Distractions Blind Us to the Light

Distractions Blind Us to the Light

The thief is forced to distract the guards. Everyone knows this. So, why are you taking the bait? If there was no reaction to the distraction, it would fail. The thief would get caught and justice would prevail. The simplicity makes it easy to understand. Complexity makes it something to avoid.

Politics and social direction are very complex. What will be done, and which way will we go? Those are the question that matter. But they are very complex and deeply divisive. This whole world is being robbed while we fight over the bait. The robbers are skillful and cunning. They have combined many into teams. The team members specialize in a narrow fields. The robbers employ them while preventing most of them from knowing the plans they augment and facilitate. The plans are craftily designed. It is the oldest theft in history. We see it every day and everywhere without being aroused and inflamed. The rich are robbing us every day in every way. They have been doing it forever.

When the veils of illusions and distractions are lifted, the scene becomes clear. That is what the thieves must not allow to happen. At all costs, the thieves prevent the knowledge that there is far more than enough for everyone forever with relatively little work. Until this fact is assimilated, the theft is safe. People need comparative elements. Without them, judgment is unreliable. We quickly compare this to that and accept one. If we don’t have the best to compare to the rest, we chose the better. Then it becomes the standard. I’m here to tell you the best is yet to come. It is yet to be noticed even though it is glaringly more obvious every day.

We are all people. Our minds are not perfect, and they are manipulable. That is why we tolerate people having wealth counted in the hundreds of billions. Between Musk, Bezos, and Gates about five hundred billion dollars’ worth of human production is hoarded. That is just a small part of the greater hording that leaves so little for the rest of us. To keep such fortunes growing and secure, we must work our lives away for what they are willing to permit us. Don’t let the thieves, con artists, and politicians distract you with racism, police brutality, wars, and media. Countless distractions are out there. Don’t fall for them. Ignore them and take care of yourself knowing you could and should have it much better. The best is yet to come. Try to break free of the distractions.

Rally to Complain and Waste Time

Rally to Complain and Waste Time

A lot of people rally around Trump. It will be a waste of time until the rally become focused on something taken for granted so thoroughly it is being ignored, economics. People flocked to Trump’s refreshing and inspiring sincerity. He was a break from the phony presentations of politicians. I think there is something else at the root of the rally to Trump. I think it was the possibility that someone was actually going to sincerely try to help the people.

Trump and his supporters totally underestimated the strength of the opposition. The people were still under the illusion that the vote was a way to institute change. The vote has not been a mechanism for change in my seventy years. I think it has not been for longer than that. The confidence in the vote is not derived from intelligent and diligent effort to cognize everything that is happening. It is unlikely to even be possible. A human lives in its own little world. The rest of the world is far beyond the scope of any human, but some are able to put together teams to do it and proved the means to utilize the power of society for their pleasure and benefit. They long ago infiltrated the institutions of society and began to take their advantage. In a nation that is proud of majority rule and democratic representation, when criminals attain a majority, criminality can become legitimate. This nation can become a socialist Muslim nation legally. People who care for themselves and are willing to do anything and everything to serve themselves are now the majority. We live in a world they created.

The world is wrapped in a blanket of propaganda brilliantly designed and executed. It is so effective it puts people in opposition to satisfy a compulsive and subconscious need that human’s naturally exhibit. People need a cause, a mission, something to live for, purpose. This is known by the managers. That makes it part of the propaganda and part of the management of the people.

Management of people has become a well-developed art. Placing people in opposition is part of that art. We the people want justice. We want peace and prosperity. To get those things and others similar, we are prepared to go to war and just about anything else we believe will bring them. This is well understood by the managers. They know better than most that the people will rise up against injustice, war, and deprivation. Shortages motive people. Managers know it. They also know that the world is not just, war is ancient and ever-present, and the vast majority of the people live with shortages right in the middle of great wealth wasted on nonsensical junk production. Hey! Let’s build a gigantic stone pyramid to bury one of the rich in. Let’s let the rich create a war to go prove our manhood in. Don’t forget that if you work hard and smart, you too can become one of the rich. Don’t pay any attention to the fact that too many rich people will cause a collapse of society. The brilliance of the propaganda spinners is beyond refute. They know our subconscious. They understand how our minds work and they design the propaganda accordingly. To ensure that the propaganda works, they design it to appeal to our natures and include an enemy.

We look around at the world and we see. The rich and famous are public. The richest are not so easy to see, but we come to realize they are out there. Then we see our own stations. We are forced to earn a living. The disparity between our lives and those of others is simply too obvious and wrong to continue without some amazing systems designed to protect it. That is what economics really is. Of course, it is more complicated than that and there are many sub-systems supporting and perpetuating it. We are all enslaved to the systems. We serve the people in power. Illusions are created to protect them and manage us. They created economics as a central tool.

‘Neoclassical economics is the idiom of most economic discourse today. It is the paradigm that bends the twigs of young minds. Then it confines the florescence of older ones, like chicken-wire shaping a topiary. It took form about a hundred years ago, when Henry George and his reform proposals were a clear and present political danger and challenge to the landed and intellectual establishments of the world. Few people realize to what degree the founders of Neo-classical economics changed the discipline for the express purpose of deflecting George and frustrating future students seeking to follow his arguments. The stratagem was semantic: to destroy the very words in which he expressed himself.  Simon Patten expounded it succinctly. “Nothing pleases a …single taxer better than … to use the well-known economic theories …[therefore] economic doctrine must be recast” (Patten, 1908: 219; Collier, 1979: 270).’ Mason Gaffney, April 2007

Quotes from experts telling the world about the nonsense that is being held up as wonderful stuff can fill books. What is the use when people don’t read and/or cannot comprehend? I try. That is something I have to do for myself at least. When I get the thoughts of others, I see the imprint on them like dinosaur tracks. They stand in pseudo-intellectual opposition to the truth and defend their masters as though they are messiahs bringing salvation and miracles to mankind. After fifty years of trying to break through the conditioning, enculturation, propaganda, and subconscious controls I have grown weary of the repetitions. People have only a few things to say about it. Try it! See how soon the repetitions start.

There is no method that will exonerate Capitalism, but its proponents are legion. Its supporters and defenders are smart but deluded and psychologically disconnected from reality. They live in some world they create for themselves. They probably do it as a defense mechanism, but they also do it because they have been made to do it. In a human world that has been accumulating without interruption for some thousands of years, the complexity of life today amidst billions is far beyond the comprehension of anyone.

We don’t know much about what is going on. We cannot get a good grasp on what is happening to us personally. The rest of the world is so remote and incomprehensible it is a fool’s errand to even try to comprehend it. That has not stopped people from thinking they do. There are now so many trying to tell them what else is going on in the world it sounds like fifty radio stations tuned in on a radio all at the same time. People expose themselves to it and take from it what they are predisposed to take from it without ever realizing that they are not acting with conscious selectivity. The subconscious is doing it for them.

Born helpless and remaining that way for many years is a large portion of the causes of human behavior. It is also an avenue into which those who would control people can enter. Parents enter, but so do many others. There are some who have been entering that we would never allow in if we truly understood what they are doing and who they are.

Stealth is not limited to bombers. A pickpocket uses stealth. A bank robber, too. Stealth is real and effective. The historical legacy of wealth and power that has come into the hands of some has made stealth important to some. I already know you don’t want to go there, but that is not naturally happening in you. It is the way you have been ‘programmed.’ There is no other way you could accept as you do the disparity between the rich and the poor. You must be so effectively conditioned to accept it and react to it they way you do that you are not able to be in touch with what you do or why. This is made glaringly clear when you finally face the fact that everyone deserves a fair share of everything. That included land and money, but far more. And still people rally around the causes of their enemies thinking they are representing themselves and something good.

Capitalism and economics are so horrible it is amazing that anyone defends them. The people I have spoken with are not able to realize that those two systems are beating them to death and depriving them of the good lives they so deserve. I have listened to them speak passionately in defense of Capitalism. They site the good and ignore the bad. The opportunity to become rich drowns out all the things that would awaken them to reality. They never realize that mankind is so productive that everyone could and should have all they want for contributing a small portion of their effort.

The military waste of the world is enough to make the most inattentive aware that they are being deprived so that weapons, armies, infrastructure, bureaucracy, and all the rest that goes into war and preparation for war can be created. Vast acreage of planes, tanks, vehicles, and other military stuff around the world in countless places does nothing to dislodge the mental images that have been planted in their minds. They think we need that stuff. They think WWII saved the world. They think the rich deserve their riches and that those who don’t have it don’t deserve it. They never face the fact that society is cooperative work that produces everything. So, they never face the fact that they are being deprived intentionally of their fair share. It weighs practically nothing in their minds that the people who live the best in society do the least to contribute. They have been convinced that the rich are the ones responsible for the production of the people. It would be funny if it were not doing so much harm.

I am beside myself with consternation. What will it take? I have begun to think the only way justice and equity can happen is if the world rulers decide to make it happen. The people are not going to do anything but parrot what they have been made to parrot. I had hope that the rally to Donald Trump signaled an awakening. Then they just let the Democrats run over us like we don’t exist. We don’t. Not in a meaningful way. Soon robots will remove the last of or work and humanity will further diminish. There will be a lot of complaining and protests that do nothing just as the vote has done nothing.

The parties are a joke. The rich tend the rich. They are not going to allow a vote to take their power from them. That is why it has not mattered which party won. Both are owned by the rich. Little intelligence is needed to see the way into the systems. Who has not been exposed to the concept or even the facts of corrupt police? Who thinks the politicians are not susceptible to corruption? I’ll tell you who, the people who expose themselves to the media enough, the people who get enough controlled education, the people who can’t see past their reach. They are the people who spend their free time watching sports and ignoring their duty as a human contributor to society. They are the people who watch CNN and other propaganda media then take what they see as fact without even bothering to verify it. They don’t see what the other side has to say. They don’t even know that the riot at the Capital was instigated by agent provocateurs. They are certain that Trump is a demonic monster out to destroy them and the world. The believe Biden won fairly. The fix is in. It is in millions of people like a parasite feeding on the truth and excreting toxic waste into its host. This is true of Trump supporters and CNN zombies. There is no rational party, no voice of truth and righteousness.

While the Trump supporters complain that the election was stolen and the Constitution destroyed, they clamor in opposition to freedom of speech when it says something they don’t like. How is that different from the Democrats? Free is free. Free speech includes the freedom to hate the national anthem and express the hate. It includes the freedom to burn a flag and to say American is not great. The two-party system has long been a one-party system. The division of the people is along lines of trivial issues and irrelevant options. The real options are still out there somewhere waiting to be noticed. People don’t get the chance because the system was in place when they were born. None are exempted.

People get jobs and work. They play when they can and try to live in peace. They don’t need much and don’t ask for much. They don’t want to be bothered with the fact that they are working in a society or that society has been designed to funnel everything to the few who vouchsafe just enough to the workers to keep them alive and quiet. When Henry George published Progress and Poverty in the late 1800s, the book became a global sensation. It became second only to the Bible in book sales. It began to awaken the masses to the injustice and provided solutions. It became a global issue that caused a lot of activity among the people. Then the people it threatened with loss of wealth put a stop to it. In the quote above you can see a good explanation of what they did. The article is at

https://masongaffney.org/publications/K1Neo-classical_Stratagem.CV.pdf But don’t read it. There is a game on tonight. That is what you need to spend your time on. I don’t blame you. There seems to be no hope. I might stop trying myself. Let God sort it out.

Drowning in Nonsense

Drowning in Nonsense

It is quite bizarre to live in a world the requires me to stand against nonsense. The use of reason and logic has been traced back to centuries before Jesus. In this age of scientific reason, it should be rare for one to act according to nonsense. False information has clearly become the foundation upon which many build their opinions. We are all familiar with the right to opinions and the universality of opinions. I will restrain myself from typing the vulgar ways to say it. The right to an opinion does not include the right to act on it.

There were those who were firmly of the opinion that some are born to slavery and others to civil life, that some are born to be slaves and some to be free. Aristotle wrote in defense of slavery about 2500 years ago. He clearly was of the opinion that slavery was natural and right and acted accordingly. He was compelled to defend slavery because there was a growing opinion that slavery was wrong. Failing to find the means to defend the opinion that exempted him from labor removed his opportunity to be a scholar and live on the produce of the slaves, he resorted to sophistry. The peculiar aspect of his defense bears upon the nonsense of our time.

You cannot be held responsible for the crimes of your ancestors. I am forced by the behavior of millions to defend that statement. I will attack opinions with reason but defend against actions. I am not going to pay for the enslavement of anyone’s ancestors. It is amazing that it is an issue. Are we witnessing the end of the age of reason? How much ignorance, false data, and illogic goes into the desire to be compensated for the crimes of history? I am trying not to laugh so much I can’t type.

“Suppose it were legal for a slave to be beaten by a citizen, it would frequently happen that an Athenian might be mistaken for a slave or and alien and receive a beating; since the Athenian people is not better clothed than the slave or alien, nor in personal appearance is there any superiority.” That quote is from a book quoting a quote from a book about something said by the ruling class of ancient Greece. Wow! It is very important because it is typical of history and negates the ridiculous idea that the white American owes the black Americans for the enslavement of their ancestors. There is no race or religious that was exempted from historical slavery. If black Americans deserve reparations, everyone does. And that is impossible.

Mankind has been horrible to mankind for as long as artifact can reveal. The treatment of other living things has been even worse. By the reparations nonsense being touted as moral and logical, we owe trees far more than we owe any human. We the people owe ourselves and each other reparations in the form of love for one another.

The world of mankind is so crazy we are facing the end of it. That is bad enough, but we are not just destroying ourselves. We are destroying a magical potential and the capacity of Earth to host Life. We could have world peace and tender loving care for all life forms. We could care for our planet and become worthy of moving out into the incredible universe. Instead, we want to destroy everything and fight over the most stupid nonsense ever conceived.

Reparations for the acts of ancestors would not be as stupid if it were the worst of human nonsense. It is far from that. Here again I must point out a far greater folly. This time I will try to approach it from a different angle. Voting is far more ridiculous than reparations. Your reaction to that statement should reveal great and deep embedded nonsense that needs to come forward and be known. Most of you cannot do it. I have been talking to people about it so long I have grown bored by the repetitive reactions, retorts, and arguments.

If I hold you underwater to drown you, will you fight against the ability to breath water or the fact that I am drowning you? Well, if you fight to win the elections, that is exactly what you are doing. How can you think of yourself as a reasonable and intelligent person when you cannot even realize that you are being drowned and fighting the water? It is true that breathing water will kill you. It is true that voting will kill you, too. You just cannot see it.

Mankind has been a horrible and murderous part of life on Earth so long people today are lost. They may have never been able to know where they are. To understand, hopefully, that voting is stupider than reparations for the wrongs of ancestors, one must be able to comprehend the power of a single person.

As I type, I fight the futility that fifty years of trying is giving me. I am operating in the hope that there is still or finally some capacity for reason and love in at least someone or even some. Sometimes I have doubts. Here I try to make sense to people who may not have the ability. Given the profundity with which people claim the ability, there may be some. But I digress.

A human is only so strong and can only do so much. It is by working together that the power to cause what we were born into was created. At www.thepowerofthepeople.org I have attempted to appeal to mankind regarding many aspects of what we were born into. I add plans to realize more of our potential and grasp the fantastic opportunity we have. The name of the site was designed to get people to realize more fully and to think about the fact that the power to do more than an individual human can do is derived by people working together. The power of the people is the only power mankind can wield beyond personal power. Look at what it is doing right now. Look at what it has done.

You might be better equipped to realize the stupidity of the vote by typing a query into a search engine. Try “how many wars have happened.” If you use a telephone to search, you will scroll down the screen a long time with your finger to find the end and it will not even be the real end. The search engines return specific types of wars and limit the results by practical parameters. In other words, human have been horrible barbarians as far back as we can see. It was the power of the people at work. Rather than realize we have murderous barbarians working together to do horrible things with the power of the people; we fight over who will wield it. We vote. We are drowning in our own power and trying to save ourselves by struggling with each other over who gets to hold us under.

I almost stopped this discourse right there. I am weak. I cannot resist the temptation to expand, to continue, to try to help us all. We are messed up. In general, we are all so flawed and crazy the power of the people should not be allowed to continue. It has continued long enough; too long. It is time to reign it in, and quickly and hard. Throw on the brakes before we crash. Let’s vote to stop voting. Holy smokes! I restrained some more vulgar expletives. How can anyone just keep paddling toward the waterfall? We cannot manage the power we have created. There is no one who is capable of negotiating the complex and vast social organizations of man. It has gone on unwisely so long it has become an impossible task. We can stop it, though.

We are social beings. We work together naturally. But we have been stupid and ignorant a very long time. We have not been vigilant enough either. People who should never even have their own personal power because they do horrible thing with it have managed to gain the power of the people. If you need that expounded, there is little chance that I can help you. Goodness of character has not been a qualification to wield the power of the people. It has been an unspoken necessity with little to no mechanism to insure it. But the unspoken desire to have the power wielded by good people has been evaded by stealth and cunning.

I am constantly astonished by the gullibility of Americans. If the politician says it, he must be telling the truth; unless he is the other candidate. That is how stupid we have become. Furthermore, if the “expert” says it on television, it must be true if it is on the channel we like. You are facing people who have so much power our slave holding ancestors never even imagined it. They make the cruel slave holder seem kind.

Changes have suddenly come to man. Huge changes! Holy smokes! Can you realize how huge and dramatic? Just think of the time mankind was held to the speed of the fastest animals we can ride. All of a sudden, we can circumnavigate the globe in short order. We can communicate at near the speed of light. We can cause explosions powerful enough to destroy the world. The power created by social organization has become deadly to the whole world.

While nearly every single one of you would quickly defend the opinion that a three-year-old kid should not be allowed to play with a loaded gun, you, at the same time, defend the opinion that you can select and vote for a human to play with the “nuclear football.” A grownup human is not much more capable than a three-year-old kid. In fact, a grownup is probably more flawed than a kid. The profundity and complexity of flaws in modern grownups is clearly exemplified by the stupid debate about paying people for something our ancestors did. It is laughable, but far too deadly to laugh about. But, as I have said, there is a more deadly stupidity that would be funny if it were not so deadly.

It is so stupid to attempt to keep empowering people to wield awesome power it makes all other stupidity seem innocuous. There is one thing that we can do right now that will not be stupid. We can vote one more time to change the power of the people to the power of love.

The ancient Jews are thought to have received a command from God to love one another. As if you can command someone to love, Jesus came along much later telling people to love one another. He is said to have given his life as an example of love. To my mind, all of history has been the process of man becoming loving creatures. Until we do, we are not qualified to have the awesome power of the people. We are not competent enough to be trusted with it. If we can realize this in a visceral way and act accordingly right now, we can become qualified and worthy rather quickly.

I think mankind is at the brink of love and destruction. Poised on the razor’s edge, the future hold both promise and doom. It really is up to you. You had damn well better become a person who manifests unconditional love right away. No one can order you to do it. No one can show you what it would be like for you. But it is clearly the last possible way to save ourselves. It is your task, and none may accomplish it for you. I have written so much about it I have tired of it. I have spoken to so many I don’t even feel like trying any more. I look back at accepted history and I see God, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Plato, Mohammad, and countless others trying to get you to do it. I get a little solace from knowing about them, but not enough. It clearly has not been something easy to accomplish. With the growing secularism, ancestral guidance and God are being left behind leaving mankind with nothing but reason and logic to guide. That would work if people were capable of sound reason and logic. It would take us to the truth and, in my view, bring us to God and more. But love can bring us the truth as we are capable of assimilating it. It can guide us to reason and logic that works. It can solve all the problems we face by helping us be capable of acting in resonance with the universe including the one that is not made of atoms; the one from which the atomic one came. Wouldn’t it be great to finally settle the arguments about God?

I leave this session over the keyboard with optimism and bliss. Love has made life blissful for me for fifty years now. The anniversary of my good luck finding unconditional love for all was just last July. I am not sure of the exact date. But it has been fifty years at least. I wish you would join me.

What is Happening

What is Happening

Trying to determine what is happening with the world is occupying my thoughts and study a lot. The various topics of my study continue to add to the data I can bring to the determination. There is still too much missing. For example, the extent of control being exerted is unknown. I have ideas, but no concrete means to verify or disprove them.

I write here some ideas that seem to warrant consideration. There are global trends now. It was only about a hundred years ago that air travel came to mankind after the arguable ten thousand years of history. The globe rather suddenly became something that could support global trends fostered by personal contact with people. It was not relatively earlier that radio and wire communications had set into motion the trend that air travel augmented. Then came the internet.

Internet services known as “social media sites” have made it easy to unify the people around the world in loosely organized trends. So, now we have radio technology and science brining us radio, television, portable telephones, internet, and social media sites. Facebook boasts more than two billion users worldwide. Others have similar numbers, and many have smaller numbers, but added together trending is now something that makes it possible for mankind to act more-or-less in concert around the globe. Can you imagine how this appeals to people? Sure, you can. Now, imagine how it would appeal to the people who live at the “top.”

It seems logical that there are some who are acting to guide the trends of the world. Maybe they are not well organized and exercise to guide only parts of the many aspects of modern life. Or, maybe there are more general trends that are being guided. All things must be considered. I tend to lean toward a global and general guidance. If that is what is happening, we can try to detect what the guidance is trying to accomplish.

Consider the new ability of mankind to fly. It started in small enclaves and individuals. Then it became a trend that swept the globe. The same is true of most innovation and inventions. Religion is another valid observation of global trending. Mankind is working together whether realized or not, whether intentional or not. If the collaboration of mankind is being steered or guided, we can only hope those who are doing it have the general welfare as the objective. This seems unlikely given the extent and strength of greed, competition, and fear mankind demonstrates. Add to that the class consciousness that has dominated human culture. There are people who never doubt that labor is beneath them. They believe as sincerely as you believe you are reading this that they are superior to most people. It is a condition. Some are so overwhelmed by it they have been known to think of themselves a gods and divinely appointed in many variations of the condition. To assume that such individuals and groups of such individuals are not at least attempting to utilize global collaboration for their own purposes is illogical. To understand what we are able to see for ourselves, we must consider as many possibilities as possible. Try them all and see.

The long and horrible history of war tells me that man has been organized into factions we think of as empires, nations, and other such labels headed by some individual or group who contest among themselves. It also appears that those who head the nations have been able to convince others to participate in the contests. This is going on now in many areas. It might be that the latest global trending potential is being used to relieve mankind of such conflicts and contests. If so, how? Can it be by eliminating the others? That would be consistent with history and human psychology. An ultimate “victor” might end the conflicts, but maybe not. A victor provides a focus for rebellion. It would just be directed at one point instead of having many contests directed at many points. If that scenario is being pursued, the general welfare stands to suffer. So, let’s look at the alternative, or one of them at least.

Suppose there is a benevolent person who can exercise enough power to guide the course of human events, to borrow a phrase. Or a group of such people who can. Would that explain what we are seeing? If so, it would have to be done with the old axiom of leadership that we have all at least heard of which says that a great leader must be able to sacrifice others for the greater good. It is often referred to as “making the hard decisions.” That would give us a partial explanation for what is going on globally. But it does not reveal the purpose or purposes the events are designed to accomplish. It neither explains the complex intricacies of modern times or the trending concepts that are getting a lot of “airtime.”

Malthusian concepts, class consciousness, wealth distribution, and countless other factors of life make the possibility of benevolent guidance unlikely. Not impossible, though. There is no rational means to discount the possibility. Intuition can discount is quickly. It is probably optimism that causes me to even consider benevolent guidance by human beings. History gives such optimism a ridiculousness characteristic. That would leave us to examine that some horrible people might be exercising the power that is being created by the collaboration of the global population that has recently become possible relative to human history.

Given my study of human history, human nature, psychology, and activities, it seems likely that there are people who are wielding the power who are not benevolent or even kind. We can hope someone such as Jesus would come to take the power and use it benevolently. God is a potential benevolent wielder of the power. The possibilities are endless, but the facts are set. The power is real and the global character of it is new relative to history. That mankind has suddenly produced some incredibly brilliant, capable, willing, and benevolent people who have managed despite all obstacles to acquire the power of the people in such a short period of history seems unlikely. Possible, yes. Unlikely, too. Hope is still possible. So, we can hope, but we had better see as clearly, deeply, and broadly as possible. I don’t know that is going on. I can speculate. That’s all. I am doing it a lot, and not just for fun. I worry for Life.

Earth is a place where Life exists. It is in a precarious situation because humans have developed global trends augmented by fantastic destructive powers. Does it seem strange to you as it does to me that wars have been the motivation for so much of human innovation, invention, and discovery? Be that as it may, the destructive power of man is at an all-time high. That being the “designed” destructive power. Bombs and other types of destructive power are only additions to the other destructive power of the people. Destruction caused by the pursuit of happiness is nothing to take lightly. Wow! The mere thought amazes me. Then there are many other destructive forces and means. They all combine to produce potential cataclysmic possibilities. But they do not constitute the total destructive power that threatens the Live of Earth. They are worrisome enough, but we cannot ignore natural destruction.

I don’t need to elaborate. The destructive power of the universe is known well enough to negate the need to elaborate. All in all, the world, this globe, faces immense destructive forces that can extinguish all Life. Perhaps that can explain what is going on in the global trends we are experiencing. It would not even require a benevolent guidance or an evil one, for the survival instinct, desire, and intention compel the people who can wield power to act benevolently as a side-effect of self-preservation. A comet set to impact the planet causing an extinction event would either unite the people who wield power or not. Maybe they would simply organize an effort to save themselves, perhaps with some others. This scenario explains a lot of what we are seeing, but not enough. A known cataclysmic event would prevent all the construction of multi-million-dollar projects, even multi-billion-dollar projects that I see going on everywhere here in Austin, Texas, though it might not. Likelihoods!  So, what is it? I don’t know. I am trying to figure it out. I hope you will help.

My best guess right now is that there are people who are able to exert some power over the globe by influencing large numbers of people and by utilizing the power that has been cunningly converted to a monetary system. These people are not likely to be able to unite with others like them. That would make the situation the one that has always been, the powerful contending with one another, be it individuals or groups. Organizations of man have become something new and unpredictable; I refer to corporations and similar types. Governments are not new, but they have new powers due to human innovation, discovery, and invention. There is ample proof that they sometimes and to various degrees combine in common purposes. There is a global trend that is arranging the interests of the conglomerates.

Religions have organized humans for a long time. It is still part of life. There are two large groups currently acting. Of course, there are many small ones. Christianity and Islamism are composed of the most people. Hindu and Buddhist people together compose near equal numbers. Atheism is growing. The actions of the Christian and Muslim population and their organizations are the causes and sources of a large percentage of the things happening world-wide. This is likely a determining factor in the direction of the use of power.

Another large factor is what we label economic systems. Capitalism, Communism, and Socialism have been playing a deciding and very influential part in the course of human activities. Global trends are well documented and studied as they relate to those three “isms.” Observation reveals a trend toward homogenization of all three. Recent developments in established communist nations such as the USSR and China are good example of mellowing lines of distinction between all three. Current socialist trends in the US government are mixing up capitalism and socialism. There are elements involved in the three that might explain the global trends and status. We might be able to understand and even predict trends in light of them.

To begin, consider the tenants of Capitalism. It has been toward freedom to operate business as one sees fit. History contains information about capitalist’s willingness, even their requirement, of government intervention, assistance, in the conduction of business and business interests. Mercantilism was a big factor in the industrial development of nations and the world. So, government is clearly useful to capitalists. But Communism as defined and proposed by Carl Marx and others put the “means of production” into the hands of the government. In other words, the government owned and operated the businesses. Communist China requires that all businesses to be part of the Communist Party. This is a simplification, but the fact that the government is conducting business is the fact that I want to add to the analysis of global trends. If the communists are beginning to operate like capitalists, the powerful capitalist might see it as a desirable development. This quote from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) brings this point to bear: “In a speech last month, Ye Qing, Vice Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, called for building a ‘modern private enterprise system with Chinese characteristics.’ According to Ye, this would include giving a company’s internal Party group control over the human resources decisions of the enterprise and allowing it to carry out company audits, including monitoring internal behavior.”  This appears to me to be part of what appears to be the homogenization of the three isms that have dominated the world for a long time. I think the capitalists are liking the trend. Apple and Google presence, even moves, to China lend this credibility. We may be witnessing and being subjected to the construction a new global system just as we have been subjected to the three isms for so long. I refuse to characterize such a system. I simply don’t know enough. I do know something about religion and have thoughts about how they are playing a part in this possible new system that is evolving from the homogenization of the tree isms.

Christianity is experiencing heavy losses and enduring heavy bombardment of human opinion. For thousands of years, it has been telling the people that the rich cannot get to heaven and the charity and love are the important parts of human conduct. Christianity was useful in capitalist evolution. The complexity of Christianity need not be added to this analysis for the concern is for global trends. The global trend for Christianity is complex and real. So is that of Islamism.

Coming about a half century after Jesus, Mohammad founded Islam. It is a global religion just as is Christianity. Like Christianity, it hopes for global dominance. There are many Islamists who are dedicated to converting man to Islam by any means necessary. Jihadist are utilizing all means at their disposal. With their views toward Judaism, a huge and horrible conflict exists with Islam on one side and Judaeo/Christians on the other. There is a global trend that comes into play in the conflict. Demographics.

Reproduction is essential to the perpetration of mankind. Despite the LGBT trend, the human race can vanish by not replacing the dead. The demographic that tells us how humans are doing so is what needs to be added to the analysis here being conducted. There are a lot of statistics available. Consult them. You will see that the various nations are not reproducing the dead very well. Declining populations are resulting. There is a global trend here, but let’s consider the populations of the Christian and Muslim religions.

According to sources, the Christian population is declining while the Muslim population is growing. While Christianity promotes kindness and charity, some devout Muslims promote brutality and destruction. Of course, Christianity has a history that includes similar actions. The USA tries to protect freedom of religion. Muslims try to eliminate other religions and seek to make all mankind Muslims. This is another oversimplification. With many nations already being conducted by Islamic tenants, it is clear that freedom of religion is not being practiced. Those nations include Saudi Arabia.

The 9-11 hijackers were reported to have been Saudi Arabians. Since the boom in the oil industry, huge amounts of many have been going into the Saudi accounts. Arguably, a lot of that money has been invested in spreading Islam around the world. While the USA and other nations practice tolerance and diversity, Muslim mosques have been installed around the world. If you don’t know what Sharia Law is, you had better learn about it. In democratic societies the majority is supposed to determine the course of the nation. If the majority become Muslim, they could legally become Muslim nations that do not allow any other religion or religious observation. Consider the details of the Muslim conquest of Egypt. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_conquest_of_Egypt

Military invasion has slowly been replaced by slow infiltration and conversion. It makes more sense. The death and destruction of invasion has been replaced by legal pursuits and demographic changes. Majority rule is an open door through which change can be legally established. The immigration statistics of the world these days trend toward such establishment.

So, we are seeing the division of the world’s people into two large religions. With secularism taking more and more people from the Christian population and the growing Muslim population, the Judaeo/Christian and Muslim contention for the hearts of the people is important. It is particularly important for the democratic societies to realize that the Muslim trend is growing. If it takes enough control, the capitalists adopting some communists and the communists adopting some capitalism may be facing their greatest threat. Reports say the China is cracking down on Islam. Is this because Islam threatens the Communist Party? Does it threaten capitalism?

Many factors must be considered if one is to gain some understanding of global trends. A human can consider only a small portion of them at one time. So, understanding what is happening globally is unlikely. It is unlikely even for global leaders. They are not super people. They just have organization that compensates for the human limitations. It may not be possible at this time to detect a global direction. There seems to be some global trending or direction, but there are many different trends contesting for global dominance. As far as I can tell, the monetary system may be the ultimate global trend control.

The world’s monetary system is mostly the same. There are many forms of currency, but it must be that there is no place left where money in some form is not used. If it is that global, control of the money may be the objective of powerful people. People who have lots of money have shaped the paths of history. They have secured for themselves, their descendants, and those they choose fortunes that are as old as civilization. They are what have become known as “old money people.” If there is some global controlling of global trends, the old money people would be likely controllers. What do they think of the growing Islamic population? That is the question this article was written to ask.

We may be seeing efforts being exerted to counter a growing Islamist threat. The old monster, communism, seems to have lost its appeal as a fear factor. In fact, some communist mechanism might be prized by the old money people and capitalists. But would they still be capitalists? Interesting semantics. It seems clear that suicidal Muslims are not going to bought off with money. Such commitment to a religion could be the greatest threat to the monetary system it has ever faced. Reaction to it explains a lot of what we can see.

I don’t know what is happening. That I know. I simply contemplate it and theorize. I may never know, or I may figure it all out. Not that there is anything that can come of it if I do. Who knows? Maybe realization by one has some unrecognizable influence on the universe. It seems to human nature to desire personal autonomy. There is also a trend away from autonomy that we see in group behavior. People are a mixed-up jumble of many things. There are so many people now living in civilizations divided into various sections global trends may still be just as mixed-up. There have been plenty of examples of people who want to guide the global population. I doubt such people have disappeared. If there is an effort underway to acquire global guidance of the human population, we had better hope the person or persons who get it are benevolent. We had better hope their efforts to get it don’t destroy all life and end the world for all of us. 



Who does not understand that there are a lot of people who see themselves a far superior to everyone? The likelihood that normal human can grow up in my lifetime, or any for that matter, without realizing that people have superiority complexes.

Biblical teaching about humility have yet to take. The most normal people are at least subconsciously thinking of themselves as “better.” The Pope does not appear humble. The preachers of Protestant Christianity seem to lack the humility their sacred text teaches. But religion is not the worst of it.

The class systems of the world are nothing but approved superiority complexes. There are too many examples of the class systems to address. Consider, though, the one that caused the Native American debacle, the subjugation of black people, and, more profoundly, the superiority of the rich.

Superiority is a big item in current propaganda and mind-control. That is what it is! There is a terrible battle raging for the minds of the people. One of the bombs being dropped in the war is “white supremacy.” White privilege is just another way to put it. It must be noticed that the push against white supremacy is being conducted by the most privileged. Most of them are white. There are others, but that is because it is not about race. It is about superiority feelings. You know deep down in your heart that the rich people think they are better than those who are not rich and think they are each better than the other rich. It’s a class system on steroids.

Maybe you have noticed that the people we elect live rather well, to be kind. Some have publicly spoken of their privileges being greater than those of the people. John Kerry is fully convinced that the climate change battle permits his huge carbon footprint. Pelosi takes it for granted that her superiority derived from her post entitles her to a visit to the beauty parlor. She is using her post to stop others from getting a professional hairdo. Those are two silly examples of a deeper and sinister superiority complex. We are being ruled by people who are sure they are far superior to the people. So, how can you possibly be manipulated to think that racism and white privilege is the worst problem we face? It is so stupid the only way smart people can even consider it is because the power of those who think they are superior to us is being used to manipulate our minds and hearts.

Trump gave me some hope, but he dropped the ball. I will not lament his removal from the A team. We need someone who can pick up the ball and score. He may yet prove himself, but it does not look good. The Swamp is more feted than ever. The news is more fake. The elections are more rigged than ever. Trump must be removed from the obsession of the people. I, for one, did not vote for Donald Trump. I voted for some campaign promises. In fact, I did not approve of the man. I still don’t. He is deeply flawed and very rich. He represents many things I am against.

I have no intention of proving the rich right. The way people are behaving as though Trump is the messiah, his opponents are feeling totally justified in his destruction. People have some terrible tendencies. They gravitate to mental images instead of the light. All the hoopla about Trump’s “presidential” appearance is too much proof to deny the fact that people tend to vote for an image, an appearance, or to vote against them. It’s a fatal flaw.

Perception, Power, and Love

Perception, Power, and Love

Writing about the difficulties of communications, the only way for one to know more than what is personally experienced, Walter Lippmann alludes to the aversion for discussion of the larger topics. When to topic changes to something more familiar, “It is like turning from the landscape in the parlor to the plowed field outdoors. It is a return to the three dimensional world, after a sojourn in the painter’s portrayal of his own emotional response to his own inattentive memory of what he imagines he ought to have seen.” (Public Opinion) That statement make me laugh a lot.

We do the best we can, but it is not often as good as possible. I think there are no human exceptions. That is why we should not create great power. A person has only so much power. It varies some, but not much. But we do not live alone. The complexity of living together may have never been well comprehended, but it has been exploited. We cannot avoid living together and creating great power. We can manage it better, though. If we don’t manage it, someone will, or some will take advantage of it, more likely both.
Look out there. See the world. Can you see that humans have done a lot for a long time? If we had been capable of organizing our efforts as competently as we now can, we would not have done what we did. The world would not have become what we see. It would have long ago exceeded the most beautiful dream of the most wonderful world people can now imagine.

Every moment is a crossroad of life. The path we choose will take us where it goes with infinite crossroads along the way. With love we can choose paths that will take us to that place we only yet “imagine he ought to have seen.”
I wonder all the time about why people do not spend much time trying to comprehend love. All the poetry, song, literature, celebrations, and advice from messiahs and prophets about love have not been enough. “Love one another as I have loved you.” How many have told us the same thing? I think a person has to become capable of love, the love “as I have loved you.”

The love exemplified in a story of someone who could perform miracles and live a life of wonder and bliss but chose instead torture and agonizing death voluntarily to help those loved ones “who know not what they do” is a story designed to teach us a certain love. Love comes in many examples. The number of examples might equal the number of people living and dead. There is a certain love that is magical. If people would spend a small percentage of their thoughts sincerely considering such love, the world would transform faster than an Autobot.

Thinking expands comprehension. Thinking about love expands one’s love. We can attain the magical love by many paths. Since every single person has a unique path in life, it is brilliant that so many paths can lead to the magical love. The school of hard knocks is nothing compared to the school of heartbreak. But heartbreak can lead one to that special capacity or type of love. When Jesus took the cross, the desire to make the path to love easier was made something heartfelt simply in the telling of it. The wisdom of God!

Can you imagine the task God faces? How do you get people to love one another? Send them commandments etched in stone? Send them your son? Order them, punish them, destroy them and start over? What would you do if you wanted everyone to love everyone? I have been trying to answer that question for a long time. You just read my effort to make it happen.

The Pharaoh Came Out to Help Drag the Stone

The Pharaoh Came Out to Help Drag the Stone

Have you seen the latest meme? It is astonishing in the fact that it announces the most rare and unthinkable thing ever. Read this.

“The Pharaoh-god of Egypt came from the palace this morning and took a position among the people pulling the eighty ton block up the ramp. The people were stunned that he would condescend to help, but when they saw how weak he is they pulled him from the line and kneeled at his feet. Most of them had never seen his divinity and none had been near him. Word spread quickly across Egypt and the Pharaoh has become the most worshiped and adored divine incarnation in history.”

Nope. I made it up. I didn’t invent it for fun. I want you to realize that the pyramid was not built by the Pharaoh. The US capital was not built by a president or any politician. In fact, none of this world we were forced to face as a consequence of being born was built by the people who receive the most and best. There is something terribly wrong.

The people who do the actual work built everything. Without them the people who get the most would not be able to survive. When has anyone seen Trump or Biden with a shovel helping dig the holes? I resist the compulsion to write out a hundred more examples of what the great mass of humanity does every day all the time to make it possible for Trump and Biden to live as they do. Don’t be so small you cannot extrapolate from the example all the rest.

The real power of this world is in the hands of the people who do the labor. They get the least for their indispensable efforts. But you are more worried about the LGBT and racism. You spend your life in la la land thinking you are something you don’t even resemble. If you think I just insulted you, you are living proof of what I am trying to get across.

It is highly likely that none of us live in the real world. But it is very likely that all of us think we do. Then we add to our ridiculous illusions the thought that we are the only ones who are correct and right. Though our bodies live in the real world, there is a wide gap between what we think and the reality in which we are forced like slaves to live.

I have begun to be frustrated with people in general. I look at myself and see how feeble my consciousness is. I can only take so much into consideration. I am only able to conceive at one time a small, very small, percentage of everything. Even then I face a constant challenge as I try to align the pictures in my mind with the reality that is inescapable and that bears constantly on my being. But there are things I have seen. With my own eyes and being I have noticed things that the general population seems to be blind to. The fiction above was written to help open eyes.

I have done the labor of society all my life. I have also studied and traveled. But as a result of becoming someone who manifests unconditional love, I have found my personal paradise and have lived blissfully for more than fifty years. You would put me aside and move on if I tried to tell you what those years has revealed to me. That is because of the pictures in you mind. It is the total your consciousness, sub-consciousness, and more that causes you to react to me. There is nothing that is exempted from exactly that. And that is exactly why the history of man is such a nightmare. It is why all that man is doing is causing what is being caused. Need I describe what is being caused? Probably! But you have to help yourself. I can’t do everything for you. What I can do is tell you that you don’t know what is going on all over the world. If you will study psychology and history enough, you might come to understand what I mean. You might not. That is the problem. It’s the chicken and the egg all over the place. How can you see what is real when you are already bound to seeing what your psychology lets you see, shows you, even makes you think? The only answer I have found I, once again, love.

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Until you attain Love, I hope you will think about the fact that the work is done by what I like to call “the people.” All humans are people, so don’t get distracted by semantics. The people who do the real work are the real power. They have the power. All of it. They have let it be stolen.

I cannot argue against history. I must have been necessary to have the power stolen. I have read a lot about leadership. There are differences between individual humans, not many, but enough to have resulted in leaders and followers. After many thousands, maybe millions depending on what you think, of years, mankind has reached the results of history up to this moment. The opportunity to bloom has never been greater.

Mankind can blossom. The time is now. We must come to realize some very fundamental concepts. They are bulging in the edges of consciousness. Mankind is pregnant with them. You and I are the ones who have been born to receive the legacy of all history. Just look out there. Roads are everywhere. Mankind has been very busy. The accumulated legacy of mankind up to this moment offers us an opportunity that most people are not able yet to envision. They don’t need to envision it to make their lives a lot better. They only need to realize that it is the ones among us who do the essential work who have all the power.

I have wanted for a long time to write out all the necessary reasoning and facts that would make the “essential work” indisputable. There are simply too many other things preventing it. There is a huge confusion regarding essential work and non-essential work. The COVID-19 event is making it a hot topic right now. If you dig enough into things related to that topic, you might just come out the other side of the effort with some amazing insights. But to make things happen faster, you need only realize that society is arranged so that the people who are absolutely essential and who do the type of work that those who benefit the most from society could not, would not, and cannot do are at the lowest level of benefit.

Society is something! I have been flabbergasted about it for a long time. Trying to make sense of things that don’t make sense is not easy. The key is understanding the means by which things that don’t make sense come to be. We know of such things when we hear about the trial of a serial killer wherein the courts try to ascertain the psychology of the killer. What happened to make a person do such things. The same reasoning can be used to understand why the people who do the most essential work in society benefit the least.

Have you ever watched an episode of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous? That program filmed the benefits some get from society. They never filmed those rich and famous helping install telephone poles, building a skyscraper, or any other sort of labor. Of course, we are supposed to already know what they do and how they came to be so rich and famous. But I think we don’t know. I think the rich and famous don’t know how they came to be rich and famous. They are just people. No two people are exactly the same, but none are drastically different. There are humans who for various reasons are physiologically and mentally different enough be considered drastically different, but they are rare exceptions created by deeply studied forces. Most humans are nearly identical. So, how is that some get to be rich and famous without helping install the telephone poles? Why does the person installing the telephone pole not get rich and famous? You can easily see that the rich and famous would not live as they do if the people who installed the telephone poles had not installed them. This is true of all the labor that all the laborers have done and do. They are essential to the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Never mind ideas of fair. They will only make it more difficult for you to be happy with your lot in life. That is what is being fed to the people with more saturation and force than anything else. It is as old as known history.

We could go down deep and far into the “rabbit hole” trying to unravel the knot of reality as it is right now. It might be fun for some. But we do not stop to think about how a bus came to be exactly where it was when it slammed into us as we crossed the street. Reality is a bus slamming into mankind. It does not care what we think. The pictures we hold as reality are not important when the buss hit us. We are not just facing danger, though. We are facing opportunity that is beyond expressing. It is time to focus on the important stuff.

It is such fun to know statistics about sports. Movies are incredibly enjoyable. Eating! Wow! How much fun does the human race get from eating? It is astonishing. You would think eating is just for fun and has nothing to do with health and living. It is fun to get on social media and sound off. It makes us feel powerful and important. I understand these things, but I also understand the opportunities that our predilections with fun let slip by. No matter what you position is in this world, you are missing out on things you would devote your life to if you could conceive them. You think you are rich and famous, poor and obscure, doing okay and happy, or any other self-assessment, but you have not realized what you are missing.

Most people would not give me a second thought. I realize this. It is an obstacle to overcome. That is what I am doing right now. I am writing almost frantically trying to grab the opportunity that has become available after ten thousand years of human development before it is too late. I cannot not do it alone. I can do it for myself and so can you, but a personal grasp of it will be greatly enhanced by a global grasp by all of humanity. Everyone has everything to gain and everything to lose. We are nearing the cusp between directions. We can go out or on. A personal vision of what “on” looks like might be enough. I can assure you that what we know as human society will become something that bears little resemblance to what it has been. The rich and famous have nothing even close. You don’t have to believe me. You don’t have to take my word for it. I don’t even want you to. What I want you to do is realize some things that you have not realized. For example, the people who do the most essential work of society are being held down at the bottom of the benefits of society and that the people who get the most from society are cheating themselves out of so much they will weep and gnash their teeth when they finally see it. Realize that to each his own will be the only distinction between us if we manage to grasp the opportunities that are now possible. Try to imagine being able to get every and anything you want, to do anything and go anywhere you want.  Now, imagine not being bound to planet Earth. The Universe is out there beckoning and there is more to it than anyone has imagined. You have to feel pretty good to see it.

Feelings depressed limits the view. Being rich and famous limits it. Being poor does, too. In fact, living limits it. Living in the world you were born into limits it incredibly. But not because it is the nature of the world. It is because of the nature of man. We are born helpless. Living forces us to be “programmed.” We have to rise above the programming if we are to see the potential, the opportunity, and, yes, even reality. Love can make it happen. Seek ye, therefore, to love one another as I have loved you. Jesus gave us some good advice. I echo his words. Love will show you how crazy things are. It will show you how wonderful things can be. It will exclude no one. From the poorest to the richest, love will make life so much better you will be amazed.

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I have begun again to follow the impulses and ramble. I have spent this time of my life writing to you. I didn’t do it for fun. I hope to get people aligned. The power of the people can transform reality for mankind into something beautiful or end mankind. I know, you will want to think about what can happen between the extremes. That is just fine. After all, isn’t that what has always been? I think of it as languishing in mediocrity.

Fiction Causes Reality

Fiction Causes Reality

“The only feeling that anyone can have about an event he does not experience is the feeling aroused by his mental image of that event.” (Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann)

Can you think of something more obvious that gets more disregard? Millions to billions of people have mental images of what happened at the nation’s capital on January 20, 2021. Most were not there and of those who were there, only a small percentage were close enough to witness the crash through barriers and entry into the building. Then people who were able to witness the event are not reliable sources of facts.

Countless eyewitness reports have been studied of many events. We know now that people who see the same event see it differently and remember it differently. There is no reason to think that the eyewitnesses to the event at the Capital are somehow exceptions. Every person records their own personal impressions of events they experience. Those who do not experience the event do the same.

Life for us is filled with images of events we do not experience. The events at that Capital have been recorded by cameras and countless accounts have been told, written, broadcast, and thought. Yet, millions of people are reacting to what happened there as though they have some objective and factual understanding of the events that is not possible. People do not know much about what happened. Even the people who participated do not have objective images or memories of the things they themselves did. People are not objective creatures. They are subjective creatures. This does not stop them from acting in response to the images they form in their minds.

We are experiencing a reality affected by the things people do. The world has been affected profoundly for a long time by the things humans do. The events at the Capital were human actions. There is no means by which motivations of the actors can be determined. The best we can do is hear what the actors thought they were doing and why. Beyond that, all we can do is form our own images of the events using second-hand accounts. There are countless reasons to know that we don’t know what happened, but millions of people behave as though they do know what happened. Worse yet, they think they know why it happened, what the motivations were, and who the participants were.

The facts that can be proven are that people are not good sources of facts. They are, instead, good sources of fictions based on facts. We are doing things based on internal docudramas within our minds. That is why the world is in such a sorry state. It is why the nation is divided.

The character of human behavior and psychology is understood enough to make it possible for the media to plant and cultivate images they want to grow in the minds of the people. There may be few or no more important understanding to think about right now. The crazy things going on are caused more by the images planted by the media than anything else. It is time to realize that we are not qualified to wield power guided by images we have in our minds. Our actions take place in reality, not in the images. The fiction in the minds of mankind are killing us and every other living thing. Are we going to divide along some sharp line that has no other source of division than fictions that we know are fictions when we stop long enough to think about it and be honest with ourselves? The answer it not just “yes,” it is “hell yes.” Fools!

This is an edit of the post above.

I pray and beg that people will realize that we are combining to create too much power. Man has the power to carve away mountains, to conduct global war and detonate nuclear bombs, the power to end life on Earth, to imprison millions at any given time and billions over time for doing things that some think they should not do. Think about this. It is more important than the Super Bowl, the World Series, the elections, the economy and anything else.

That people allow others to be imprisoned for using drugs, gambling, and prostitution proves that opinions are putting people in prison. Historically, people were executed for witch craft, escaping slavery, and so much more that became known to have been wrong there must be some who are able to see that the same things in different forms are still happening. It is the power that make it all possible. The power it the power of society.

Social power has exceeded man’s competence. We are not capable of wielding the power that has been created by joining in societal organization. Freedom has become a myth due to the power of society to punish. Reason has been murdered by the power of society to make each generation conform to the society they were born into. In the name of raising helpless little babies, we brainwash them. We think we are preparing them, but we are transmitting our faults, too.

We are great danger. Not because the universe is a dangerous place. Because we have created too much power. We cannot be trusted with it. We are too flawed and there are no exceptions. The greatest leaders are flawed. History shows us our brutality and still people do not understand themselves. They understand social sciences even less.

We may like to think that the very wealthy people who travel in elite circles and around the world are worthy of great power. That is the problem. We like to think certain things so powerfully we lose touch with reality. We are not even able to hold on to reality in the micro social settings that are our contact with the real world. People are faulty regardless of the social standing. The future is in doubt because of it.

When a person’s faults affect only the faulty person, it is bad enough. When a person’s faults can harm, kill, destroy, ruin, even influence others, too much power has come to a person. Look at the world and see if you can extrapolate a realistic understanding of the real power some have. If you do it right, you will be fearful for Life on Earth.

People appear as though they have a deadly allergic reaction to fear. They don’t seem to be able to realize that fear is an ally. So, they avoid things that might cause them to fear. That is a deadly behavior that should be feared. Fear is an appropriate response to some situations, events, people, and other encounters. It is time to fear somethings that are being avoided. The power of the people in the hands of flawed people so great it can destroy Life on Earth is something to rightly fear. Let the fear compel us to save ourselves. It is nearly too late already. Do not panic. Move in an orderly fashion to the nearest exit. Wake up! The world is on fire!

Misplaced Trust and Faith

Misplaced Trust and Faith

The world is very strange. I write to improve my communication skills as much as to communicate. Something that can reach the people who have put their faith and trust in politicians, media, and the masters of the world is what I hope to write here.

I study every day. I search the internet a lot. I also read books a lot, especially old book. The books written back when America was still operating according to the Constitution are among my favorites. The internet could be a lot better, but the diabolical people quickly jumped on it. False information is so abundant finding facts is very difficult.

People should be able to sift through it, but millions cannot. They are more like robots that respond to programming than rational people. I listened to the propaganda that spread across the globe so fast it was shocking. People should have known better than to think it was factual when they said things like “scientists agree.”

When it comes to science that delve into the unknown, there is usually a lot of disagreement. A huge propaganda campaign designed to convince the population that carbon dioxide was causing our climate to change undesirably was so successful the susceptible think they should apply social pressure to those who did not comply. When they announced that a terrible virus has come about by natural mutation and required a global countermeasure, people jumped to the task and have already been seen attacking people who don’t think it is what they say it is. The number of climatologists out there are a very small percentage of the population. Virologists and immunologists are not many. People who think they know enough about climatology, virology, and immunology to impose their opinions on others are almost everywhere and in big numbers. They are all trusting some source of information. Learning the facts requires more effort than that.

We are so urgently in need of some way to get people to do their duty as sources of action it is getting close to the point of too late. To exist is to affect, to cause effects. There is no way to avoid creating effects. Not even choosing to starve one’s self to death is a way to stop having effects. Are you surprised to know that many ancient Greeks starved themselves to death on purpose? Isocrates, for example, starved himself to death intentionally when he was nearly a hundred years old. There were others. Their deaths are still affecting people. My inclusion of them here is proof. Degree of effect is important, but effects are still effects. (I still can’t get it straight between affect and effect.) I want our effects to be peace and love. Some don’t even agree with that. I am pretty sure there are people who think their duty is to murder, rape, torture, destroy, and cause mayhem. I don’t know any, but I hear there are people who take Satan as their god. I also do not know anyone who is a pedophile, but I know some of their victims. I never was one to take the idea of good vs. evil as some kind of design in reality.

People are fond of rhapsodizing about positive and negative. The ability to think that everything has an opposite means to them that there will always be bad people. They will teach their children that bad people will always be out there, and that life cannot be all good. I think it is just a cheap way to avoid facing the fact that they don’t know enough about enough. People don’t want responsibility. It does not relieve them of it. It only gives them over to those who would take advantage of them. We are all responsible for everything we do. We cause things. That is responsibility. Denial cannot prevent it. Ignorance cannot prevent it. Everything that exists in this physical universe takes up space and causes things to happen. But humans act. They do things both accidentally and intentionally. Do they know what they do? Not according to Jesus on the cross. Not according to me, either. I accept my responsibility, but I am not able to manage it enough. That is clear to me. So, I keep trying to improve. It might be something many people do not do. That is the point of this article.

Billions of people living in a world that has been modified by other people for thousands of years are causing a lot of effects. There is a lot of division and no two people are exactly alike or pursue the exact same goals, but huge groups have been mustered and set to common purposes. What purposes? I’m glad you asked.

Evidently, some are designing purposes for others. Can you think for a minute about that? If you are a person who voted Democrat, you are joined in a purpose you did not create. The same is true for the Republican, Libertarian, and other parties. If you work for someone, you are doing something to accomplish something someone else wants accomplished. Don’t waste your time trying to validate your self-serving purposes. What you do for yourself is not all you do. We all are contributing to purposes that are served by our efforts to serve ourselves. We vote for the person we choose for reasons that are personal even if they are intended for the greater causes. Choices are made. The ability to choose is something that cannot be improved until it is not possible to improve. There is likely no limit to improvement. That means a lot. Perfection may not be a static condition even if it is theoretically possible to think of perfection as a condition to attain. If we cannot improve all the way, we are left with a philosophical situation that demands attention. What is my purpose?

I know! It is not a new question. I want to ask you to accept a purpose. Victor Frankl survived the Nazi concentration camps. When he was released, he wrote a book titled Man’s Search for Meaning. It has become the founding philosophy for the second school of psychology. Logotherapy is accredited to him. He made the case for the human need for purpose. Read the book. It is a good one. I will not offer the meaning of life. I have my opinions, but I want to ask you to find a purpose. Why not choose to pursue love?

Love brings purpose with it. It is something that can fill your life. That being said, there may be humans who cannot have life filled by love. For all I know, there may be life forms from other world, universes, dimensions, or something. That is important, but I am trying to get the more common human to adopt a purpose. It is a purpose that will help me, no doubt, but I think it will help those who adopt it far more. Everything you do, think, feel, and your mere existence affects me, but it affects you more. I love you. I want you to be fulfillment. I want you to live long and prosper. I think that the human race can unite in common purposes that will deliver us to a status we would think is paradise on earth. It wouldn’t be, though. It would just be so wonderful compared to now it would seem to be. Wow! If you were able to realize all of what I think would come of it, you might think I am crazy. I may be. It sure feels good, though. It feels much better to me than what seems to be the feelings of many.

Today is the day Joe Biden is supposed to be inaugurated. The representation of hate, animosity, danger, and discord in that event is profound. It makes what I hope to make obvious easier. People are divided. They are not pursuing love. They are indulging in something else. None of the sides in the divisions of mankind are totally right. I see truth and value in all of them. But none of them are good enough. Improvement is sorely needed. Love will bring it. Until it does, it will help if people would stop having so much faith and trust in things they did not experience themselves. Even personal experiences is not trust worth enough.

The internet is riddled with contradictory stuff. The media is more uniform, but opposition is out there to find. The facts are difficult to find. I think they are being kept away by people who don’t want peace. There are people who are doing so well they don’t want anything to threaten their conditions. This is not the only reason to stop believing what we see and find, but it is a big one. It is way to easy to accept. Digging is not easy. But finding the truth has always required some digging, metaphorically. I think the bloody history of man was caused by many things, but the biggest may be not trying enough. In general, not trying enough has left mankind past and present do things they would not do if they knew enough. Knowing may not be possible without love. Thinking we know is. Mistakes are. Hurting those we don’t want to hurt is. Love is like a magic pill. It causes changes that are magical.

I have written extensively about love. I write here again that love is not love until it is love. The love that is like a magic pill is not just whatever anyone thinks love is. It is what it is. It can’t be quantified or accurately explained, at least I can’t. I can tell you that there is “a” love that works like magic. It doesn’t instantly make one know everything or something like that. It just puts us in a frame of mind. It helps us rise above the nonsense we accumulate from being born totally helpless and slowly maturing. When we consider the world, we can only consider so much at one time. Can you take into consideration things you are not aware of? Can you make mistakes? Is there someone who does not make mistakes? If not, why would be follow someone? We are all independent. Everyone is unique and exists in a personal time and space. We are responsible for ourselves. Following another was probably necessary or it wouldn’t have happened. But time has passed, and we are ready to receive its rewards. I would not be able to write this article if it were not so.

we-me (1)

Reply to a MeWe Post

I wrote this in reply to a good article posted by a Trump supporter on MeWe in a private message. I like where it went. So, I am posting it here. The private post was typical of Trump supporters. I am one. I have read many such posts. It had no new things to report, but it was sincere and well said. It follows:

I enjoyed reading this. The picture developed by it is fuzzy. That is because there is merit on both sides of the isle. Neither side can see the merits of the other side. Neither side will save us. In fact, the opposition between the sides is a greater threat to survival than the policies and plans of both.

The long and persistent opinions of this nation have little to do with reality. They are based on fictions that have been mistaken for reality. Capitalism is still not recognized as the worst system of social interaction ever devised. The pharaohs who wasted the energy of the people to build tombs were not as horrible as the capitalist system. I am fully aware of the opposition to these statements. I may have heard it all by now. It is nonsense and has always been nonsense. The comparison of this nation to others used to justify it is an exercise in fantasy. The left has a sense of this, but they too are living in fiction. It is necessary to keep opposing fictions locked in opposition in order to keep the few ensconced at the top of global society.

The important issues or our time are not the left or the right as we are seeing in the democrat/republican schism. It is not the decline of the middle class or the migration into this nation. The minimum wage is only a deflection. The entire world is operating as a system that is the real issue, the important issue.

We take the debate they make us take. Is it Capitalism, Communism, or Socialism? Is it democracy, monarchy, dictator, or fascist? If you are given a choice and do not recognize that the choices are not the only choices, you become a victim of a con that is global and old.

The opinions presented in this post are things I agree with mostly. But they are not comprehensive enough to prevent what is coming. They are not comprehensive enough to bring something wonderful. We have within our reach an opportunity to transform life on Earth into something so wonderful most people cannot understand it even when I try to explain it to them. The world is going to be transformed. That is certain. Change is inevitable and constant. Drastic change is looming that is not going to please anyone. Not the rich, the middle, the poor, the animals, the plants, or God. Mankind has surged ahead over the past six thousand years or so leaving behind a trail of blood, destruction, and tears to horrible to think about. So, people don’t.

It is normal and right to want to enjoy life. I cannot argue against it. I can argue about the best way to enjoy it, though. That is what I have been doing for fifty years last June. There is only one solution. There has only ever been one solution. There will never be another solution. Only love will solve our problems and make the infinite universe our provider. But too many people have no love and even more do not have enough love.

It is not enough love to love our children, spouses, lovers, or selves. The love people feel for them in not even enough love. Love is something like the water we put into a container. The size of the container determines how much water it will hold. There is more water than any man-made container can hold. There is more than the earth can hold. Love is like that. There is no limit to the love. Only our capacity to love is limited. I wish I could present a means to increase our capacity to love. I know only that experiencing heartbreak many times was part of what helped me to increase my capacity. I live in perpetual bliss that is invincible simply because I made an effort to love everyone with all the love I knew at the time. Since then, my capacity to love has increased. I now love every living think unconditionally. Love does not provide one with acceptance of loved ones. I disapprove of most. But unconditional love is just that. It does not have anything to do with the loved one. The sun light has nothing to do with the people it shines upon. It asks nothing and nothing those upon whom it shines can do anything to cause it to be withheld. So, unconditional love requires nothing of others. None do not receive it from me. My approval is something else entirely. It is for everyone and rightly.

If we do not approve of someone who murders someone, we can still love the murder. There are factors involved in all human behavior that are still far beyond the average comprehension of human beings. We are a species. We are almost identical. We are changing as a species. No two humans are exactly alike, but we are mostly the same. When we are able to consider everything involved in everything anyone does, we will be able to see that they had no choice. I have been trying to explain that point to people so long I already know the limited range of thoughts people have about it. I wish someone would come up with something new. Choice is too complicated for the average member of our species today to comprehend. People think we have free will because we can think of choices. What they cannot comprehend is enough of the factors involved in choice to see that there really is none despite the ability to conceive them. This makes it possible to me to love the most horrible person ever unconditionally. Everyone thinks they know what they are doing, what they think, and how they feel. Well, more or less. We don’t. We are not capable of it yet. We will become capable. Hopefully it will be soon. Just consider how long we have been going. But don’t take the narrative that is commonly held to be history as reality. People who are not capable of comprehending reality cannot know history, only their version of it.

I did not start this reply with the intention to go where I went. That happens to me most of the time. I feed my typing fingers with my consciousness. There is no end. Only stopping.