several years, I have been studying to origins of democracy and its evolution. The founders of this nation were rather well versed in the tenants of democracy but there was plenty of disagreement. Given the status of human society at that time, it is not surprising that they formed the federal government the way they did. The history of human activity played a large role, too. When men were raiding and pillaging, when killing people was more common, and when the means of survival were hard to obtain the democracy envisioned by the democracy advocates appeared to be a solution. They did not see the future as it came to be.
The circumstances of life as they were when I was born seventy years ago hardly hinted at those that prevailed for thousands of years before nor of this day and time. The advocates of democracy two hundred years ago relied on the “omnicompetent” voters. The truth is; even then the voters were not omnicompetent. Today it is impossible for the voters to be competent at all.
Influences today are destroying the competence of the people. I have employed people for many decades. Training people to do things reveals people. What I am seeing today is stunning. Young people can be counted on to know video games and music of their choice. They don’t know what the vegetables are that I have in my refrigerator. They know almost noting about anything because they have spent their youth in the electronic world.
The long-term effects of cell phones and the internet are beginning to show. The effects of television have become clear already. All the values derived from millennia of human survival are vanishing, replaced by things that destroy the ability to survive. The number of people who are totally dependent on the social systems for their survival is nearing the total population of the planet.
We live in a world that requires of the people only the production of money for survival. The world has been conquered. Money rules. But money cannot sustain survival. Money is a social phenomenon. It has not nutrition. It cannot be used to shield us from the environment. It is not a weapon. If it is allowed to keep going as it is, there will be an adjustment. You will not like it.

Texans and the Deadly Cure

Texans and the Deadly Cure

Just one more day. Just one more day of the cure that is more deadly than the disease. Texans have been granted permission to stop being idiots. Do you think that will get them to stop? No way!

Texas aint so Texan these days. In the slow but steady conversion of this red state to blue, new arrivals from the failing blue states are beginning to outnumber the people who have Texan characteristics. To that must be added the Texans who had a liberal lean with conservative inclinations for the bedrock of humanity’s larger values, like family. Those people were too easily perverted by the unified media of the past decades. They might go along for a while, but when the bedrock gets damaged, they will be a force to recon with. Once a Texan gets teeth into the meat, they don’t let go until they hear a gun shot.

The media earned the trust of Texans back when there was journalism. Convincing then that journalism is dead and gone is near impossible. In a way, that is a virtue, but in the aggregate a failing. Discernment has been murdered in good people by the unified media. The poor Texans are being made to look like fools, and they are loath to permit that even if it kills them. By the time they hear the gun shot, it may be too late.

Then there is the corporate unity preventing the halt of the deadly cure. The media is a subsidiary of corporate unity. Politics and government are arms of corporate unity. Big money owns it all. The people who control the money are having their way with the lives of the people, and they like the cure for the not very deadly disease. Even without the Texan governor, the cure will go on.

The great state of Texas is being strip-mined. The bedrock of Texas holds gold. To get at it the big money is taking advantage of Texan strength. Texas may be a big state, but big money thinks globally. To them Texas is like a sticker in a paw. Just pull it out. Martial arts teach the means to utilize the strength of the opponent. Texans apply a lot of strength to their bedrock values, but that strength is being used against us. Texans are trying to shake off the strip miners, but Texas is just a small bit of their global mining operations. We stood against the might of Mexico, but we are falling to the global powers. It appears, the day before, that most businesses and many people will ignore the effort being made by Texans to rescue us from the deadly cure and just keep on cooperating with the strip miners. Texas has been inundated with non-Texans and foreign money, which is what we think of people from other states, foreigners. But Texans are friendly and helpful. We welcomed the foreigners, and they took advantage of us.

If you push a Texan too far, there is no telling what will happen. I was born and raised in the heart of Texas to parents born here who descended from Texans who fought Mexico for Texas. I know what I am telling you. Far too many Texans love to fight. My dad and uncle told me it was their favorite thing to do. Go to bars and get in fights. There are a lot of them still around. The bedrock values of Texans is hard to crack. That’s probably why so much big money has been being put here. There are so many high cranes here in Austin it is incredible. We are booming. Maybe louder than a gun shot. The cure may get us yet.

_Love (1)

The Right Love

Psychology! Everyone has one. Each is unique. It’s like having a limp. If you ignore it, you might fall over. “Know thy self first.” Sounds pretty good. A human is so immersed in its psychology knowing thy self is highly unlikely. All observe reality and the self through a veil of psychology. Knowing it does not prevent it. It seems more ignored than pondered. We gather and combine our actions until we have reached this moment without truly knowing what we are doing and without knowing thy self.

I rejoice when I find a sentence or a sentences in a book that puts words together profoundly and clearly. Such as this from Walter Lippmann in Public Opinion: “And when you think that each new generation is the casual victim of the way a previous generation was conditioned, as well as the inheritor of the environment that resulted, the possible combinations and permutations are enormous.” He is writing about the possible combinations that constitute a human psychology. This is a vital and essential insight.

We are all victims. From the days of total helplessness at birth, the world influences us. It shapes our psychology. We were not able to select or guide our development. I will dare to say none of us. So, we can go on in our lives doing what we do and hope we make it, or we can find the way to become something we want to become and set out to become it.

Once a human matures, grows up, it can take responsibility for itself, which it always is even if it doesn’t know it, but also for all its effects. I write here to suggest, to implore, and reason with everyone to make an intentional effort to build yourself on a foundation of Love. There is something about Love that works. I will dare another thing: people have not realized the world as it will be when we all love one another. When psychology is built on a foundation of Love, we will finally, at last, begin the adventure. It seems we have to go together, or none will go. If you really want to, you can become a source of unconditional Love. It will shine from you like the light shines from the sun, in all directions at all times and without condition upon all and everything. That is the emancipation. That is how one heals psychology. It must be the right Love. That is the tricky part.

Love Will End It

Love Will End It

There are so many things going on all at the same time! A human cannot even conceive it all and much less comprehend it. So, we probably need to find a way to cope. Things are building up to something. The power of man is far too dangerous to be in the hands of man. Listening to the opinions of the people makes hope a flicker in the distance. Eventually, or else, we must just stop and let things simmer down. It seems that people are forgetting the nuclear potential. It is time to stop all this dangerous nonsense and step out of this quagmire and into the garden. We cannot go on like this much longer. You know this. How long will we torment others and kill them over god? How long will we debate and battle over how to conduct society. D.C. already looks like a military base. Bombs are exploding across the globe. We are creating horrors unimaginable. If people could see what is happening, they would drop to their knees and stop. Eventually, we must admit that our opinions are irrelevant. Only the Truth matters. How long will we kill one another because of our opinions? It is totally insane. We have put ourselves on the brink and piled boulders against our retreat. It is not too late. I would not be able to write these words if it were. Only Love can save us now.

Love is the only thing that ever could save us. It is not liberty, democracy, capitalism, socialism, communism, economics, inventions, discoveries, education or anything other than Love. Only Love can set us free. Only Love can save us. How much love does it take to create Love? Ask Jesus. Ask Buddha, Krishna, Mohammad, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, ask the many who have tried to show us, who lived the example. Many love, but too few Love. Love is the answer, but love is a way to Love. I know of no better way to distinguish between them. Capital letters! They work. Hurry to Love. We can graduate when we get there. People are getting there more every day, some before others, but all will. It does not put one above another to arrive before. Love doesn’t work that way. When you get there, you will turn to help those still arriving. Hurry!

The Light at the Top

The Light at the Top

A long and terrible climb is behind us. From the caves to the skyscrapers, mankind has traveled. Most of known history has been struggle and strive replete with sorrow and tragedy. Little by little, mankind has managed to make life easier and richer. Many thousands of years have been invested by everyone without cataclysmic interruption. We have reached the top. All that is left is justice.

The means to reach the top were what they had to be. Granted, many wrongs impeded the ascent. The Dark Ages slowed us down and sent us back some. In the final analysis, it will be understood that all that was had to be to get us to where we are going. Deeply psychological beings working through endless errors and ignorance had to gain the experiences needed. We can see the top now. It is not an end to a journey. It is not a final destination. It is a beginning. It is an attainment that makes infinitely more possible.

Let us not waste the millennia of effort. We have come to a dangerous moment. Humans are now able to do great damage, even to the extent of extinction. We are balanced on the critical moment of all things. Let yourself see. Awaken to the potential. Don’t lose sight of what of what is now possible. If you haven’t seen it yet, start thinking about it. You will see what we can now accomplish and the flames of joyous passion will fire the engines that will take us to the “promise land.” We are all people. We are all together. Together we can realize the possibilities and bring the long climb to the beginning of the great adventure, the true awakening, the infinite possibilities, Love, and God. The family of man may pass through the gate together, but none shall pass alone. We are the key, not me, not you. Together we can reach the Light.

Distractions Blind Us to the Light

Distractions Blind Us to the Light

The thief is forced to distract the guards. Everyone knows this. So, why are you taking the bait? If there was no reaction to the distraction, it would fail. The thief would get caught and justice would prevail. The simplicity makes it easy to understand. Complexity makes it something to avoid.

Politics and social direction are very complex. What will be done, and which way will we go? Those are the question that matter. But they are very complex and deeply divisive. This whole world is being robbed while we fight over the bait. The robbers are skillful and cunning. They have combined many into teams. The team members specialize in a narrow fields. The robbers employ them while preventing most of them from knowing the plans they augment and facilitate. The plans are craftily designed. It is the oldest theft in history. We see it every day and everywhere without being aroused and inflamed. The rich are robbing us every day in every way. They have been doing it forever.

When the veils of illusions and distractions are lifted, the scene becomes clear. That is what the thieves must not allow to happen. At all costs, the thieves prevent the knowledge that there is far more than enough for everyone forever with relatively little work. Until this fact is assimilated, the theft is safe. People need comparative elements. Without them, judgment is unreliable. We quickly compare this to that and accept one. If we don’t have the best to compare to the rest, we chose the better. Then it becomes the standard. I’m here to tell you the best is yet to come. It is yet to be noticed even though it is glaringly more obvious every day.

We are all people. Our minds are not perfect, and they are manipulable. That is why we tolerate people having wealth counted in the hundreds of billions. Between Musk, Bezos, and Gates about five hundred billion dollars’ worth of human production is hoarded. That is just a small part of the greater hording that leaves so little for the rest of us. To keep such fortunes growing and secure, we must work our lives away for what they are willing to permit us. Don’t let the thieves, con artists, and politicians distract you with racism, police brutality, wars, and media. Countless distractions are out there. Don’t fall for them. Ignore them and take care of yourself knowing you could and should have it much better. The best is yet to come. Try to break free of the distractions.

Rally to Complain and Waste Time

Rally to Complain and Waste Time

A lot of people rally around Trump. It will be a waste of time until the rally become focused on something taken for granted so thoroughly it is being ignored, economics. People flocked to Trump’s refreshing and inspiring sincerity. He was a break from the phony presentations of politicians. I think there is something else at the root of the rally to Trump. I think it was the possibility that someone was actually going to sincerely try to help the people.

Trump and his supporters totally underestimated the strength of the opposition. The people were still under the illusion that the vote was a way to institute change. The vote has not been a mechanism for change in my seventy years. I think it has not been for longer than that. The confidence in the vote is not derived from intelligent and diligent effort to cognize everything that is happening. It is unlikely to even be possible. A human lives in its own little world. The rest of the world is far beyond the scope of any human, but some are able to put together teams to do it and proved the means to utilize the power of society for their pleasure and benefit. They long ago infiltrated the institutions of society and began to take their advantage. In a nation that is proud of majority rule and democratic representation, when criminals attain a majority, criminality can become legitimate. This nation can become a socialist Muslim nation legally. People who care for themselves and are willing to do anything and everything to serve themselves are now the majority. We live in a world they created.

The world is wrapped in a blanket of propaganda brilliantly designed and executed. It is so effective it puts people in opposition to satisfy a compulsive and subconscious need that human’s naturally exhibit. People need a cause, a mission, something to live for, purpose. This is known by the managers. That makes it part of the propaganda and part of the management of the people.

Management of people has become a well-developed art. Placing people in opposition is part of that art. We the people want justice. We want peace and prosperity. To get those things and others similar, we are prepared to go to war and just about anything else we believe will bring them. This is well understood by the managers. They know better than most that the people will rise up against injustice, war, and deprivation. Shortages motive people. Managers know it. They also know that the world is not just, war is ancient and ever-present, and the vast majority of the people live with shortages right in the middle of great wealth wasted on nonsensical junk production. Hey! Let’s build a gigantic stone pyramid to bury one of the rich in. Let’s let the rich create a war to go prove our manhood in. Don’t forget that if you work hard and smart, you too can become one of the rich. Don’t pay any attention to the fact that too many rich people will cause a collapse of society. The brilliance of the propaganda spinners is beyond refute. They know our subconscious. They understand how our minds work and they design the propaganda accordingly. To ensure that the propaganda works, they design it to appeal to our natures and include an enemy.

We look around at the world and we see. The rich and famous are public. The richest are not so easy to see, but we come to realize they are out there. Then we see our own stations. We are forced to earn a living. The disparity between our lives and those of others is simply too obvious and wrong to continue without some amazing systems designed to protect it. That is what economics really is. Of course, it is more complicated than that and there are many sub-systems supporting and perpetuating it. We are all enslaved to the systems. We serve the people in power. Illusions are created to protect them and manage us. They created economics as a central tool.

‘Neoclassical economics is the idiom of most economic discourse today. It is the paradigm that bends the twigs of young minds. Then it confines the florescence of older ones, like chicken-wire shaping a topiary. It took form about a hundred years ago, when Henry George and his reform proposals were a clear and present political danger and challenge to the landed and intellectual establishments of the world. Few people realize to what degree the founders of Neo-classical economics changed the discipline for the express purpose of deflecting George and frustrating future students seeking to follow his arguments. The stratagem was semantic: to destroy the very words in which he expressed himself.  Simon Patten expounded it succinctly. “Nothing pleases a …single taxer better than … to use the well-known economic theories …[therefore] economic doctrine must be recast” (Patten, 1908: 219; Collier, 1979: 270).’ Mason Gaffney, April 2007

Quotes from experts telling the world about the nonsense that is being held up as wonderful stuff can fill books. What is the use when people don’t read and/or cannot comprehend? I try. That is something I have to do for myself at least. When I get the thoughts of others, I see the imprint on them like dinosaur tracks. They stand in pseudo-intellectual opposition to the truth and defend their masters as though they are messiahs bringing salvation and miracles to mankind. After fifty years of trying to break through the conditioning, enculturation, propaganda, and subconscious controls I have grown weary of the repetitions. People have only a few things to say about it. Try it! See how soon the repetitions start.

There is no method that will exonerate Capitalism, but its proponents are legion. Its supporters and defenders are smart but deluded and psychologically disconnected from reality. They live in some world they create for themselves. They probably do it as a defense mechanism, but they also do it because they have been made to do it. In a human world that has been accumulating without interruption for some thousands of years, the complexity of life today amidst billions is far beyond the comprehension of anyone.

We don’t know much about what is going on. We cannot get a good grasp on what is happening to us personally. The rest of the world is so remote and incomprehensible it is a fool’s errand to even try to comprehend it. That has not stopped people from thinking they do. There are now so many trying to tell them what else is going on in the world it sounds like fifty radio stations tuned in on a radio all at the same time. People expose themselves to it and take from it what they are predisposed to take from it without ever realizing that they are not acting with conscious selectivity. The subconscious is doing it for them.

Born helpless and remaining that way for many years is a large portion of the causes of human behavior. It is also an avenue into which those who would control people can enter. Parents enter, but so do many others. There are some who have been entering that we would never allow in if we truly understood what they are doing and who they are.

Stealth is not limited to bombers. A pickpocket uses stealth. A bank robber, too. Stealth is real and effective. The historical legacy of wealth and power that has come into the hands of some has made stealth important to some. I already know you don’t want to go there, but that is not naturally happening in you. It is the way you have been ‘programmed.’ There is no other way you could accept as you do the disparity between the rich and the poor. You must be so effectively conditioned to accept it and react to it they way you do that you are not able to be in touch with what you do or why. This is made glaringly clear when you finally face the fact that everyone deserves a fair share of everything. That included land and money, but far more. And still people rally around the causes of their enemies thinking they are representing themselves and something good.

Capitalism and economics are so horrible it is amazing that anyone defends them. The people I have spoken with are not able to realize that those two systems are beating them to death and depriving them of the good lives they so deserve. I have listened to them speak passionately in defense of Capitalism. They site the good and ignore the bad. The opportunity to become rich drowns out all the things that would awaken them to reality. They never realize that mankind is so productive that everyone could and should have all they want for contributing a small portion of their effort.

The military waste of the world is enough to make the most inattentive aware that they are being deprived so that weapons, armies, infrastructure, bureaucracy, and all the rest that goes into war and preparation for war can be created. Vast acreage of planes, tanks, vehicles, and other military stuff around the world in countless places does nothing to dislodge the mental images that have been planted in their minds. They think we need that stuff. They think WWII saved the world. They think the rich deserve their riches and that those who don’t have it don’t deserve it. They never face the fact that society is cooperative work that produces everything. So, they never face the fact that they are being deprived intentionally of their fair share. It weighs practically nothing in their minds that the people who live the best in society do the least to contribute. They have been convinced that the rich are the ones responsible for the production of the people. It would be funny if it were not doing so much harm.

I am beside myself with consternation. What will it take? I have begun to think the only way justice and equity can happen is if the world rulers decide to make it happen. The people are not going to do anything but parrot what they have been made to parrot. I had hope that the rally to Donald Trump signaled an awakening. Then they just let the Democrats run over us like we don’t exist. We don’t. Not in a meaningful way. Soon robots will remove the last of or work and humanity will further diminish. There will be a lot of complaining and protests that do nothing just as the vote has done nothing.

The parties are a joke. The rich tend the rich. They are not going to allow a vote to take their power from them. That is why it has not mattered which party won. Both are owned by the rich. Little intelligence is needed to see the way into the systems. Who has not been exposed to the concept or even the facts of corrupt police? Who thinks the politicians are not susceptible to corruption? I’ll tell you who, the people who expose themselves to the media enough, the people who get enough controlled education, the people who can’t see past their reach. They are the people who spend their free time watching sports and ignoring their duty as a human contributor to society. They are the people who watch CNN and other propaganda media then take what they see as fact without even bothering to verify it. They don’t see what the other side has to say. They don’t even know that the riot at the Capital was instigated by agent provocateurs. They are certain that Trump is a demonic monster out to destroy them and the world. The believe Biden won fairly. The fix is in. It is in millions of people like a parasite feeding on the truth and excreting toxic waste into its host. This is true of Trump supporters and CNN zombies. There is no rational party, no voice of truth and righteousness.

While the Trump supporters complain that the election was stolen and the Constitution destroyed, they clamor in opposition to freedom of speech when it says something they don’t like. How is that different from the Democrats? Free is free. Free speech includes the freedom to hate the national anthem and express the hate. It includes the freedom to burn a flag and to say American is not great. The two-party system has long been a one-party system. The division of the people is along lines of trivial issues and irrelevant options. The real options are still out there somewhere waiting to be noticed. People don’t get the chance because the system was in place when they were born. None are exempted.

People get jobs and work. They play when they can and try to live in peace. They don’t need much and don’t ask for much. They don’t want to be bothered with the fact that they are working in a society or that society has been designed to funnel everything to the few who vouchsafe just enough to the workers to keep them alive and quiet. When Henry George published Progress and Poverty in the late 1800s, the book became a global sensation. It became second only to the Bible in book sales. It began to awaken the masses to the injustice and provided solutions. It became a global issue that caused a lot of activity among the people. Then the people it threatened with loss of wealth put a stop to it. In the quote above you can see a good explanation of what they did. The article is at But don’t read it. There is a game on tonight. That is what you need to spend your time on. I don’t blame you. There seems to be no hope. I might stop trying myself. Let God sort it out.