Schizophrenic News

Schizophrenic News

I watched two news channels on television, CNN and FOX. Switching back and forth between the two was like being schizophrenic. The total and undisguised bias was frightening. Both were little more than editorial broadcasts. There was a time when the news was purposefully and adroitly objective. Facts were reported and opinions were offered only in editorials.

Maybe some young people are not aware of the difference between fact reporting and editorials since the distinction has been abandoned by news services for a long time. I urge everyone to make an effort to learn the difference. News is supposed to be the report of facts. Editorials are supposed to be the report of opinions. It is quite simple, but evidently not simple enough for millions of Americans. Both FOX and CNN, as well as all the others, have completely lost the distinction, though FOX a little less. They are partisan. They report their opinions as facts and their opinions are based in their desires. CNN want Biden to win the presidency and FOX want Trump to win. Instead of being news stations, they are agenda stations. In other words, they are infomercial stations. This has made them the enemy of the people, just as Trump said.

The constitutional protection of the “press” was written as an amendment. It was not included until the colonies rejected, failed to ratify, the constitution. What we know as the Bill of Rights was amended to the constitution in order to get the thirteen colonies to agree to institute the federal government. It worked, but failed in many ways to address the future.

Freedom of the press was important to the colonists. The only form of the press was printed media. That is why is was called the press. Printed media was created by “pressing” the letters of text onto the paper. The colonists had too much work to do in order to survive in those time to be able to stay informed about government by any other means. No more than we are able to be involved in the decisions and actions of government, the colonists could not be an “informed electorate” without having some printed media to help them. If false information was printed, the publishers faced the wrath of the readers. It just didn’t happen much. It was a matter of honor to produce printed media that presented only verifiable facts. There are many instances reported of publishers going rogue and printing opinions. They are topics of some good movies because it was so unusual, even revolutionary. But the media was the way the people obtained facts they could use to form opinions and express their choices, which was available in the vote. We are living in the aftermath of the destruction of the press.

What we have now is editorials. They are opinions mixed with facts. They are not able to completely abandon the facts. No one would hear the opinions if they did. That would not serve the people who want their opinions to influence the vote. They are bound by some natural human tendencies to report some facts. The people want to know the facts. This opened the door to corruption of the media, or the press, as it was protected in the first amendment. It was simple deduction that the vote could be influenced by influencing opinions. Common knowledge was and is that trust can be used to influence opinions. Back during the days when the freedom of the press was being forced into the constitution by amendments, the people trusted the press. But the press had already become part of a complex system beyond the comprehension of the masses.

We were all born into a complex of systems that affect our lives so profoundly they dominate the quality of our lives, the length of our lives, and the opportunities available to us. I have a though time trying to get people to comprehend this simple and easily seen fact. It is astonishing that it is not fully understood already. My research and soul searching have provided me with the causes of of such blindness, but that is another topic. It remains that people do not understand the nature of the world they were born into. It is a form of blindness. If they ever see it, they will change it.

I have made the case on many time, so I here simply state it simply. Mankind has become fully capable of providing luxurious lives of leisure for everyone. Peace should be so common it wouldn’t even be noticed. Safety and security should be the norm, not the exception. Adventure should be available to all who want it. None of these are going to happen in the systems that we found fully in operation when we were born. This election of 2020 is nothing but a symptom of a sick and terrible heritage mankind has failed to comprehend.

Mankind is like birds that never even spread their wings and realized they can fly. There are many reasons it is this way. What is important right now, though, is finding the way to spread our wings and fly at last. My analysis of causes are important to me in that they help me find ways to help people. I fight the urge to write a long book that exposes the historical facts that have made the world we have today and provide the momentum that is carrying us into the future. It is not easy to resist. I feel like a hyper thoroughbred horse in a starting gate trembling in anticipation of the start of a race. Better sense prevails. I will limit my explanation to one simple and obvious fact that at least nearly everyone already knows; violent people have shaped history right up to today and threaten to keep shaping it.

What passes for news in America, and the world, is what has evolved from primitive times. Buckminster Fuller wrote his theory of history in a book titled, Operation Manual for Spaceship Earth. I urge all to read and understand his theory. Make up your own mind. Read the book. In it he explains how marauders invaded villages robbing and killing more effectively after they became able to sail out of sight of land and return. The Great Pirates, he called the men who did such things. Most people are familiar with the stories of Viking arriving in ships too invade the island of England and Europe. The tales are so violent they are disgusting and abhorrent to me. Such heartless violence is an ever-present thread in human history. From the days of early man violence has been a means of survival for man. Arrowheads were found in human skeletons found in mass graves from about 12,000 years ago. It is simply a fact that violence is an old human activity. According to Fuller, the Great Pirates were attacking and looting with a new twist. They were setting up social organizations for the conquered people. It included an early version of information control. That could be the root of our modern version of news.

The Great Pirates theory may or may not be factual. However, we all know that something very similar is going on in our time. We have removed heads of states and installed our own. Of course, the call them America friendly heads of state. What they are is something like puppets. The Great Pirates are said to have done the same thing. The idea was to establish a system in the conquered settlements that would make it possible for the conquerors to return and take what the conquered people produced. It was done by installing a king they could control and having him appoint specially brilliant individuals to specialist tasks that would prevent them from become competition; royal mathematician, court physician etc. This made it possible to supervise the raising of children so that they would grow up to be helpful instead of trouble. No matter what validity the theory deserves, it is a fact that information is being fashioned today to shape the opinions of the people so that they will provide for the few at their own expense.

Even in European history there is a common theme of royalty sending soldiers into the surrounding villages to take the harvest, the dry good, and animals, and even the children by force. It was all taken back to the royalty to provide luxury and leisure for them. Often so much was taken from the “peasants” they were left starving without the means to save themselves. The class system that dominated the times is still part of human social systems. The nobles and the peasants, the rich and the poor, the proletariat and bourgeois are all the same. The masses of the people do all the work to provide for the few. Any objections meets the same treatment dealt to the villagers by the Vikings, death and violence. Suppression of descent has always been part of the social systems. Today they are just hidden better. In fact, they are prevented from even starting.

Only the most ignorant today are not aware of censoring on social media. It is a means of influencing opinions. But there are many others. I have been beating the drum for a long time now. I will include here only the titles and authors of some books that make this point very clear: Crystallizing Public Opinion, Propaganda, both by Edward S. Bernays; Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann. There are many others. Bernays and Lippmann published their works during the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1988, Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky published the report from many years of examining the news agencies of the world. It is titled, Manufacturing Consent. The title alone tell us what the study revealed. I’m telling you and supporting my statements with literature from both the inventors and the researchers who studied the results of the inventor fifty years later. It is the same today, but worse. The news media, the entertainment media, the educational systems, and pier pressure are now being used to make you think what you think and do what you do. It is all information control and, by derivation, behavior control. To what end, you might ask; to make sure the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. It is a power play and we are losing.

CNN and FOX are deeply involved in the effort to perpetuate the status quo of life on this planet. It is the only thing that has not changed. Fortunes today are more numerous and bigger. Conversations about the one tenth of one percent are common. The one percent receive a bit more, but the wealth of religions is not even included in the percentages. The status quo is the one that has always been, the rich and the poor.

There are no poor people on CNN or FOX. There are no poor people in government, none in banking. Hollywood has poor, but the powerful of Hollywood are rich and famous. The lesser rich are probably good people. I don’t know any, so, I cannot say one way or the other. The people who work as hosts for the news channels are that type. They seem to be good people, but they are working for their living. Their bosses tell them what to do. They get fired is they don’t. They also get told what to report and how to report it. This election is no exception in that regard, but it is an exception in a different regard.

The hosts of the news channels are probably so influenced by the stuff they are reporting that they think they are telling the truth. I can’t know, but there could be some who know what they are reporting, the way they are reporting it is not right. They like their careers and might be willing to do things they think are wrong to get and keep the jobs. A mixture of both is more likely. They might have misgivings about what they are doing but are willing in order to have their careers and fame. The one point that remains is that many of them might have been convinced to participate in a global agenda.

I have listened to people on the radio say they were approached and persistently persuaded to join the New World Order. Of course, they refused and that is why they were able to report it. If they had taken the offers, they would not be so disposed. If it is true, and if it has been happening broadly around the world, as they were told, there could be many people who are willingly deceiving and manipulating the public. That is what appears to be the case in the media.

I am not able to believe that people who can speak to so many issues as well as the new anchors, article writers, and professors, with the backing of experts in just about any area of expertise are not able to detect the corruption. They probably think it is just the price that needs to be paid to accomplish a greater good. Is that their good or that of the world? I don’t know, but I am very skeptical.

Skepticism is not disbelief. It is not belief, either. The agenda the potential candidates were told about sounded pretty good to me. Many desirable changes were held forth as the causes of the New World Order. Just think, in a world of one nation, instead of many, war might not occur. Efficiency might be improved. Borders would vanish. Many good things could be the true intent of the New Word Order, or the globalists, or the Illuminati, or whatever it might be. However, in none of it was there any mention of the end of the division that has persisted since time began, the rich and the poor.

It is not enough to improve the conditions of the poor. There must be an equalization of the distribution of the products of society. More capable people can acquire according to their ability. That is fine, but we are all working together to create everything. Merit and industriousness can provide benefits only when all are sufficiently provided. That is the thing that escapes people. The rich are rich at the expense of the rest. No one is out there building things in a vacuum. It is society organized and operating that makes it possible for people to have anything other than what an individual can provide alone. That is what the development of social systems was all about.

In the days of free land, a couple, male and female, could go into the wilderness and establish a home. They could do pretty good, but they could not fly down the freeway to get an hundred miles away in an hour. They couldn’t build a city. They had to have help to even have some rest. That is why they had so many children in those days. They needed the help. Villages grew from those pioneers in the Americas. From them grew cities and the rest is history. Try to let it sink in. The only way a king can have a palace is if the people build it. The only way for the rich to be rich is if the people produce the wealth. The wealth of the very rich is something totally different than the wealth of the merely rich. Both, though, can have no wealth without using the infrastructure, systems, tools, resources and labor of masses of people organized as a society.

I have gone on until company arrived. I will put this to rest. I hope I have helped.

Big Election Trouble

Big Election Trouble

This nation is in big trouble. This election was one of the worst in American history. Many millions of Americans are angry and rightly so. There is a huge effort to discount suspicions of voter fraud. That fact alone is cause for panic.

Any politician, media pundit, expert, lawyer, voter, or other should be happy to conduct a thorough investigation to determine if there was even one fraudulent vote. Instead we are witnessing a massive coordinated effort to make sure it doesn’t happen. The politicians, included some Republicans, are doing what they have always done, lie.

Politicians have always said that the protection of the government is their primary motive. In the first place, that is the antithesis of the purpose of government. People do not sacrifice their rights so that the governments can protect themselves. They do it so the government can protect them. They do not do it so the government can provide for them, either. The philosophy of John Locke, who inspired the Founding Fathers, clearly makes the case for the commonwealth, his word for governments including monarchies. Many others have made this case, and today the population is so ignorant of the founding principals that made the USA something unique. So, let me give you one of the facts.

Volunteering to submit to a government deprives a free individual of some of his freedom. He has to agree to abide by the rules of the government. If he felt that doing so would not make his life better, he would not do it. If he is crazy he might. It would be stupid. Who would want to give up some of his money and submit to the rule of the government subject to its punishments without thinking he would be better off for doing it?

Every single person alive today was not asked to voluntarily sacrifice some of his freedom and property and submit to the laws of the government. We were born into it like slaves born on a plantation. That aside, we are now living in a nation of government run by people who think their primary function is to protect the government. They like to call it the sanctity of government. The have expensive plans and preparations for threats to the government, even those that nature can provide. If there is a massive comet strike on this planet, the people in the top positions of government will retreat to underground bunkers designed to protect the people in it and provide them with all they need to survive for many years in relative comfort. They will have data banks stuffed with information they will need when they emerge to reestablish the government. In the USA it is called Continuity of Government. It is not there to protect the people. It is there to protect the president and others in government. The rich of the world have similar arrangements. They don’t intend to protect the billions. They intend to protect themselves and the government. That is not all.

Those sorry excuses for representatives of the will of the people will lie and cheat to hell freezes over to make sure the people never turn against the government even with it turn demonic. That is exactly what has happened and it happened many decades ago. That is why the told you there was no conspiracy to kill the Kennedys. They told us a Muslim millionaire conducted the 9-11 attack. They have told us since before I was born in 1950 that there is no serious voter fraud. There has always been serious voter fraud and most people know it. This time they went too far.

If you are a person who thinks this election was fair and legal, there is something seriously wrong with you. I don’t want to associate with you. You are in bad shape and dangerous. Dangerous people had best stay away from me. The people in this nation, even the world, who are not trying to do something about the corruption that is taking this planet are guilty of travesties innumerable. The blood of innocents is on your hands. It is your duty as a human to know what is happening and stand for the right and the good, to fight corruption and horror committed by the corrupt. The wars have put blood on your hands as surely as if you slashed people with a knife. You have ignored it too long and now you are facing something you are still not seeing. It is coming.

Mark my words. There are times coming that will make you feel really rotten about yourself, but you will feel worse because of the suffering that you are going to experience. Some very bad people has some very bad plans for this world. They are already out in the open because they think they have noting to fear. If you allow this election to go, it will be too late.

It is the last chance we have to make the corrupt accountable. We will have hell when we bring the corrupt to justice. It will not be pretty. It is too late for that. They will not submit to justice. They would gladly start a global war to avoid justice. They are already destroying the economy. Mark my words. They may not come again. The economy is already crashing.

You were so frightened of getting sick you willingly shut down the economy and put millions of business out of work. You willingly broke the links in the chain the turns the wheel of the economy. It may be too late already. I hope not. But it is a weak hope. The governments of the world are going to clamp down. Biden has already said he will do it. There are worse viruses available if this one is not enough. They set it upon us. It was not an accident. You are an idiot if you are not suspicious at least. While millions celebrate the media victory for the corrupt, the flames are growing.

There is only one reason Biden did not campaign more. He knew the fix was in. He knew he would win even if he stayed in his basement and even if his corruption became widely known. The people who actually run the world helped Biden acquire his fortune illegally. Any fool can see that. There must be a lot of people who don’t score high enough to rate the status of fool.


Is Trump Worse Than Hitler

Though I don’t have the time, I will attempt to get some solace by writing about my dear friend living in Alaska. We had not communicated in some years. So, as I am usually the one to keep the association alive, I called her. When we finally were able to talk, what started out as a tender reminiscence turned into a horrible experience totally and criminally created by the media.

This lady has a heart of gold. Her biggest hindrance to her fulfillment is terror. She has lived in terror as long as I have known her. It lives beneath the surface influencing her every thought and feeling. She ended her marriage because of her fear of earthquakes. Her husband refused to leave California, so she left him to move to Texas. I found her now living in start terror of the virus and Donald Trump.

I wish I was kidding. The virus is enhancing her loneliness and Trump is getting the anger she is inclined to express instead of her terror. I had no idea that she hates Trump. She was a strong supporter of Sara Palin of Alaska. I tried to tell her that she need not be so worried about the virus and all hell broke loose.

She began to screech and insult me. I had to hang up on her. She would brook no words that did not reciprocate her hatred for Trump or her fear of the virus. She hurled the words conspiracy theorist at me like a racist would hurl the “n” word. At some point in her screeching, she mentioned FOX news with a big dose of hatred. I was not able to say anything. When her vituperation against me became intolerable, I hung up. We have not communicated since, and it has been a few days.

I love this person and it is not easy to know she is distressed. I wish I could help her. She is the same age as I and fears her mortality sharply. I don’t know what I will do, but I will do something. There is one thing that I would like to do that I cannot.

She does not know anything about Trump that she did not get from the media. That is the case for nearly everyone. This is vivid and terrible proof that the media can overwhelm a person and drive them crazy. The power of the media since the invention and saturation of electronic communications has become the favorite weapon of some very bad people. Likewise, good people are using it for their purposes with equal fervor. This is something that cannot be allowed to continue. It matters not if good or bad people use it.

The power to reach into the psyche is a millions must be stopped. I don’t care if it is for good causes. There is only one good cause, and that is love. Until people become sources of unconditional love, such power should not be available. This world and its history is a testimony of the failings of human beings. Imperfect and even evil, people are destroying themselves without even realizing their part in it. Goodness in people is real, but it is overwhelmed by the new developments of the past many hundred years made worse by those of the last hundred or so. Invention has made too much power available.

I have written and sounded warnings. I discovered some books over a hundred years old that proudly boasted of the power to make people think and act. I put titles and authors everywhere. I was so happy to be able to provide proof of things I had realize in my thought processes I must have let hubris come over me. I thought people would read the material! Wow!

My Alaskan friend screeched that Trump is Hitler over and over. She said he “has blood on his hands.” She doesn’t have time to read due to her financial burdens. She works all the time and has no computer. She probably only watches some television news, and not much. She was never much of a television watcher. Yet she has come to hate a man she doesn’t even know personally. It is bad enough that such power is out there, but it is worse when it is being used as a means to vendetta.

If you cannot understand that the media Trump said was fake news is out to destroy him, I don’t know what to do. If you cannot realize that the conspiracies are vast and horrible, we are doomed. Please, look into the Great Reset. That conspiracy is being made public more every day. There are not books about it. One is title, if memory serves, Covid-19 and the Rest. There are people who have global designs. They are so powerful and their plans are so developed already they are making them public. It may be too late already, but I think we might save ourselves.

You must realize that they are the same types who have always hated the people, the poor especially. They are determined to reduce the population to about five hundred million. Getting rid of 6.5 billion people is not going to be pretty. There are many ways to get the information, but here is one:

Let your future be bright. Stop the pogrom.

_The Isms

The Isms

The “ism”s have it. The philosophies of economics are being framed in choices as if there are no others. Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism, of course, being the three that occupy the conversation, debate, and, ultimately, the mind. Any way you ism it, “ism isn’t it.” (John Lennon) However, if you cannot escape the mindset, try some new isms: loveism, shareism, cooperationism, helpism, familyism. I am quite sick of all the nonsense mankind indulges.

We have allowed ourselves to be charmed like cobras to a pipes. We are given the parameters of thought and seldom go beyond them while never exhausting even that limited area of thinking. Let me give you something to think about so that we can break the hold that has us in hypnotic grips. “The answer is easy if you take it logically.” (Paul Simon)

John Locke wrote in the late 1600s about caring for the poor. He seems to have been under the hypnotic spell too. Evidently, and who can say with certainty, it did not occur to him that something was terribly wrong with his reasoning, for I found no mention of the inequality that creates poor. To him and many of our time, the poor are simply the result of laziness, debility, drugs/alcohol, age, or some characteristic of the poor persons. What never occurred to such a brilliant man seems all too obvious to me. The system creates the poor.

Mind you, the systems of Locke’s time and most before evolved from many centuries of violent conquest. I find the history of man so deplorable it amazes me that we are still here. Maybe the systems that evolved were necessary for the times and circumstances. They are not necessary now. I don’t think they were ever necessary, but the result of characteristics far worse than those despised by men who put the cause of poverty in the lap of the impoverished. Time prevent my list of outrages regarding those characteristics, but you can find them in some other of my writings. Suffice it to say the systems of social interaction impoverished people. Idiots saw it as something the system only needed to remedy instead of cause to abandon the systems, and they are many.

We are all together in the planet. We share almost identical needs and characteristics. All we have to do is take the measure of those needs, calculate the means to supply them, and divide the work equally among the people. Now here is the mind-blowing part, prepare yourself, we share equally in all the work produces. I’m laughing my ass off right now. Something as obvious and logical as that is alien to mankind. I already know the limited number of responses humans have to that. Don’t bore me with their repetition, and don’t assume you have something I have not thought of already. I will dare to say I have spent more of myself studying the issue than you have. You’ll never catch up. Which is not to say someone might have something new to offer. I’m just tired of people giving me the same old crap. It is revolting, and I have gotten to the root of it, a root you would not enjoy seeing. It must be a cause to do things better, and none of the isms or the enculturated parroting has done that.

It really is simple in the planning of a better way. The challenge is getting it put in place of systems that are thousands of years old. Those characteristics I mentioned that are worse than those ascribed to the poor as causing their poverty are not going to be easily extirpated. They will have to be pulled out by their roots. That will not be easy at first, but as it progresses it eases. I have been doing what I can about for fifty years. I am now embarked on my fifty-first year of dedication to the issue. It is so simple.

Each brings to life the characteristic manifest in each. Time “programs” each with experience of living in all its complex and unfathomable variations. A list of needs met with available resources and abilities fairly distributed with the results fairly distributed will give mankind experiences that will make people the kind that can take us into the rest of the physical universe and give us the ability to move between it and the others.

The first thing to do is understand the mission, the goal. We can do it. We need the mission to spread among the people like smoke until it creates a movement. A simple goal to work together and share the results. Is it that hard to fathom?

Wisdom From the 1900s

Wisdom From the 1900s

I’m reading another book from the early 1900s. This one is by Walter Lippmann titled Drift and Mastery, published 1914. It is an incredible display of rational thinking and articulation. Wow! Talk about make me feel inferior! I can aspire to write so adroitly, but I am under no illusions. I do my best and strive to improve. What else can I do?

I bought this book to expand my understanding of the progressives. I hear the term often in the “news.” It seems only right to learn more and he was a central figure in the movement. He even may have been the one who coined the term. In the introduction he presents it in quotation marks and writes that he thinks is would be a good name for a trend happening during that time.

Lippmann and the progressives of his time espoused a different version of progressive ideas than I am seeing today. Naturally. Times change things. Some things don’t change much though. We are still under a heavy burden placed upon the backs of mankind by accumulation over history. Lippmann and others considered themselves to be rebels, and they probably were, but the term is too general. More definition is needed. Still, they were attempting to take the temperature of the time and change it, so, they were rebellious at least. After more than a hundred years, their cause is still unattained.

It seemed that they had some good ideas and a will to see then put into action. I wonder what Lippmann thought about the depression that followed his book. Maybe I can find some record about it. One thing is a logical derivative; the Great Depression had a dramatic effect on the movement of the progressives. It seems quite obvious to me that there are people with fabulous wealth who have strong incentives to protect it.

Our world is one in which wealth is power. Make no mistake. Only those of “invincible ignorance,” as Lippmann put it, cannot see that money is power. That being said, it must also be said that even the not-so-ignorant and even intelligent people do not grasp the full ramifications of the fact. As I ponder the intricacies of reality, understandings assail me like lightening flashing in my mind. Linking together one bit of data with another and then another until it becomes like a train of many boxcars, a long train of thought, insights begin to add more boxcars and more boxcars until my ability to articulate falls far short of justice. Sharing these things using available means of communications is proving a greater challenge than the achievement of the insights. Lord help me!

I realize that people don’t understand all about everything. That is by definition ignorance. Our long and horrible history is proof of our ignorance and terrible ways. If God would snap his fingers and banish all ignorance, things would be very different. Alas, I doubt God has such power. The long history of mankind seems to be valid proof . We are caught in the throes of sharp contrast among Americans. Opposites contest. Opinions lack unanimity. Even though we all live on the same planet in the same time with virtually identical needs and forms, tensions are reaching the snapping point. All hell could break out any minute. It is a powder keg out there. Are we to take to the same old solutions of our past, violence? Many are thinking it will be necessary. It will not be necessary. It will be folly so great it could be the end of all life.

Man has gone beyond. He has the power to harm everything. We ARE harming everything! This is something that scares the hell out of me. Not simply because we are killing and destroying, but because the powerful want to do something about it.

You would have to have just arrived here from Mars or some distant planet to be unaware of the vast and rampant pedophile atrocities going on around the world. It is something that spans all “classes” of people. But the rich are able to harm more children and have already been captured in commercial “clubs” of child molesters. Do you think the powerful people who could hurt children are just sitting idly by while mankind destroys the world? They are not. Fools who can’t resist the brainwashing that makes them use the words “conspiracy theorist” as a pejorative are minions. Unwitting victims of their own misplaced trust. Which is something that I deeply want to write about for it is one of the leading causes for the debacle we are bringing upon ourselves.

Instead of typing another round of polemics and explanations, I will simply call your attention to the Great Reset. Notice the similarity the name has to the Great Depression. Great is not used here in the sense of something good and positive. Sure, those who invented the term hope you will take it that way, but the term is used to relate the size, proportion, extent, and effect as well as the value they ascribe to it. As for the misplaced trust, one need but get a smattering of expression of one’s political views to know exactly what stations they watch and listen to. They go to the ones they trust. FOOLS! Why would you trust any of them? There is only one answer, you have been conditioned.

I hope to develop this more, but time bears down upon me. I hope you will try to take a step back and let love open your eyes. You can do it. You just have to truly want it and believe it can happen.

Not Capitalism or Socialism but Love

Not Capitalism or Socialism but Love

America is still arguing over capitalism and socialism. I see value in both. But I see both as undesirable, even evil. I have come to the conclusion that the argument is being set upon us like a harness. The arguments over capitalism and socialism, with some communism thrown in, are economics arguments that are more like fussing over which type of harness is best. The issue of liberty and rights is being obfuscated by economics arguments. Mankind has flourished despite wars and countless horrors so long there are over seven billion people. Peace is moments between wars, but those too are plagued with violence, hardship, injustice, arguments, and death. It has to stop. Now!

People are the problem. They don’t know what they are doing, but they keep doing it anyway. This planet is the generational ship that carries us all through space at speeds we are unable to duplicate. Generation after generation people come into life here and blink out like firefly lights. Relative to the universe, the time of the light is not long enough to illumine the way. Before a humans can develop significant consciousness, they die. Slowly over thousands of years they increase their number without increasing wisdom enough to stop kicking and nipping at each other as they pull the wagon like so many mules harnessed to it. If you can interpret their language, you can hear them arguing over which type of harness is best. It never even inters their minds that they have been trapped and harnessed to work like slaves at the hands of masters who are no more conscious than they are but have the reigns and the whip. Where they are driving the people is a mystery, but a mystery even to the people doing the driving. None can admit their ignorance and none dare let it be noticed. People are the problems because they like to think they know what they are doing and where we are going. Just a small burst of the light of truth would be enough to open the curtains and reveal the wonders and imbue the bliss that is there to be had.

The arguments about socialism and capitalism are all total nonsense. As if there are no other choices and man must take one or the other, people split themselves into passionate factions opposed to each other. Just a little light would reveal to anyone that both concepts of how to conduct an economy are unworthy of approval. Neither removes the harnesses strapped around the people. Neither pulls the team driver from the seat and puts him in the harness to help pull the wagon. This defines the real issue. It is not one of capitalism or socialism or even communism. It is one of power.

Great stone pyramids still stand to be marveled over by modern man. Minds boggle over the idea that great numbers of people were put to labor carving huge blocks from the stone and dragging them far away where they were ingeniously stacked to form pyramids that amaze mankind even today. None are immune to the amazement. They even marvel over the facts to be deduced from the pyramids. But that marveling fails them where it could benefit them most.

People have no trouble realizing that someone was able to get many thousands of people to build pyramids for them to be buried in. Monuments to ego and arrogance is what they are. But they testify to a division of people that is as old as humanity, maybe older. People have been divided since the beginning between those who drive and those who pull. I think it was a necessary period of experience, but the articulation of the details is not appropriate for this article. What is appropriate is the articulation of the details regarding the ancient division of people into masses who do the providing and those who receive it.

I have yet to encounter someone who has the least bit of difficulty realizing that the pharaohs got people to serve their every wish. They know that he received while the rest of the people provided. Likewise, I have yet to encounter someone who has translated the present to reveal the past. I grant that my experience of mankind is minute. I have met few of the billions. But the present tells me that people are still providing for those who receive. The people are still working to provide like slaves or like mules harnessed to a wagon that pulls the pharaohs. While people argue, fuss, and fight over economics systems, they do not notice that they are still harnessed to the pharaoh’s wagon. This is the one issue that matters.

Who out there is unaware of the people who have their own jets, yachts, mansions, and anything they want? The pharaohs no longer want stone monuments to be buried in. They want luxury and freedom from labor. I think everyone what that. They can have it, too, but only when they realize some obvious truths that have evaded them for thousands of years.

You must realize that there are people who have the power to force billions of people to serve them. I think a lot about the character of such people, but I know little or nothing that could reveal the truth about them. I can only speculate, and I keep speculation where it belongs, in the Unknowns column. It is enough to see that some get all they want and billions struggle to get by as they provide for those who have power over them.

I recently read in a book from 1914 about the socialism/capitalism argument the words, “the cost of living.” It hit me like a ton of garbage. Living does not cost anything. It may be difficult to realize this fact. So, think about it. How much does it cost to inhale? How much does it cost to take a seed, a fruit, or a leaf and eat? The cost of living is simply what someone demands of you. Who can demand it? It is so simple! The cost of living is being imposed on the people by those who have seized all that is needed to survive.

Recently people demonstrated hoarding that shocked the world. Fear of a pandemic caused people to gather all they could of commodities including, and astonishingly, toilet paper. It was soon unavailable. Of course, the unavailability was a simple supply and demand problem. There was never a real shortage. But that should be a lesson to mankind. When what we need is seized, there is none for the the rest. That is the trick that is as old as humanity. Simply take control of the land so that people have to come to you for even a place set their feet on the ground.

I want desperately to expound. It just seems to me that people could benefit by some understandings that they lack. None are living long enough to gain them. If people could live a few hundred years in good health without the plague of senescence, I think humans could become a blessing to the universe. Instead, we are still parasites, predators, blights, and pestilence. As a whole, we don’t know what we are doing. We keep going anyway. Something is stirring, though.

Mankind is young when compared to the time it took rain to carve the Grand Canyon. The domination of the people by some is old, but I have seen it. Many others have seen it. It is an awakening that promises beauty and wonders never even approached before. I think, and I am vigilant for arrogance and ego, that this writing is proof of the awakening. How could I write it if I didn’t know what to write? I don’t think I am alone or that I am something great because I can write it. I do, however, think I am lucky, blessed even.

I give all credit to love. Love came upon my fifty years ago and caused me something of a rebirth. The changes that happened in me made me happy beyond anything I have seen anywhere else. They brought me to God, eventually. But that is personal. The revealing of unseen facts is not. It is imperative that each one of us realizes that we are being controlled. There is no liberty. Freedom is actually a myth. We are all slaves. Even the ones who think they have power over the people because they live in fabulous luxury and leisure. We are all trapped in the legacies of our history and it is time to shuck off the harness that binds us to the past and find the love that history has incessantly told us we need.

Love is greater than socialism, communism, capitalism, democracy, monarch, or any other method ever tried. We have tried everything but love. Why? Well, that too is a topic too vast to answer here. We can all answer it, though. The truth will indeed set us free. Please realize that you were born into this world totally helpless and that you became what your experiences made you. All you experienced was the legacy of thousands of years. Let love give you a rebirth and become what you want. If it can happen to me, it can happen to you. Love is coming. Why not make it today?

Good People Commit Fraud

Good People Commit Fraud

It is becoming clear that volunteers who worked processing votes in the 2020 election were heavily involved in fraud designed to get Trump out of office. People have been made to think that Trump is so horrible they are willing to do anything to turn the results to Biden. The reports are astonishing. Read this article and/or watch the video.

This is not just a software fraud. It is not just Biden supporters committing fraud. I have little doubt that Biden was not being selected, but that Trump was being stopped. People can vote against a candidate by voting for the other candidate. They don’t have to like the other candidate. Simply hating and fearing a candidate can be enough to get people to vote for the other. It is obvious that the people who were involved in tabulating the votes or conducting to process in some other manner are just that sort of person. According to the man in the video, the volunteers conspired to make sure Trump did not win the election. In video recordings made by bystanders, they are clearly seen committing fraud against the people appointed to monitor the counting. That is an amazing human behavior, but there was more.

During the night trucks were arriving at the tabulation centers with trash bags full of ballots for Biden. The media has the power to make people commit crimes. The problems such people embody is staggering, but they are innocent. It is the media that is culpable.

Hate speech is being presented as just cause for censoring. Offensive statements are being touted as something that must be stopped. Political correctness is being enforced by civilians. This and much more is the work of the media. The media is the property of some very rich people. That is a conflict of interest. What is passing as news is agenda programming. The people who own the media set the agenda and all the well paid employees love their jobs. So, they go along. Some probably even think the agenda is a good one. That they manage to cooperate with the agenda of the owner is incriminating and flies in the face of the concept of government of the people. The owners are people, but that does not make what they do government of the people.

Media owners know better than most that how much power they have. The evidence that they hold the people in disdain is overwhelming. Could that be why they are working to defeat the power of the people? I think it is. I agree with them in many things including the opinion that the people are not reliable. They can’t be counted on to monitor the government well enough to execute the government as designed by the founders. But that is not because of them. It is because of the systems that overwhelm them every minute of every day. What systems, you ask. All of them. Take for example that the systems give some unfathomable wealth and everyone else has to do without and labor their lives away. It goes deeper and wider, but I don’t have time to go into it here. The people are good and wonderful. The rich who despise us are fools. I wonder sometimes if they too are victims of the systems. After all, the inherited them like we all did. Reason is sorely missing.

The volunteers who were counting the votes are just like everyone else. We all inherited the world as it was when we were born. They differ in one critical aspect, though. Many, maybe most, are regular watchers of the media. One can easily see who they are by simply sampling their opinions. The people who have to work all the time just to get by don’t watch the media much. The don’t expose themselves to the manipulation of the media enough to fall under the spell. The amount of media effort exerted to make Trump into a dangerous demon attempting eat the children went beyond all others. No period in history has seen such massive and widespread assault on the character of Donald Trump. That so many people went along with is terrible testimony against them, but not against their innocence. It is the power of the media that is guilty. All who cooperated with it are people who are less innocent.

I do not have a method that can be used to remedy the problems. I know that love would solve all our problems, but we need a way to remedy the problems the media presents before people finally attain love. Maybe just making it known that the media has spell casting power. If people would stop believing everything the media says and stop exposing themselves so much, maybe it would help.

The Media Spell

The Media Spell

Election fraud is not the biggest problem in this election. The way the media has made people fear Trump so deeply, to despise him passionately, is the real problem. Millions of otherwise smart people are sure to their souls that Trump is worse than Hitler. They see him as all sorts of despicable. I think they couldn’t be more wrong, but the grip the media has on them is almost impossible to break.
The world is being attacked by the media. The money they command is unholy. But the minds they command is worse. Even in as unlikely a place as Aerial America, a television show about the nation, a part about William Randolph Hurst included a brief mention of the fact that Hurst intended to control the nation using his newspapers. If people do not snap out of the spell they are under, we may be doomed.
Some very rich and powerful people think the world is being destroyed. They blame the population. They are right to a small extent, but they are wrong in a huge way. I think they are so caught up in their own psychology they don’t have the ability to reason. Some think they are disciple of Satan and have only evil intentions. Who knows? I do know that they are clamoring about climate change, pollution, the damage to nature, the depletion of resources, over-population, and many other things that put the likelihood of intentions to do something about it rather high.
If you see all that is happening, and if you can see what has happened, then add the possibility that the rich are trying to do something about the things they complain of so much, it all begins to make sense in a twisted way. I think that is what they are doing and that most of the bigger aspects of what is happening are sourced in exactly that place.
I could not be more passionate about the condition of the planet. I love all that live. My love is powerful and fulfilling. I want drastic changes in most of what humans do. I am not willing to kill them to stop them, though. I am not willing to enslave them to do it either. I will settle for nothing but love as the cure. Not because I am attached to my desire, but because I think it is the best way. I am attached to the truth. I plan to stay this way. Only love will save us. It is the truth and always has been. But this world is missing love to such an extent that history is a nightmare no bad dream can attain. It defies reason that billions of Christians do not love everyone. The causes of love’s absence can be traced back to the media. Its influence is that powerful.
I could write a book about the causes of human behavior, but I don’t want to. I want to do what I can to get people to detach from the media. They are under its spell. They trust it. Such a huge and terrible mistake seems impossible, but there it is. How else could someone be so sure that Trump is a racist, a misogynist, a white supremacist, narcissist, greedy, and all the other things they are so certain he is? They don’t know the man! They are taking the word of the media Trump denigrated and vowed to oppose. They have mislead millions of people. They continue to.
The COVID-19 hysteria is a media spell. The election debacle is a media spell. So many civilians are convinced that Trump is do dangerous and evil the poured out in droves to volunteer to help process the votes in the 2020 election. I don’t need the courts to tell me whether or not the volunteers cheated. It is obvious. I saw video recordings of them doing it. I have listened to witnesses testify to it. One witness testified to them meeting and rallying like combatants going to battle. They conspired in large groups to prevent the election from going to Trump. Why? Obviously that thought it was important enough to break the law and to put honor aside for what they saw as a greater cause. This is something the media is leaving out.
Talk radio, television, and internet content is leaving out the fact that millions of people have been made to think Trump is worse than Hitler. Even if they do not approve of the things he has done and didn’t do, there is no reasonable route to thinking Hitler was not as bad. It is pure nonsense and garbage. They hate and fear Trump because the media wants them too. That is all there is to it. So, why is none of the media, save this post, talking about it? The answer to that question demands an answer, but I don’t have time to try to write about it. It is too much for a post and the spell the people are under is impenetrable. They cannot be reasoned with and facts are not effective. The hate is so powerful it does what hate always does, make people irrational.

Enculturated Insanity

Enculturated Insanity

The human race has not developed the ability to reason accurately, and that has prevented the discovery of reality which is only possible by sound deduction. False information cannot yield reality in deductive reasoning. This is a pure and simple fact. Now, one must ask why the people cannot reason accurately. I offer that it is due to enculturation.
I have assembled enough facts and applied deductive reasoning to realize that all people are forced by the fact of helplessness at birth to submit to enculturation. It is probably, and I will not say certainly, necessary. No doubt it has been the method of survival and maturation for infants and children as far back in history as we can see. I realized a bit of reality by consequence of having been “reborn” fifty years ago by the attainment of unconditional love greater than self-love. That people have come by their psychology through enculturation was not something I could say using the word until I happened upon in my study. Check out what Wikipedia says about it: Enculturation is the process by which people learn the dynamics of their surrounding culture and acquire values and norms appropriate or necessary to that culture and its worldviews. As part of this process, the influences that limit, direct, or shape the individual (whether deliberately or not) include parents, other adults, and peers. If successful, enculturation results in competence in the language, values, and rituals of the culture.
Enculturation is related to socialization. In some academic fields, socialization refers to the deliberate shaping of the individual. In others, the word may cover both deliberate and informal enculturation.

History, as we think we know it, tells us of horrors committed by humans of unconscionable insanity, for insanity is the only condition of a human that can cause them. Though there is reason to suspect that slow mental ability and capacity improvements are causal in committing those horrors, it seems more likely to me that the shaping of psychology and, thereby, opinions and/or beliefs by enculturation are the cause. Such things are created and affirmed by the same influences. The logical conclusion leads to the need for making a move in life to start over and recreate oneself by one’s own intention. I did that very thing in 1971 and lost nearly all the enculturation that was on me at the moment of my rebirth through love.
I see with my own eyes that people are not acting or thinking independently. They are processing all sense input through the filter installed during maturation by the various influences involved in enculturation and socialization. People mature to be like the society that bore them. Deviations are slow and rare. They are seldom far afield of the socially dominant themes.
Not one of you will deny that drifting away from the “norms” brings social pressure by piers and society in general. After fifty years of experiencing that pressure, I can attest that it is not likely to be endured long by many. I have endured it, but only because my drift from the enculturation was caused by love. It gave me an invincible bliss as a constant condition and opened me to the truth regardless of the shock.
The truth cuts through the enculturation in shocking insights that could destroy a person who is not reinforced by the power of love. I give credit to God for everything, but that is personal. I know God as I know him. It is, in my understanding, a veritable miracle that God provides, tolerates, and blesses every living thing with the understanding of him that is right for them at the time and in the places they exist. It makes all opinions about him, though the gender pronoun I use here is a convenience, right and necessary. It does not confirm the validity of any. I think it is unlikely that we can know God well enough to feel validated in our understanding because we are human and have human capacities. But I see no need to be validated as long as we are progressing toward love and unity. The truth is the truth. When we are all joined in the Truth, we will be finally validated and God will be as known as a human existence can know. This is important to this article because the insanity of mankind is being perpetuated by people taking the mental conditions that is enculturated in them without seeking to remake themselves as they see fit.
People are taking their psychological makeup to their graves with them having never matured to independence. There is no independence in a person who stores the enculturation of childhood and recites it until they die. I have been flabbergasted countless times by the incessant and invariable recitation of the same stuff from practically everyone. I can present them with virtually any stimuli. They always respond within a very limited range of the infinity of possible responses. They seem to cling tenaciously to the foundation of their enculturation and react uncomfortably to influences that challenge their hold. Fear is undoubtedly a reason they do such things. Imagine the problem from God’s point of view.
No matter what your view of God, you can imagine a God that knows everything and sees all. If you can go a step further and consider God’s desire to be one that wants us all to love one another and have peace on Earth, you should be able to imagine the dilemma created by fear of the truth when is controverts fictions that are protected as though life depends on them. Even an atheist can entertain this indulgence. They cling to their atheism zealously and fear discovering it to be an error. This is but one problem manifesting in just one aspect of human experience. There must be billions of others. Thus, mankind has been and is insane in the aggregate.
The rejection of this analysis is nothing new to me. I expect it and predict it. I have been exposing people to it for fifty years and seen a range of reactions repeat for most of those years. Nothing new has come along in long time. This, of course, must be related to my limited range of people to expose to the stimuli; that being that people are insane. Tell anyone that all people are insane and see what I mean. They respond like robots. They don’t break out of the enculturation that dominates their view of reality and negates their ability to manifest a sane framework of stimuli and reaction.
Insanity needs defining, but I don’t have time at the moment to provide the definition I am using. I have my definition and use only mine when I write, speak, and think. I will offer only this; we do not have peace on Earth because people are insane. The first step toward sanity is unconditional love. Until that happen in a person, they are insane. The insanity varies in character and amount and is probably unique for every individual. Love is a universal power that aligns people with the truth and brings sanity to the human condition. We all know of the countless characters of history who have told us that love is the way, the answer. I found the answer in love and have been trying to help humanity and the universe to do likewise ever since.
I took upon myself the task of helping bring love to mankind. It put me on a path that I have not wavered from in five decades. I volunteered. My life has exposed me to experiences ever since that have been invaluable in my chosen mission. Some have been very painful and difficult. Some have been experiences I would not have chosen voluntarily, but chosen paths take us where they lead and I have followed with seriousness and purpose. It has brought me to today and this time writing this article. I think it is important to understand that we are insane as long as we are products of enculturation. We must recreate ourselves. We must make ourselves as we think best and never stop refining and advancing what we think of as best. Infinity beacons. We can respond to infinity in life, but we are responding to the call of death instead.
There I have put it into words. I love each and everyone of you even if I never become aware of you. I see you acting in accord to the enculturation that you experienced growing up. You believe that you are destined to die. It is a fiction. It is insane to seek death even when it is unconsciously sought. Even the subconscious is part of sanity and insanity. You think your survival depends on dying. You think you can live until you die by eating things you kill. In other words, you think life can be sustained by killing. Fictions are preventing life. Life is not the prolonged passage to death. Life can be sustained and death can be avoided. You don’t believe this. Like the children in Peter Pan, you have to believe to fly. I have heard all your responses to my words about death until I am bored with them. So, realize that what you are thinking right now is most likely more of the same nonsense I have been listening to for fifty years. It is crazy and you are crazy for thinking it. It is not your fault you have such thoughts. It is your omission that is perpetuating them and providing a false affirmation of them. You believe you will die and that everyone will; that everyone always has; that there is no alternative or escape; that God made it that way; and on and on until you reap what you sow and think it proves your fiction.
In closing, I want to tell you that these things I am saying about death and dying are only a fraction of the things I would tell everyone. Virtually everyone of them will cause you to think the insanity is mine. You will think you are the sane one because you know that death cannot be avoided and that everyone that has ever been has died with, for some of you, exceptions for Jesus, Mohamed, Elias, and a few others. I ask you, which would you honestly prefer, death or life? If it is insane to think there is a way to escape death, it will not avert what you think sanity tells you is inescapable. If you go crazy like me and become convinced that death is the result of insanity and error, and that this insanity will not save you from death, what do you have to lose? Your supposed and claimed sanity that death is inevitable will bear you to your death even if you go crazy and start thinking it is inevitable. I’m laughing at this sequence. It is just logic and it sounds funny.
I am hoping you will go crazy like me. You think my ideas about not dying and most of the others you haven’t even heard yet are crazy. I think you are crazy for thinking it, but if I am wrong you will lose nothing by joining me if you are correct. You think noting you think can save you from your death. So, why not try something different? If you can’t become a source of unconditional love and “take up your cross,” you can at least take up a new attitude that conflicts with the believes enculturation has installed in you like the programming of a computer without harm. How can it hurt you to attempt to reject death? I will tell right here that death is a mistake that results in reincarnation until you escape death and become able to “go to heaven” and return to the earth as a physical being at will. See? I am way more crazy than you think. I am happy to be crazy in your opinion because yours has given us a history so horrible it makes life on Earth seem more like hell than anything else.
Do you think that your opinions are something new? Ha! You have opinions about inventions that are new and you have opinions shaped by discoveries that are new, but they are all founded in the same nonsense that has made the popular history of man what it is. Death from old age, death from violence, death from errors, and death and more death is our history. Wars so horrible they are not easy to think about are our heritage. Genocides and pogroms, that is our history and the future is being created by the momentum of it all. It promises more death and destruction until someone like me has enough effect on people to get it changed. I cannot do it alone and I cannot do it at all. I can have influence and plant seeds. I can do my best, but together we can do more. Even then we cannot do it. It must come from God. With that statement I will make it the next to the last. I tell you this, your beliefs do not make reality. They only change the clay of reality. A clay statue is still clay. You all have ideas of about God, but God is God; “I am that I am” and nothing else. Reality is reality. The truth is the truth. Maybe the objections to these words will help you realize that mankind is crazy and has been crazy for a long time. Many people will argue that the truth is not the truth. I am not kidding.


Insanity Exposed in the 2020 Election

Whoever you are, it is time for you to face the facts. The USA has become the flagship of corruption. This nation has been the seat of unfair, illegal, seditious, brainwashing, anti-human agenda for many decades. In my seventy years of life, I have not seen an election that even came close to seeming fair and legal. Not one. I am so sick of the brainwashing forces trying to deter my notice and refute my comprehension. It is time for real human beings to cut the puppet strings and take charge of themselves.

The American people are not cognizant rational free individuals. They think they are, though. The forces arrayed against self-realization are formidable enough to make people think and believe whatever they want. It is worse than being puppets for it is the theft of reason. Without true and accurate reason, people be made to perform by manipulating what they believe. As conscripted believers they automatically take action to assist the forces arrayed against them, to defend those forces and assume attitudes of righteousness, moral high-ground, and superiority. Only the most indoctrinated and brainwashed people are unable to see that obvious truth. We are the American people, and we are guilt of countless atrocities committed around the globe for many decades because we think we are controlling a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. What we have is demonic people controlling the very minds of masses of people. It is not the other way around. Our governments, all of them, are of, by, and for some of the people. They have managed to get us to give great power to the people of their choosing so long now that there are career politicians who have forty or more years of experience in elected potions. It has become a closed segment of society like a gang of criminals working together. They protect the system that they exploit and each other knowing that if the facts ever become the ingredients of reason for enough people, the whole system will be destroyed. When they were surprised by the election of someone from outside the network, they immediately deployed all their forces to protect the system and remove the threat. That threat is embodied in one Donald J. Trump.

The history of US politics and society over the last four to five years should have already given enough people the hidden facts to affect some much-needed changes. It has not. The proof is now quite obvious. The system is working. It is corrupt and dangerous. It knows that if the truth ever escapes their chains, the end will soon follow, and many people will have to go to prison and many more will have to get different jobs. Their only defense, the only way they can protect themselves, is to tighten their hold on the minds of the people. The news stations around the world have been deployed. The politicians have gotten in line. The agencies at all levels have joined forces with them to attempt to overturn the realization of corruption caused by some stupid actions of some very corrupt people. It is working fairly well, for there are many people already believing that the 2020 election was fair and legal.

Donald Trump told the world in 2016 that our elections are rigged. That is the word he used. He was correct and I have known it all my life as an adult. Millions of us know it, and millions more would if they had the courage to face it. Talking-heads are neglecting protocols they themselves created so they can refute the charges of the president to the American people. They would not presume to attempt to refute them to the president. They don’t need to if they can convince enough people that there were no improprieties in the election. They think can, too. They know things that I know and that they don’t realize I know. I have been forced by paying attention to know that our entire social system with all its levels of operations is riddled with corruption so thoroughly that it has become a closed system that protects itself and those who are part of it from the justice honest people demand. It is just a part of the problems of life, and the other ones are even worse. They have done greater harm far longer than this nation has existed. I am going to attempt to get you to know them right now.

Millions of people, I know many of them, have been so heavily indoctrinated they are psychologically averse to realizing the truth. They self-medicate against all input that would help them like junkies taking another shot of propaganda. I was forced to recite a pledge in school starting in the first year of school. In a world of billions of people who believe whole-heartedly that a child of less than about eighteen years of age is not competent to enter into a legal contract, parents have been happily, even proudly, forcing their children to make vows to a fictitious entity. You don’t even realize that the “one nation under God” is a fictitious entity. If it were not we could take it by the neck and strangle it to death. The Pledge of Allegiance is just a minor fraction of the brainwashing. A far greater one is the brainwashing the parents are committing by allowing their children to be indoctrinated the say way they themselves were.

In a world that has millions of people who are sure that God is a fictitious entity, the governments are taken as real and vital things that are there to protect and serve them, to give them national pride so powerful it is easy to get millions to take up arms and commit acts of violence in the name of something that has no physical form at all but has immense power. As is typical, the profundity of what I am trying to express staggers me still, and I have been trying to express it for fifty years. I wish the problem was limited to the mindless empowerment of fictitious entities. That would be a manageable problem. It is so much deeper and complex than that, the momentum may be too great for any human power to avert annihilation.

Current estimates indicate thirteen thousand four hundred and ten nuclear weapon worldwide. The power of each is far greater than the ones this nation dropped on Japan in the last world war. That is the proud number made public as a decrease from over seventy thousand. The number is decreased but the power of each has increased along with the delivery systems. There is enough nuclear material to end all life on this planet, to make it more like our moon, a lifeless globe. The bombs are one-time sources of trouble, while the nuclear power plants are long-time sources. The nuclear arsenal of the world is a minor fraction of the total global investment in violence.

The military might of the world is created instead of other things. That people are not forcing global peace upon the entire human population for no other reason than the fact that we could be doing things that make our lives better instead is a visible symptom of mass insanity. The people of this world are crazy. That is just a hard fact. Peace is the result of sane people doing sane things together. There has never been peace. Never. Moments of reduced violence is not peace. When military might is the focus of human effort, peace is not present at all. The insanity that has given us the world we have is systemic.

The world did not grow cities, conduct global wars, establish governments, or develop technology. The world did not cover itself with roads, buildings, and parking lots. Nature did not destroy the vegetation so rapaciously for so long that the average mean temperature of the planet increases. Man did it. Man did it all, the good and the bad. I say the bad far out weighs the good, that it is insanity that caused it, and insanity that prevents people from realizing it.

Let me ask you a simple question; do you think you know everything? Unless we know everything, we are not capable of joining together to create power greater than one human body can create and managing it sanely. Let me put it this way; it is like building millions of vehicles that a monkey can operate, putting monkeys in them, and letting them do what they will. No offense to monkeys. They don’t know how to drive safely, but they could be taught. I can’t say the same about people. They don’t seem to be able to be taught or to learn. That is why we have had many thousands of years of violence, conflict, suffering, and death. No matter how bad it gets, we just keep on going without ever realizing that we are destroying ourselves and every other living thing. That is why we are a global population of nations, races, beliefs, and opinions. We are so crazy we can’t even make peace. We are so crazy we can’t even have religious and spiritual beliefs peacefully. It has become so bad millions of people have opposite beliefs.

Mankind has murdered countless people (the number could be in the many millions) for having religious beliefs contrary to those of the faction in power. In one historical incident, “On Friday, 13 May 1239, 183 men and women convicted of Catharism were burned at the stake on the orders of Robert le Bougre.” This was done at the end of a long war that razed towns and killed as many as twenty thousand Cathars for having religious beliefs that differed with the dominant Catholic beliefs. Don’t take my word for it. The information is easily found, and it is not the start of the end of insanity regarding deity and religious practices. None of it was done by nature, not even human nature. None of it was sane. It has not stopped yet.

The violence over religious beliefs continues today. But the violence is actually not the worst of it. If all we have to rise above is religious controversy, we would already be at world peace. We are not even close. We are facing a world populated by many billions of people acting in accordance with psychology that is totally off the scale of insanity. Just go the internet and search for the list of wars. We have records that go back thousands of years. It has been constant wars. The list is unbelievable long. That is not the behavior of same people. It is the opposite. The degree varies and it manifests in inconceivable numbers of ways, but history makes it very clear. Until the degree of sanity is one hundred percent, insanity is the diagnosis. Until people can determine all the effects of their actions and thoughts, they don’t know what they are doing. And until them, they should not be given great power. You don’t give your one-year-old a loaded gun. But you will give a politician the nuclear football. You will give yourself to the military and your devotion to following orders. You will vote in an election without once stopping to think about the fact that you are giving tacit approval to a nation that is giving unfathomable power to faulty humans. Only people of Angelic perfection can be trusted with such power. Tell me, is it Biden or Trump? Wow! That question falls far short of the issue of the day.

The election has revealed the corruption of our nation. It is saturated with corruption beyond the common faults of human beings. There is systemic corruption that is being protected by deflecting attention to systemic racism. While the people struggle over racism, the corruption that threatens the lives of all living things including us goes on without notice. When something happens that brings it out into the open the forces of brainwashing go into overtime to make sure it does not result in too many people seeing it. Before it is too late to prevent the realization, the indoctrination forces plug the leak of truth like submariners plug water leaks. It is as old as the Kennedy murders at least. The system protects itself. The people participating in it might be so crazy and biased they think they are doing the right things, but they are not. They could be people who willfully choose evil instead of good.

I can go on like this beyond the time available to me. But I must close this with mention of the pedophilia that has been exposes across the globe. There is no excuse that can remove the stigma of willful evil from people who hurt babies. I will not elaborate but to add that those people are also victims of the same insanity that has dominated the lives of humans since the beginning. I hope that the awareness of the pedophile rings is enough to help you realize the evil is among us and that many are choosing it willfully.

I know that many people are confused regarding the word evil. It has been attacked by evil until even the concept has become lost on the people. If you are so confused you are unable to grant willful choice of evil to pedophiles, that is why. Evil tries to stay hidden and unnoticed. Evil denies evil so efficiently and adroitly, and for so long now, that the very concept is clouded, and evil has taken the dominant positions of power in this world we were born into.

It was like this when we got here. Each generation is subjected to the world as it was when they arrived, and it has been so insane for so long that most people are simply insane and don’t realize it. Instead, they think they have the moral and ethical high ground even when millions of others think the same thing from completely opposite views. We must meet regarding the matter of pedophilia and cooperate to put a stop to it. That might help shed light on our insanity and bring it to an end. We are all crazy and we had better find out exactly how and where. Strive for perfection. Strive for unconditional love beyond love for one’s self, which is at an all-time low right now. You can see it in the hate that affected the 2020 election.

Millions of people were whipped into hate for Donald Trump. None of them actually know the man. Many of them don’t even know their own spouses, but they think they know Trump well enough to hate him with enough passion to commit crimes against him. The feel totally justified in their hatred because they believe what the system that protects the corrupt and ensures great power will remain available tells them. It is a travesty overtly demonstrated by people who don’t know what they are doing or what is going on. I say that is insanity. There is a small chance that Trump is powerful enough to prove that the news if fake, the elections are rigged, politics is a swamp of corruption, and that the educational system is part of the organized criminal gang that is committing unfathomable crimes against humanity and life itself.